Page 35 - engelsk
P. 35

Air Law

           East-West Rule

                All  aircraft  flying  VFR  above  the  transition  altitude  must,  when  performing

                cross-country flights, follow the rule that there are specific levels to fly at when

                heading east, and different levels for flying west.

                This  shows  how  VFR  cross-

                country flights are conducted.

                Be aware that aircraft climbing

                or  descending  cannot  follow

                these instructions.

                If the True Track is measured at 181° and the variation is 3°E, then the Magnetic

                Track (MT) becomes 178°, and one can use flight levels (FL) such as 35, 55, 75,

                and so on.

          Airdrops and dispersion from aircraft

                Nothing  may  be  dropped  or  dispersed  from  an  aircraft

                unless  permission  has  been  granted  by  the  Danish  Civil

                Aviation Administration. This also applies to skydivers.

                However, this does not apply if you need to jump out yourself.

           Flying over water

                     a.  When  flying  over  water  with  a  single-engine  aircraft  at  a  distance

                       exceeding  gliding  distance  from  a  land  area  suitable  for  emergency

                       landing, the aircraft must be equipped with life vests for all persons on

                       board, placed easily accessible near each seat.

           Flight Theory PPL(A)(UL)/LAPL             Henning Andersen, Midtjysk Flyveskole© 2025           35
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