Page 129 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 129


               brahim Patel, managing director of Magellan   make technology accessible to everyone,” Ebrahim   achieving long-term success. Ebrahim believes that
               Investment Management and director at      asserts. For him, technology is not just a tool for   perseverance, rather than succumbing to negativity,
               SiyaXoxa  Technologies, exemplifies dynamic   innovation but a catalyst for enhancing business   is key to advancing in business.
         Eleadership  and  innovation.  Born,  raised,  and   processes and fostering economic growth.
          educated in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, Ebrahim’s                                                    He finds inspiration in both his team and himself.
          journey began with an early exposure to the     A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE                            “My team often motivates me because they rely on
          business world as a shop assistant at a fashion house                                           the vision I provide,” he shares.  To keep his team
          during school holidays. “That experience ignited my   Reflecting on his accomplishments, Ebrahim   energised, Ebrahim promotes a positive outlook
          passion for business,” Ebrahim reflects. This formative   finds his greatest pride in his children. “I’m deeply   and focuses on the opportunities present in the
          exposure instilled a deep appreciation for business   proud of their growth,” he says, attributing this   country.  “Understanding that opportunities exist
          dynamics and customer relationships, shaping his   personal satisfaction to the values instilled in him   helps us remain motivated,” he notes. Ebrahim also
          career trajectory.                              from a young age, which he now sees mirrored in     encourages his team  with his personal mantra:
                                                          his children.                                   “Every sunrise signals a new contract with life,”
          Ebrahim initially pursued a degree in computer                                                  underscoring that each day offers a new chance to
          sciences  at  the  University  of  KwaZulu-Natal.   Professionally, Ebrahim values the opportunity to   make a meaningful impact.
          However, recognising that this field did not align   engage with individuals across diverse industries,
          with his career aspirations, he transitioned to   which has provided him with a comprehensive   Ebrahim  draws  inspiration  from  individuals  like
          property management, quickly becoming South     global perspective. Another significant achievement   Grant Adlam, whom he admires for recognising
          Africa’s youngest qualified commercial broker.    is his role as the founder and past president of the   and celebrating excellence within the business
          This role afforded him the opportunity to engage   Minara Chamber of Commerce, where he played   community, thereby motivating others to strive
          with  leading  property  developers  and  industry   a key role in driving economic development and   for greatness.
          professionals nationwide, enriching his expertise   creating new opportunities in the province.  ENVISIONING A BRIGHT FUTURE
          and perspective.
                                                          He has built strong relations with The Association
          A  pivotal  moment  occurred  in  1994  during  a   of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries and   Ebrahim is optimistic about KwaZulu-Natal’s future,
                                                                                                          noting its significant potential in sectors such as
          chance encounter with the CEO of a major clothing   was appointed as the Honorary Consul of Indonesia   the port, manufacturing, and tourism. Despite
          manufacturer in a Hong Kong hotel lobby. Ebrahim   in KwaZulu-Natal in recognition of his efforts.  challenges such as Covid-19, the 2021 riots, and the
          was inspired by the company’s outsourcing model,                                                2022 natural disasters, he believes the province’s
          which operated efficiently without owning extensive   Ebrahim treasures the advice he received from a   resilience has only grown stronger. He observes
          facilities. This experience reinforced his belief that   former  Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, who     increasing confidence and investment interest
          success does not necessarily hinge on scale, and   served as his mentor. The counsel to “take things   and envisions opportunities for greater inclusivity
          it profoundly influenced his business strategy   slowly  and build on strong foundations”  has   and economic advancement.
          to emphasise outsourcing as a means to create   been instrumental in shaping Ebrahim’s business
          opportunities and share success.                philosophy and personal approach. This guidance   Ebrahim is particularly enthusiastic about KwaZulu-
                                                          has encouraged him to address challenges        Natal’s  export  potential,  especially  through  the
          The post-apartheid era in South  Africa presented   thoughtfully and move forward with confidence,   African Continental Free  Trade Agreement. He
          a wealth of new opportunities. Encouraged by    fostering a steady and reflective approach to goal   believes that by focusing on this potential, the
          his  peers,  Ebrahim  founded  Magellan  Investment   achievement.                              province can emerge as one of the continent’s
          Management and expanded into facilities manage-                                                 leading economies within five years.
          ment and investment management. His significant   NAVIGATING CHALLENGES AND INSPIRING
          contributions in the industry were acknowledged   MOTIVATION                                    His unwavering commitment to excellence drives
          when he became the first non-white chair of the                                                 his efforts, although he acknowledges that his
          South African Facilities Managers Association.  Ebrahim acknowledges that challenges are an     perfectionist tendencies can sometimes pose
                                                          inherent part of business, whether they involve   challenges. “My motto has always been to give of
          Driven by a passion for technology, Ebrahim     financial issues, industry shifts, or changing consumer   my best,” he concludes.
          is involved with SiyaXoxa  Technologies with a   behaviours.  “An entrepreneurial mindset must be
          mission to democratise access to technology and   adaptable, finding opportunities within challenges,”   Ebrahim continues to embody visionary leader-
          information, particularly in underserved areas and   he explains. He views overcoming setbacks, such as   ship, dedicated to advancing progress and creating
          small  businesses.  “My  goal  has  always  been  to   business failures or rejected proposals, as crucial to   opportunities across South Africa.
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