Page 16 - KZN Business Sense 3.6
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            Business Chambers Council

                                                                     grow their condence to enter  ‘why’, and the reason oen greater
                           David White -               Akhona Mahlati -
                           CEO,                        Director,     the entrepreneurial space, we  than money that drives his or her
                           BusinessFit                 BusinessFit   need to encourage and support  spirit forward, and the sta play
                                                                     small businesses as a priority  a big role in ‘how’ the vision
                                                                     in our daily lives and decision  is delivered to clients. It is
                                                                     making and wherever possible,  aligning beliefs and values           WHY?
                                                                     endeavour to include them in   of the teams with common
                                                                     enterprise supply chains.      purpose that creates the         Vision or purpose
                                                                                                    energy needed to propel
                                                                       Entrepreneurs are always     ‘what’ the organisation
                                                                     energised. When they wake up   does forward.
                                                                     in the morning their rst thought
                                                                     is of their passion. It is what    In engaged
                                                                     makes them feel most alive and  organisations
        David White and Akhona Mahlati  professional photography to   is what helps them to dene their  everyone                HOW?
        share a passion for developing  fashion... we have seen a lot,  purpose and existence. Purpose  understands       The process is driven
        entrepreneurs and speak about the  and we have seen magic.   is a true blessing and carries that  the business      by shared values
        value created in highly engaged   Entrepreneurs are taking their  unstoppable determination and  of the business.
        work environments.            ideas to new levels, growing their  tenacity to accomplish what it  ey know
                                      companies, creating meaningful  sets out to do. Entrepreneurism  where the
                                                                                                    company is
                                      employment opportunities, and
                                                                     is like other disciplines such as
        U     ndoubtedly, South Africa  making huge contributions to  sport, the arts, teaching, etc,  going, they know
                                      the productivity of our economy
                                                                     where people stretch themselves
              is becoming a nation of
                                                                                                    how they personally
              great entrepreneurs. In
                                      unique needs in rural and urban
        our BusinessFit Entrepreneur  as a whole. ey are supporting  towards goals and milestones that  contribute towards              WHAT?
                                                                                                    providing ongoing
                                                                     they are passionate to achieve.
        Development Programmes,       communities, and are helping                                  value to clients, and                The result
        we are meeting special people.   to provide essential and modern  Good people relationships  they understand their
        People with great vision,     services. Certainly, we are seeing    e true value in any    personal and the
        purpose and passion. People   a rising tide, and this new wave  organisation is its sustainability,  company’s nancial
        that see their responsibility is to   of ‘small business condence’ is  and at the heart of sustainability  constraints and objectives.
        contribute towards the economy   positive and encouraging.   is good people relationships.  By everyone understanding
        with innovative ideas – that are                             e best companies, the         how the company generates
        aimed at improving existing     A healthy small business     companies that thrive in all   money for the services it     sta commitment comes from
        processes and systems, and    community is necessary to      business climates, are those with   provides, it is easy for individuals   sharing the outcomes of the eort
        creating employment           maintain our economy. Most     engaged sta and work teams.   and self-driven teams to value   of all involved in producing
        opportunities.                South Africans are naturally   ese companies have people     their contribution. As an example,   nancial value. is makes people
                                      entrepreneurial. We as a nation  working together, driven by   credit managers no longer see   feel welcome and important, and
          From baking ‘the world’s    are creative, fearless, and    holistic and shared values,    their role as simply collecting   ensures that no matter the
        best’ snowballs (delicious    overwhelmingly determined.     striving for common goals and   company debt, but rather as an   weather, the team will pull
        confectionary) to marketing   is belief in ourselves is our  outcomes.                     essential contribution to cashow   together to ensure the company’s
        specic nancial services, from  life blood and we are proud of                             optimisation. Entrepreneurs    sustainability and ongoing
        TB/HIV wellness programmes    the independence it brings to us.    ose entrepreneurs who are  realise that in running a successful   success.
        to running health care and    We have some entrepreneurial   gaining nancial reward from   business, everything is connected.
        pharmaceutical outlets in     greats like: Elon Musk (PayPal,  the markets in which they trade,  at is that every role in the     We are encouraged by what we
                                                                                                    organisation has a purpose, and
                                                                     have attracted people into their
                                      SpaceX, SolarCity and Tesla),
        undeveloped areas, and from
                                                                                                                                  see in the entrepreneurs we meet
        “                             Herman Mashaba (Black Like     companies with similar values  that everyone in it is aected by   and work with, and by the
                                      Me also trading in the UK),
                                                                                                    each other’s business mindedness
                                                                     and beliefs. Entrepreneurs are
                                                                                                                                  positive eect they are having on
             Having worked with
                                                                                                                                  larger organisations who oen
                                                                     oen good at expressing their
                                                                                                    and caring for the organisation.
                                      and Lynette Magasa (Boniswa
           entrepreneurs every day,
                                                                     purpose and contribution to
                                      Corporate Solutions – one
                                                                                                                                  are desperately trying to recapture
                                                                                                    Entrepreneurs are focused on,
           for as far back as our minds
           can stretch, we believe    of Africa’s largest telecoms   the economy, and their success  and delighted by results, and not   the youthful entrepreneurial
                                      businesses), who are changing
                                                                                                                                  culture they had when they rst
                                                                                                    simply performing tasks.
                                                                     comes from attracting the right
           that entrepreneurism is a  the world in their respective  skills and culturally attuned                                started.
           process of understanding   areas of focus. e many small  people to assist in operational    Everyone is encouraged to
           and recognising our own    business owners and leaders in  and delivery processes.       contribute and be responsible for     To all entrepreneurs, we
           (oen submerged) talents,  South Africa are the backbone                                 outcomes of activities, and to   applaud you. Keep showing us
           desires and passions –     of our country’s culture and   Aligning beliefs and values    ensure ongoing value to customers   the way towards growing
           and aligning them with     economy. ese entrepreneurs      Aligning values is critical.   and stakeholders is maintained.   sustainable organisations with
           nancial value. Certainly,  have identied their niche in  Values help to align purpose,  ere is maturity in diversity,  strong business foundations and
           for most people nding     the market and trade their     and in engaged organisations   with every person valuing the   engaged company cultures;
           their entrepreneurial self  products and services for     we see common patterns of      wholeness that comes from an   providing meaningful work
           is a journey and a discovery,  nancial reward. e income  behaviour driving actions     inclusive culture where people   opportunities to the benet of the
           and once found there is    generated contributes value to  and outcomes. Purpose and     bring their whole selves to work,   economy.
           no turning back. It is like  the economy.                 belonging are two critical aspects   and not just their learned skills
           a little voice within that                                of engagement, and is the result  and experience.              For more information about
                                                                                                                                  BusinessFit, contact Lindiwe Bhadi
           takes over, and becomes    Entrepreneurial work           of people enjoying and being                                 on Lindiwe@
           our condant and advisor.  environments                   enthused by their work. eir   Sharing the outcomes          or 031 767 0625.
           We can of course be          We are all potentially       work helps them to identify who     In these engaged organisations,
                                                                                                    which are oen led by forward
                                                                     they are as individuals. ey
                                      entrepreneurial in our work
           entrepreneurial, aware     environments. We are aware     become experts in what they do,  thinking entrepreneurs, there is
           of our creativeness, in all  of our ability to create value in  and their day to day routines  a natural willingness for them
           circumstances, even if we  the economy and derive prot   encompass the work activities  to want to share the success of
           are working in a large     for the organisations in which  they always hoped to do. ey  the harvest. Gone are the days
           organisation. We just      we work, but it is estimated   are doing what they truly love   when shareholders pay sta as
           require encouragement      that only 2% of the population  doing, and it comes to them   little as they possibly can, so
                              ”       motivation for other people to    So, the entrepreneur has the   Organisation sustainability and
           through the organisation’s  recognise their entrepreneurial  simply and easily.          that they can absorb the
           culture and leadership.    selves. As such, to create                                    company prots themselves.
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