Page 63 - Communication IFR_Neat
P. 63

FATAIR 345 ADVISE                                FATAIR 345
                   TYPE OF TRANSPONDER                              TRANSPONDER SIERRA

                   FATAIR 345 SQUAWK 6411                           6411 FATAIR 345

                   FATAIR 345 CONFIRM SQUAWK                        FATAIR 345 SQUAWKING 6411

                   FATAIR 345 RESET 6411                            FATAIR 345 RESETTING 6411

                   FATAIR 345 CHECK ALTIMETER                       FATAIR 345 ALTIMETER 1013
                   SETTING AND CONFIRM LEVEL                        FLIGHT LEVEL80

                   FATAIR 345 CONFIRM                               FATAIR 345 NEGATIVE
                   TRANSPONDER OPERATING                            TRANSPONDER UNSERVICEABLE

               Tilbage til indholdsfortegnelse

              5.12  8.33 kHz PHRASEOLOGY

                  Circumstances                              Phraseology
                                                             (*denotes pilot transmission)
                  To request confirmation of 8.33 kHz        * Confirm  Eight  Point  Three  Three

                  To indicate 8.33 kHz capability            * Affirm  Eight  Point  Three  Three
                  To indicate lack of 8.33 kHz capability    * Negative   Eight  Point  Three  Three

                  To request UHF capability                  * Confirm UHF
                  To indicate lack of UHF capability         * Negative UHF
                  To indicate UHF capability                 * Affirm UHF

                  To request the status in respect of        Confirm  Eight  Point  Three  Three
                  exemption                                  Exempted
                  To indicate 8.33 exempted status           *Affirm  Eight  Point  Three  Three

                  To indicate 8.33 kHz non-exempted status  * Negative   Eight   Point   Three   Three

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