Page 109 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 109


         T      hemba Mpofu is the general manager at     Themba is also driven by a desire to give back.   NEVER STOP TRYING

                                                          “Where I am today, someone opened the door for
                Radisson Blu Hotel Durban Umhlanga.
                                                                                                          One of the biggest challenges Themba faced was
                                                          me and believed in me,” he reflects. This experience
                His story begins in Cape  Town, where he
                                                                                                          his education. “At some stage in my life, while I
                was raised in the  streets of Khayelitsha. His   has instilled in him a deep sense of responsibility   the financial difficulty that threatened to derail
                                                          to help others. “Seeing people develop in front of
          educational  journey  started  at  Vusumayo  Primary                                            was growing up, there was a time when I couldn’t
                                                          me actually gives me the proudest moments,” he
          School and continued at Luhlaza High School.                                                    further my studies because we didn’t have enough
                                                          says. “Each time I open a door for someone I see
          Following matric, he moved on to Granger Bay Hotel   potential in, and they do great in their career, it   funds,” he reveals.  “I had a gap period whereby
          School at the Cape Town Waterfront, which marked   gives me peace of mind.”                     I had to go out and look for means to put bread
          the beginning of his journey into the hospitality                                               on the table or to make something for myself,”
          industry.  He  later  furthered  his  studies  at  the  Uni-  DO IT RIGHT                       he explains.  While working at the Mount Nelson
          versity of Stellenbosch.                                                                        Hotel,  Themba was fortunate to be selected for
                                                          One of Themba’s proudest moments came early in   a programme that allowed him to continue his
          Themba’s first job was with Shosholoza Meyl,    his  career  when  he  was  nominated  as  Employee   education.  “This experience taught me to never
          where he sold train tickets. He had just completed   of the Year while he was still a junior staff member.   stop  trying and  to pursue  my dreams,  no  matter
          matric and used this opportunity to gain exposure   This recognition came while he was working at the   how big the obstacles are,” he reflects.
          to customer service, something he quickly grew   prestigious Mount Nelson Hotel, where he gained
          passionate about.  “I truly enjoyed it at the time,   valuable experience in hospitality.  “That is where   For  Themba, keeping his team motivated is
          and I still enjoy it now – the dynamics of helping   I actually got the solid foundation of hospitality,”   about clear communication and transparency.
          different people as they are travelling,” he says.   Themba explains.  “The way you treat customers   “To me, that is very simple. I believe in open and
          The satisfaction of assisting customers as they   should also be the way you respect and treat each   meaningful conversations,” he explains. “Honesty
          embarked on their journeys left a lasting impression   and everyone, no matter how big or small they are   and transparency are key,” Themba asserts. “There’s
          on him. “The most important thing for me was to   within the organisation,” he says.            nothing more frustrating than working for a leader
          see the ‘aha’ moment every time I helped a customer                                             who withholds information and doesn’t share a
          or a candidate who wanted to travel to their next   Themba has always been guided by a piece of   clear  vision  with  the  team,”  he  says.  For Themba,
          destination,” Themba reflects.                  advice that has profoundly impacted his approach   it’s crucial that his team understands the goals of
                                                          to work. “Do it right the first time, no matter who   the business and where they are headed. “Each and
          STRATEGIC PLANNING                              is looking,” Themba recalls. “You don’t have to have   everyone needs to know where we are and what
                                                          someone over your shoulder to actually make sure   we’re aiming for,” he explains.
          Now, Themba deals with the day-to-day running of   you’re doing it right,” he says. “Give it your best all
          the business. His role involves strategic planning,   the time and just keep on trying,” Themba advises.   Themba has a clear vision for the future of KwaZulu-
          guest satisfaction, and maintaining the hotel’s   He  also draws inspiration from Nelson Mandela,   Natal as he sees immense potential in the areas of
          reputation in a competitive market.                                                             tourism and hospitality.  “KwaZulu-Natal’s natural
                                                          particularly a quote that resonates with him:  “Do   beauty, combined with its business opportunities,
          “I think strategically, applying my mind when it   not  judge  me  by  my  successes,  judge  me  by  how   makes it an attractive destination for both local and
          comes to staff, guests, profitability, and how we   many times I fell down and got back up again.”     international visitors. We’ve got the beaches, we’ve
          actually position ourselves as a well-known brand,”   This quote is especially meaningful to him in light   got  almost  everything  that  one  can  think  of,”  he
          he adds. “We’ve got so many other hotels around us,   of the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic.   points out. In addition, Durban is well positioned
          and my goal is to make sure that when people visit   “After Covid-19 hit hospitality so hard, we picked   for anyone traveling from overseas or travelling
          Durban, they think of Radisson as their first choice,”   ourselves back up again and came back stronger,”     around Africa, which creates much opportunity as a
          he asserts.                                     he reflects.                                    destination of choice, Themba explained.

          For Themba, working in the hospitality industry is a   Themba continues,  “Nelson Mandela inspires   At the heart of  Themba’s journey is a simple yet
          passion. “I love what I’m doing, and it actually gives   me a lot, I learn a lot from his books.” Another of     powerful motto: “Never stop trying.” This mantra has
          me a thrill. I’m an adrenaline junkie, one would say,”   his favourite quotes from Mandela is, “It always   guided him through challenges and successes alike,
          Themba admits. “It’s a fast-paced industry, and I live   seems difficult until it’s done,” which he finds   serving as a reminder to keep pushing forward, no
          and breathe customer centricity,” he adds.      particularly motivating.                        matter the obstacles.
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