Page 113 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 113
onathan Naidoo is the chief executive officer at “Working with these young bright individuals that SERVING MANKIND
SmartXchange. His formative years took place in want to impact positively on the quality of people’s
Port Shepstone on the south coast of KwaZulu- lives spurs me on,” he remarked. Reflecting on his main source of inspiration, Jonathan
JNatal. Thereafter, he attended university in says that this comes from his family and from religious
Durban, where he studied to become an educator Speaking of his proudest moments, which Jonathan teachings about serving mankind and doing good.
specialising in mathematics. This background provided says are multifaceted, he turns first to 2016 when the “If you’re guided by the principle of having a good
fertile ground for Jonathan to springboard into other then Minister of Science and Innovation, Dr Naledi intention that should motivate you endlessly to
career opportunities. Pandor, presented him with the innovation award for continue to reach greater levels of excellence. If you
SmartXchange’s work. link that up with working with young people, you
“I’m a firm believer that education is your biggest couldn’t get a better chemistry in terms of keeping
liberator and a level of empowerment that nobody Secondly, in 2019 SmartXchange was recognised, going every day.”
can take from you. As an educator you are multi skilled; by a division of the United Nations, for a global Inter-
you become an event organiser, a sports individual, a national Telecommunication Union (ITU) award. “They Jonathan added, “If your purpose in life is unselfishly
serving, then your job becomes extremely rewarding.
programme director, and public speaker among other presented SmartXchange with the award for building My job is about serving startup companies that want
roles,” commented Jonathan. a world class ecosystem. The replication modelling
looked at incubation based on the metro economy to grow and I’m excited to be a part of programmes
Furthermore, his pursuit of knowledge continued, within Durban,” explained Jonathan. that sees impactful outcomes. If you have a selfless
and he went on to obtain qualifications in economics, view, the rewards are gratifying.”
geographic information systems (GIS), and in trade Subsequently, SmartXchange has developed a small- The biggest challenge that Jonathan has faced
and investments. town incubator in Port Shepstone, the KwaMashu
Township Digital Hub and a Rural Incubation is when startup companies do not have a good
Jonathan was also a politician, serving as deputy Hub in Bongweni, Kokstad. Their fifth project is ethical value system linked to corporate governance.
chair on two government entities: the Ugu District on commercialising research material linked to “In some instances, these unfortunate situations
Council and the Port Shepstone Transitional Council. universities. leads to nasty processes where legal gets involved.
When these individuals are forced to exit your
In 1999, Jonathan was offered a job at the Durban EFFORTS OF A COLLECTIVE programmes, they make negative utterances against
Chamber of Commerce and Industry as head of the organisation that help them along their startup
economics, policy and advocacy. He served five Jonathan added that SmartXchange’s journey has journey. SmartXchange has an open-door policy
years in that portfolio, until taking up the position been surrounded by top class support teams and where one is free to engage with management to
as chief operating officer of Trade and Investment amazing staff. “It is never an individual that wins an sort out any differences.” Fortunately, these cases
KwaZulu-Natal. award, its the efforts of a collective and I’m proud to be number not more than five out of over 600 startups
just one part of that collective, ‘ he reflected. that SmartXchange has supported to date.
Thereafter he accepted an appointment by the
Austrian company Toll Link to head the tolling SmartXchange’s main asset is its human resources Looking to the future, Jonathan says that Smart-
portfolio, travelling frequently into sub-Saharan Africa who need exceptional care, explained Jonathan. Xchange’s vision for the next five years and hopefully
and to Austria, reporting to the head office in Gratz. “It’s a proactive stance because we are a caring for all businesses throughout South Africa, is to focus
Consequently, said Jonathan, “It was a pleasure to organisation. I’m hoping that level of care adds to on how to impact positively on the seventeen sustain-
their motivation.” He added that most of the team
come back home and to head SmartXchange in 2011.” able development goals adopted and supported
were interns that were groomed and have grown by all countries at the of the United Nations. “Being
along their career paths. successful in business is not necessarily having an
impressive bottom line in terms of excessive profits.
Further, the primary means of keeping his team
He says, ‘I think my purpose in my current position Businesses need to leave legacy projects or statements
is to offer an ‘ubuntu’ solution to startups, caring for motivated is for Jonathan to lead by example. He in terms of what have they done, to leave this planet a
and moulding them so that they grow and become explains, “There is no task that the CEO should better place for future generations.”
sustainable. We’re contributing to economic growth not be allowed to do. When you do those simple
and creating more jobs within communities.” things, the ripple effect goes along the entire “My motto and encouragement to all startups is three
staff and the institution as well.” In addition, he faceted. Number one, work hard; number two, faith in
The other exciting part for Jonathan is working with says that it is always great to recognise hard work, God; and number three, a little bit of luck. With those
innovative young people with much passion and which is managed via performance appraisals and three components, I think we’ve got the best formula
drive who he can direct to develop amazing solutions. appropriate monetary compensation. for a success story,” concluded Jonathan.