Page 119 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 119
aantha Naidu is the chief executive officer star graded hotel, Coastlands Skye Hotel, which success is basically because of the people around
of Saantha Naidu Group. He says he got opened its doors to the public in April 2024. This me.” He says that his staff are part of the family
into the hospitality industry by accident development is located in a quiet cul-de-sac in and that there is nothing that they do without first
S30 years ago, when in 1993, several Ridgeside, Umhlanga. Saantha says his vision for The discussing decisions with senior management. “I
entrepreneurs, including him, acquired a holiday Skye is to have multiple generations living upstairs do not do anything without other people’s advice.
apartment building on Durban’s Golden Mile, and working downstairs, with shopping facilities We are there to learn from others and I believe that
the Coastlands Durban Hotel, and self-catering and restaurants closing the experiential loop. others can teach us.”
“It is all about creating the perfect lifestyle living For Saantha service is the most important thing
In 2007, Saantha acquired a property next to his environment into which people can retire. And in the hospitality industry. “Details, making sure
residential home on the popular Peter Mokaba even though our demographic includes retirees the customers come first, treating them with the
Road in Musgrave, and the plan was to develop and those approaching retirement age, The Skye utmost respect, giving them what they deserve.”
upmarket residential apartments. However, during provides a luxury lifestyle for families of all ages He says they try to give the ‘home away from home’
the construction phase, it was decided to adapt with a welcoming child-friendly environment experience for their customers.
this building according to the requirements of a underpinned by world-class security measures.”
hotel, which then opened as a four-star graded All his children are involved in the business and he
hotel in November 2009. Coastlands Hotels and Resorts has also acquired says they have a fantastic relationship where they
apartments in Umdloti and on KwaZulu-Natal’s are very open, and they have discussions on every
One year later, November 2010, saw the launch most prestigious Zimbali golf and lifestyle estate. aspect regarding the business.
of another hotel, which has become a landmark
in Umhlanga, Coastlands Umhlanga Hotel and When it comes to what inspires Saantha in this SERVE THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU
Convention Centre, situated on Umhlanga Ridge, a business, he says, “What inspires me the most is When it comes to after hours, he says that exercise
booming corporate and leisure node. employing people, we employ around 800 people
today and that helps put food on the table for is very important to him, and he really enjoys walks
In 2015, Coastlands Hotels and Resorts added the about 5000 people – that inspires me a lot.” on the beach in his spare time. Saantha gets up at
iconic Royal Hotel to its portfolio. In respect of the 5.30 a.m. every morning and walks on the beach
Royal Hotel, Saantha said, “Owning the property LEARN FROM OTHERS and is back home by 7a.m. He works a good ten to
is something we are excited about, It is a place of eleven hours a day.
He says the hospitality industry is very challenging
historical value that everyone can relate to.”
and getting into it was difficult. Today, Coastlands He also enjoys listening to good music and
THE PERFECT LIFESTYLE Hotels and Resorts is the largest privately black- spending time with his grandchildren.
owned hotel group in KwaZulu-Natal.
The latest addition to the group’s portfolio is The His advice to people, “Work hard, be honest and
Skye, a billion rand plus luxury property which is Saantha says he has been successful because of sincere, put others first before yourself.” He says,
a mixed-use development comprising upmarket the people he has around him, “Firstly, I have a “Serve the people around you, do what is best for
residential apartments with drive-up access, retail lovely family who supports me, and secondly, I everybody, you must be able to sleep at night with
and commercial spaces, and a 118-bedroom, four- have staff that have been with us over 25 years. My no regrets.”