Page 33 - engelsk
P. 33
Air Law
If there is a mast that is 300 feet tall, pilot A can either fly at least 500 feet above
the terrain and ensure that the horizontal distance to the mast is at least 150
meters, or they can climb to 800 feet and fly over the mast.
B flies over built-up areas (or a populated campsite, summerhouse area, or a
place where a larger crowd of people is gathered).
The rule is that they must be at least 1000 feet above the highest obstacle
within a 600-meter radius from the aircraft's horizontal position.
In theory, this could mean moving the entire flight level up by 1000 feet, so no
closer than 600 meters horizontally from the highest obstacle.
If the images and explanations were confusing, I would recommend using the
"manhole cover" method for clarity. :)
Over other areas than those mentioned above, flight must be conducted at
least 500 feet above the highest obstacle within a 150-meter radius from the
aircraft's position. However, lower altitudes are allowed during takeoff and
landing (e.g., on private fields or on a farm).
Flight Theory PPL(A)(UL)/LAPL Henning Andersen, Midtjysk Flyveskole© 2025 33