Page 38 - engelsk
P. 38
Air Law
1.4 Collision avoidance (Luftfartsret 2 - 1 video)
An aircraft must not fly/drive so close to other aircraft that a collision hazard
might arise.
1.4.1 Aircraft in the air - right of way
When two aircraft approach each other, the aircraft that does not have the
right of way must maintain its controlled course and speed (but not altitude).
Neither this rule nor any other air traffic regulation exempts the aircraft
commander from the obligation to perform such maneuvers, including
avoidance maneuvers based on ACAS (Airborne Collision Avoidance System)
equipment, which is best suited for collision avoidance.
An aircraft that, according to the rules below, is required to give way to another
aircraft must not pass over, under, or ahead of it unless done at a safe distance,
and consideration has been given to the effects of wake turbulence. Head-on aircraft
When two aircraft are
on opposite or nearly
opposite courses, and
there is a risk of
collision, both aircraft
must alter their course
to the right.
There is no distinction between powered aircraft, gliders, and balloons when it
comes to head-on encounters.
All traffic must give way when approaching head-on!
Flight Theory PPL(A)(UL)/LAPL Henning Andersen, Midtjysk Flyveskole© 2025 38