Page 127 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 127


              ubin Ozoux is the chief executive officer of   employees, and all stakeholders. We focus on what   “I often talk to the team and say when you go
              Sumitomo Rubber South Africa. The company   we can control and strive to get that right.”   back home, will you be proud of what you’ve done
              is  well known  for  making Dunlop  tyres that                                              today?  Have you done the maximum you can do?
         Lare supplied to 47 countries in Africa.  The    Although Sumitomo Rubber initially drove a top-  Have you behaved in line with our values or your
          biggest country being South Africa, which also has   down approach to culture, they are now seeing a   values?  If we’ve done that, every day, then we are
          a manufacturing facility in uMnambithi (Ladysmith).  bottom-up trend. This trend is apparent in the great   on the right track,” explained Lubin.
                                                          initiatives been sustainably driven by employees
          Originally from Reunion Island, a French island with   at all levels who are demonstrate a willingness to   BUILDING TRUST
          a population of about 800 000 located in the Indian   contribute positively in their roles. Lubin says that this
          Ocean, east of Madagascar, Lubin moved to South   culture is key to the company’s future.       In terms of work, part of Sumitomo Rubber’s culture
          Africa in the 90s. He commented, “My parents were a                                             is to build and enhance trust with their employees.
          big fan of South Africa, when the change happened   PURSUES OPPORTUNITIES                       To enable that process all employees are encouraged
          at the end of the apartheid area, they wanted us to be   Lubin, as well as his brothers, have received much   to share their life journeys with each other.
          part of history.”   He attended high school in Durban   guidance from their father who always said,  ‘It   “Whenever I do that with any employees, you’re
          and then university in Pietermaritzburg.        doesn’t matter what you do. If you’re the best at what   always amazed about the journey that people have

          Lubin’s first official job, while studying at university,   you do, you’re going to be very successful’.  Aligned   taken, some of the hardships that people have gone
          was  a barman at Scottsville  Racecourse. During   to this, Lubin constantly pursues opportunities and   through,” says Lubin. “Helping them to go a step or
          the completion of his postgraduate studies, he   finds the means to engage in learning to improve   two further is very inspiring, and South Africa has
          lectured in the financial aspects of marketing at   his skills and knowledge.                   really amazing people with much resilience.”
          Varsity College.                                “I think that ethos really drives me personally, as well   For the future, Sumitomo believes that there are vast
                                                          as how we drive our business. We encourage people   opportunities in their industry. The company often
          “That was a great experience, which was of real value
          to me. I actually got the love of learning from that   to always be a bit better. If every day you get a bit   talks about where they are in their life cycle in relation
          job because as a lecturer you have to not only know   better, and it doesn’t matter what industry or what   to the maturity of a teenager. Lubin commented
          the material, but you have to understand it, so you   position you’re in, you will be successful.”   that  they  work  very  hard  at  having  that  teenager
          can pass on the meaning and answer questions,” he   In addition to his father, Lubin had a great mentor,   mindset, which is about taking advantage of as many
          shares.                                         Bruno Beck, who ‘led from the front’ and was hugely   opportunities as possible.
                                                          influential in his life.  “It’s not about what he said, it’s   “As a teenager, you also know you’re going to make
                                                          about what he did in terms of living a culture and its   some mistakes. But the key is how quickly can you
          As CEO of Sumitomo Rubber Lubin has now found his   values. I’ve never experienced that anywhere else.   learn to mature? In the next few years, it’s about
          purpose in leading a company that fits with his own   You just can’t help then to follow that lead and to   how we use these opportunities to help us mature
                                                          get that energy. I strive to do as much as I can by   and help us get stronger.”
          ‘why’ which is about consciousness, doing what is
                                                          leading from the front. I think action is larger than
          right and making a positive contribution. Sumitomo                                              Lubin’s motto is that as a leader,  ‘you need to
                                                          words,” says Lubin.
          Rubber is striving to create a future of joy and well-                                          be vulnerable’.
          being for all, wherein the employees can support each   Over the last four- or five-years, South Africa and
          other and contribute effectively to the company.  KwaZulu-Natal have not been short of challenges.     In conclusion he explained that they have three
                                                          Lubin explains that with every challenge comes an   words that assist in driving Sumitomo Rubber on a
          In creating the space to create that joy, Sumitomo                                              daily basis which are, “intent, ambition and impact’.
          Rubber strives to set up the structures, culture and   opportunity and that these drive the company, as
          environment to give people the means to perform   there are many lessons to be learnt to make your   In terms of intent, he says we need to learn from each
          and maintain jobs in South Africa.              business more robust and your team better. “That’s   other  and  to  understand  each  other.  Ambition  is
                                                          what we strive to do.  Challenges are about mindset   about not getting stuck in easy paths but to really be
          Lubin explains further, “The company makes sure we   and the willingness to turn them, as quickly as   ambitious and to take risks. Impact is about everyday
          don’t take the easiest routes, but we take the right   possible, into opportunity, and to take the people   actions. Are these making an impact and are they as a
          route for the long-term success of the company, the   on the journey with you.”                 company taking a step forward?
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