Page 125 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 125


                   indy Norcott is the chief executive officer   growth as a remote working hub. “South Africans   become more discerning about who and what I say
                   of her own specialist recruitment agency,   are highly regarded for their work ethic,” she adds,   yes to,” she says, highlighting her recent efforts to
                   Pro  Talent, which celebrated its 30th   noting that with the arbitrage of foreign currencies   prioritise and manage her time more effectively.
         Canniversary in March. Cindy attended            to the Rand, our citizens are affordable and value-
          the University of Natal, Durban, where she pursued   for-money employees.  “I am particularly excited   Cindy believes that open communication is
          a social science degree, majoring in marketing,   that we are placing South Africans in remote roles,   essential for team morale.  “I try to spend time
          economics, and industrial psychology. “I then started   where they get to work from the comfort of their   with them and get to know them,” she explains.
          my honours degree in industrial psychology and   own homes, earning money from international    Cindy fosters a positive work environment through
          also studied business coaching,” Cindy shares. Her   companies and then spending that money in our   regular meetings, incentives, and celebrations of
          academic path laid a foundation for her varied   country,” she explains.                        special occasions. She is also a strong proponent
          and  impactful  career,  equipping  her  with  both  the                                        of transparent and prompt conflict resolution.  “I
          theoretical grounding and practical skills that she   Starting and running the Robin Hood Foundation   believe it is important to share the spoils when we
          would later apply in the recruitment industry.  is the accomplishment that Cindy is the proudest   do well and to celebrate any special occasion,” Cindy
                                                          of. “The  Robin  Hood  Foundation  is  a  part  of  my   says, noting that a leader’s vulnerability can be an
          Cindy’s career began as a recruitment consultant at   DNA, and not a day goes by that I am not involved   asset in building a cohesive team.
          a small agency in Durban. “I loved it,” she reflects.   in it,” she shares.  Through the foundation, Cindy
          After two years in the role, her entrepreneurial   and her team have made a significant impact in   GOAL-DIRECTED
          spirit took flight, and she decided to open her own   KwaZulu-Natal by building crèches, organising
          agency.  This decision marked the beginning of a   entrepreneurial  conferences,  providing  food   Cindy’s inspiration stems from her desire to achieve
          career built on both her passion for recruitment and   relief, and supporting schools through initiatives   her own goals. “I am a high achiever, and I am very
          her commitment to supporting others in finding   like  the Sarmie Army,  which  delivers sandwiches   goal-directed,” she says. Every year, Cindy sets
          meaningful employment.                          to underprivileged students.  “Our charity gets   measurable goals across all aspects of her life,
                                                          no guaranteed funding, and I consider it a huge   reviewing them weekly to maintain focus.  “I find
          Cindy says her current role involves strategy,   achievement that we can carry out these projects   it very motivational to achieve stretch goals. I am
          management, marketing, and client liaison. Along-  and manage to fund them through creative     never without goals,” she adds.  Cindy lives  by  the
          side her responsibilities at Pro Talent, Cindy serves   fundraising methods,” Cindy notes proudly.  mantra, “Action is the antidote to despair,” using her
          as the chairperson of the Robin Hood Foundation,                                                ambitious spirit to create momentum in both her
          a KwaZulu-Natal-based non-profit organisation she   BE YOUR OWN HERO                            personal and professional life.
          founded nearly 20 years ago. Her work with the
          foundation involves daily strategic and operational   A  piece  of  advice  that  has  profoundly  shaped   Cindy has high hopes for the future of KwaZulu-
          commitments. Cindy is also a motivational speaker,   Cindy’s journey is, “Nobody is coming to save you.   Natal. “I believe that our province is bursting with
          delivering around sixty inspirational talks each year   Be your own hero.” This philosophy has driven her   potential,” she says. Cindy foresees significant
          at various conferences and corporate events.    determination and proactive approach.  “I am a   growth in the property, tourism, and manufacturing
                                                          dreamer-doer,” she explains. Cindy attributes much   sectors. She encourages local business people to
          EMOTIONALLY INVESTED                            of her success to her ability to combine creativity with   take more calculated risks and to have renewed faith
                                                          a strong action-oriented mindset. She emphasises   in KwaZulu-Natal’s potential. “The people in KZN are
          Cindy feels emotionally invested in South Africa’s   the importance of self-belief and explains that her   friendly, resilient, humble, and hard-working,” Cindy
          economic development.  “I believe that if the   confidence has had a contagious effect on those   notes, expressing her belief that the province can
          economy thrives, people’s lives are changed for   around her. “Others see my self-belief, and they then   reach new heights in the coming years.
          the better. Economic growth drives everything,”   believe in me too,” she adds.
          she says. For Cindy, each successful placement at                                               Cindy lives by the motto, “Nobody became poor by
          Pro  Talent represents a life transformed.  “When   For Cindy, balancing multiple roles has been one of   giving.” She believes in making the world a better
          we make a permanent placement, we ring the bell   her greatest challenges. “As a wife, mother of two,   place and feels that everyone has a unique gift to
          and everyone applauds because we have changed   business  owner,  author,  business  coach,  charity   share.  “I try to do something good for someone
          another life. I believe that the more people we can   head, and motivational speaker, I have constantly   in need every single day,” she says. Cindy remains
          place into a new job or a better-paying job, the   felt too busy,” she confides. Cindy’s inability to   committed to creating hope in KwaZulu-Natal and
          more we can impact the economy,” she explains.   say no added to this burden, leaving her with an   tirelessly works through both her business and her
          Cindy is particularly inspired about South Africa’s   overfilled schedule. “In the past five years, I have   charity to make a positive impact.
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