Page 147 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 147
arlene Powell, a business coach with For Marlene, her proudest achievement is surviv- about my vision of where I want to take this
ActionCOACH, transitioned to coaching ing and thriving in her business. “There’s a very business, the more excited my team becomes to
after spending 27 years in the corporate small percentage that actually makes it to 10 be part of that journey,” she said. Her enthusiasm
Mworld, specifically in the short-term years, and I’ve made it to 16 years,” she remarked. for embracing change also plays a key role.
insurance industry. Reflecting on a pivotal moment Notably, she started her business during a Recently, her husband remarked on her energy:
in her 40s, she explained, “I reached a crossroads recession without realising it at the time, which “He said to me the other day, ‘I can’t believe
in my life and discovered my passion for coach- in hindsight, may have been a blessing. Alongside you’re so excited, it’s like you’re back in business
ing.” Eager to explore this new direction, within personal recognition by ActionCOACH and top for the first time.’” This excitement translates
just three months, she became a franchisee with business leaders, Marlene takes the most pride in to her team, who share in her vision for the future.
ActionCOACH, embarking on a new chapter in her clients’ successes. “Watching my clients grow By implementing systems and automating tasks,
her career focused on helping others achieve bus- and achieve what they want in life is an abso- Marlene ensures her team remains focused
iness success. lute honour,” she said. She also highlighted the and motivated.
growth mindset she fosters in her clients, helping
Marlene’s journey into the professional world them double their businesses with just a few A POSITIVE IMPACT
was heavily influenced by her parents, who both mindset tweaks. “That’s what I’m proud of, seeing
came from the short-term insurance industry. the success of my clients, which also motivates Marlene is deeply inspired by people who have a
Reflecting on her early career, she said, “When I me and inspires me to keep growing.” desire to grow, who want to survive, and want to
finished school, I was told I’d either be a secretary thrive. Her clients, in particular, fuel her passion.
or work as a bank teller. But I said, ‘No, that’s not Marlene has received a lot of advice over the years, “My clients encourage me to push myself out of
what I plan to do. I want to go into the insurance but one piece stood out for her: “It’s got nothing to my comfort zone sometimes,” she noted. Seeing
industry.’” Despite her father’s advice to avoid the do with you what other people think.” In the initial them take ownership of their businesses, become
accountable, and make a positive impact on their
field, Marlene decided to follow her own path stages of her career, she spent a lot of time worrying
about what others thought of her. She recalled, communities is what drives Marlene to continue
and ended up spending 27 years in the insurance
industry. She added, “I loved it while I was there, “You’ve got no control over that.” This advice allowed doing what she does.
gained so much experience which prepared me for her to focus on what truly mattered and has been a Marlene’s focus is clear: to help businesses grow
where I am today.” guiding principle throughout her journey. and scale. As part of ActionCOACH’s national
goal, she wants to contribute to eradicating
THE FINER THINGS unemployment by encouraging every small to
Like many business owners, Marlene faced medium-sized enterprise (SME) to employ at least
Marlene admitted that in the early days of her
career, she didn’t have a clear sense of purpose. significant challenges during the Covid-19 one more person. She explained, “If every SME
She explained, “It was just go to work, earn pandemic. However, she found a silver lining. out there employs one person, we can eradicate
money, come home and be like a hamster in a “What was good about it for me personally was it unemployment.” She believes that with the right
wheel.” However, as time went on, she started helped me move my business from face-to-face guidance, businesses can double their workforces,
to recognise the struggles of businesses around to virtual,” she explained. By embracing virtual as she’s already witnessed with some of her
coaching, she was able to enhance her services
clients. “In the next five years, I strongly believe
her, including those of her friends and family, and use time more effectively. Most importantly, that if I could help every client I work with, we can
who lacked the skills to make their businesses
more profitable. This realisation pushed Marlene she and her clients successfully navigated the make a real difference,” she said. Her mission is to
teach business owners how to create a profitable
challenges together. “Every client that I had, we
towards becoming a business coach, where she managed to go through this together, and every business that not only benefits them financially
saw that she could make a significant impact one of my clients, including myself, succeeded and but also improves their quality of life.
because of the many skills gained when she survived that time.” The experience not only helped
was in corporate. Today, Marlene’s driving force her adapt but also helped her clients catapult their When asked about a motto, Marlene emphasised
is to help businesses not only succeed but also the importance of authenticity. “Authenticity
businesses to new heights.
improve their owners’ quality of life. She stressed, goes a long way,” she stated. For her, being true to
“Your business is a vehicle to give you time and For Marlene, keeping her team motivated starts herself and her values is key to both personal and
money so you can enjoy the finer things in life.” with having a clear vision. “The clearer I am professional success.