Page 151 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 151


              indiwe Rakharebe has been  the chief        2023/24 financial year, comprising 6 818 direct   INSTILLING CONFIDENCE
              executive officer of the Durban International   jobs and 4 569 indirect jobs. In the KwaZulu-Natal
              Convention Centre (Durban ICC) since 1 April   economy, the Durban ICC’s operations created and/  Lindiwe is well aware of the challenges of a being
         L2015. Her passion and dedication in growing     or sustained approximately 8 382 annualised jobs,   a woman leader in the male dominated world
          the KwaZulu-Natal economy as well as her strong   including 5,210 direct jobs and 3,172 indirect jobs   of business. Lindiwe said: “As a woman, you are
          background in corporate management has helped   in the 2023/24 financial year.                  gifted;  you  are  a  natural  life-giver  and  whatever
          to continue to propel the forward momentum                                                      you give life to, will increase and grow. So whatever
          of the organisation. She lives by the motto: “I am   “Our continued success is a result of a concerted   challenges you face as a woman, you know how
          driven to achieve excellence in every way in my   effort between our staff, our strategic partners in   to manoeuvre, whether it’s leading a company or
          duty and delegation.”                           the City and Province and the loyal support of our   propelling a cause. A woman influences everything
                                                          clients.  This coupled with diligent management   she touches.”
          Lindiwe’s roots are in KwaZulu-Natal. She was born   and sound financial controls at all levels of the
          and raised in Chesterville. She holds a bachelor’s   organisation help to contribute to the overall   Empowering others to achieve their highest
          degree in management leadership from the        success of the Durban ICC,” explained Lindiwe.  performance by instilling confidence in all of
          University of the Free State as well as a diploma                                               her team is an important part of Lindiwe’s daily
          in management development and a  number of      A WINNING STREAK                                activities. “I have an  ability to  get the best out of
          professional development programmes.                                                            people, enabling them to perform at their optimum.
                                                          Durban ICC has again clinched the baton and has   My leadership style is characterised by love, respect
          Prior to assuming the position as CEO at the Durban   been voted Africa’s Leading Meetings & Conference   and open communication, and I place a premium on
          ICC, she served as the regional executive for Absa   Centre 2024.  The Durban ICC also received this   the importance of work-life balance. I also impress
          KwaZulu-Natal where she oversaw the strategic   illustrious industry accolade last year when it   upon my team that despite all the obstacles that we
          leadership of the organisation and facilitated the   was chosen the continent’s Leading Meetings &   might face, the delegates come first. I also ensure
          growth of the Absa/Barclays Africa Group’s footprint   Conference Centre 2023.                  that the execution of our employment policies and
          in the province. She has served in a management                                                 practices are aimed at developing a multi-cultural
          capacity for all four of South Africa’s major banking   The iconic meetings, incentives, conferences and   and diverse workforce that is non-racist, non-sexist,
          institutions.                                   events (MICE) venue, which was opened by former   and non-discriminatory.”
                                                          President Nelson Mandela in 1997 has been crowned
          A MASSIVE CONTRIBUTION                          Africa’s Leading Meetings & Conference Centre for at   “The most important thing in remaining Africa’s
                                                          least 20 years in its 27 years of existence.    Leading Convention Centre is that we exceed our
          The Durban ICC makes a massive contribution to both                                             clients’ expectations  and  provide  an  exceptional
          the local and national economies and significantly   Between 2010 to 2018, the Durban ICC was   experience for each and every event we host.”
          complements the job creation efforts in KwaZulu-  crowned Africa’s Leading Meetings & Conference
          Natal. The Durban ICC’s contribution to government   Centre for nine years in a row before being placed   The Centre has been focusing on the development
          taxes is projected at R397.7 million for the last fiscal.  after Kenyatta International Convention Centre   of their high-tech virtual event solutions. Having
                                                          in Nairobi, Kenya, which took first prize. Now the   invested in the latest, innovative meeting technology,
          The primary impact for the City of Durban stems from
          the wealth generated through delegate expenditures   Durban ICC is again on a winning streak, taking top   the Durban ICC is re-inventing itself as the continent’s
          while attending events secured by the Durban ICC   position for the second year in a row, a testament to   leading high-tech convention centre.  “Without
          and its strategic partners.                     its unwavering commitment to excellence.        moving away from our existing market positioning,
                                                                                                          we are adding this competitive edge and aiming to
                                                          The Durban ICC’s dedication to providing world-class
          The Centre contributed a remarkable R6,3  billion                                               also be  recognised  as ‘Africa’s Smartest Convention
          to South Africa’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP)   services and facilities for meetings and conferences   Centre’,” explained Lindiwe.
          in the 2023/24 fiscal year. Additionally, the Centre   has made it a repeat recipient of this prestigious
          contributed R4.7 billion to the Gross Geographic   title. Lindiwe expressed her gratitude, saying, “We   Playing a positive role in society and investing in
          Product (GGP) of KwaZulu-Natal and R3.5 billion to   are immensely proud and humbled to be named   community development programmes remains an
          eThekwini’s GGP in the same period.             ‘Africa’s Leading Meetings and Conference Centre’   integral part of the Durban ICC.  “The culture of giving
                                                          in the 2024 World Travel Awards. This achievement   back is part of our DNA as a Centre, whether it’s by
          The activities of the Durban ICC are estimated to   reflects the tireless dedication of our team and our   partnering with non-profit organisations to help
          have created and/or sustained 11 387 annualised   unwavering commitment to providing a world-class   those less fortunate or volunteering our time and
          jobs in the South African economy during the    platform for meetings and events.”              resources for a worthy cause,” concluded Lindiwe.
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