Page 123 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 123


           mraan Noorbhai, the Head of Personal and       Finance for Retail Banking and later Executive Head   an immersion in Kenya, where he was inspired by
           Private Banking for Standard Bank in KwaZulu-  of Finance for Retail and Business Banking, Client   the words of the Governor of the Reserve Bank of
           Natal, has a diverse background in finance and   Coverage South Africa.                        Kenya:  “Africa is blessed with problems, and we
        Ibanking. He began his educational journey at                                                     have an opportunity to turn those problems into
                                                          In 2010, Imraan considered moving to a more
          the University of KwaZulu-Natal, where he studied                                               solutions.” For Imraan, this meant  viewing  every
                                                          business-oriented  role.  Around  this  time,  Lincoln
          accounting. After completing honours, Imraan                                                    challenge as an opportunity for prosperity.
                                                          Mali, one of Standard Bank’s leaders, offered him
          started his articles at a medium-sized firm called
                                                          a position as Head of Retail Banking in KwaZulu-  GENERATE MIRACLES
          Desai  Jadwat  Incorporated.  “It  was  there  that  I
                                                          Natal. Over the course of 14 years, Imraan has held
          really learned to be an entrepreneur,” he recalls.
                                                          multiple senior roles at Standard Bank, including   Reflecting on the challenges faced in KwaZulu-
          Following his articles, Imraan earned his Associate   Provincial Head  of KwaZulu-Natal, Head  of Retail   Natal, a province that has seen its share of adversity,
          General Accounting certification from SAICA,    and Business Banking, and now Head of Personal   Imraan attributes the success of his team to resilience
          along-side his professional accounting certification.   and Private Banking. His journey through various   and empowerment which is unparalleled in terms
          His first job after qualifying as an accountant was     business units and customer propositions within   of how they can adapt to the changing environ-
          with Competition Motors, which was a challenge   Standard Bank has been marked by numerous      ment and produce exceptional results. Imraan
          for him  as it was his first experience of running a   accomplishments.                         believes in empowering his teams by providing
          business. “Within two months of being employed,                                                 them  with  the  tools  and  clearing  obstacles  from
          I was seconded to run the entire Johannesburg   Another of Imraan’s key achievements was spear-  their path.  “If we empower our teams, they will
          operation,” Imraan explains. As general manager at   heading the launch of Sharia banking at Standard   generate miracles,” he says.
          Competition Motors Johannesburg, the company’s   Bank in 2014. Today, the bank proudly holds the
          largest operation at that time, he was responsible   second-largest market share of Sharia banking in   When discussing his inspirations, Imraan mentions
          for overseeing  finance, operations, and  some of   South Africa. “It was one of those moments that I   both religious and corporate influences.  “On a
          the technical aspects of the business.  “It was a   always treasure,” he says, reflecting on the vision,   personal level, my major inspiration is the Prophet
          huge learning curve, but a wonderful experience,”   collaboration, and energy that went into making   Muhammad (SAW) who is the living example of
          he reflects, describing his experience of managing   the proposition a success.                 how one should live one’s life in terms of values
          complex operations.                                                                             and principles,” he says.
                                                          FULFILLING ASPIRATIONS
                                                                                                          In the corporate sphere, he looks up to the “giants
          Imraan’s career continued to evolve as he moved
                                                          Having worked at Standard Bank for 27 years, Imraan   of Standard Bank,” past and present, such as Lincoln
          to the machinery and equipment division of the
                                                          aligns closely with the organisation’s purpose:
          company, which focused on the importation of large                                              Mali, Peter Schlebusch, Funeka Montjane, and Sim
                                                          “Africa is our home; we drive our growth.” He believes
          motor manufacturing components. After spending                                                  Tshabalala. “These are the great leaders on whose
                                                          deeply in improving lives and fulfilling aspirations
          a year and a half gaining exposure to the import-                                               shoulders we stand today,” he reflects, adding that
                                                          through banking, both for customers and staff. “My
          export industry and the intricacies of motor                                                    they have helped shape an organisation that has
                                                          purpose is  about seeing my customers transition
          manufacturing, he saw an opportunity  to pivot                                                  stood  strong  for over 160 years and continue to
                                                          through various challenges as they develop their
          into financial services.                                                                        shape the future.
                                                          businesses to new heights,” he explains. “It is also
                                                          about seeing my staff excel from cradle to grave in   Imraan’s vision for KwaZulu-Natal and its people is
                                                          terms of their career trajectory within the bank.”   one of prosperity and growth. “We see ourselves as
          In search of new opportunities Imraan joined                                                    a gateway to Africa and to the world,” he declares.
          Standard Bank as Head of Measurement, building   Imraan’s leadership is defined by empathy,     He believes the province’s rich diversity, natural
          balanced scorecards and productivity tools to   humanity, justice, and honesty. He believes these   beauty and strategic location has a lot more to offer
          manage and measure banker performance across    principles are crucial in leading teams effectively.   and can be harnessed so that everyone benefits.
          Retail and Business Banking.                    “The fundamental departure point that is lacking
                                                          in many organisations, locally and globally, is how   “I believe in leading with humanity, justice, and
          Imraan’s progress at Standard Bank was swift,   we lead our teams with empathy and respect,” he   empathy,” he concludes.  “And if we adopt this
          within three years he was promoted to head of   asserts.  This belief was further solidified during   approach, business results will follow.”
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