Page 143 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 143


                 irosha Pillay, the managing director of   groundwork for the skills she would later bring to   can change the entire outcome of a conversation,”
                 Avvo Labels, purpose is deeply rooted    Avvo Labels.                                    she notes.
                 in ensuring that the business maintains
         V its legacy while evolving  and growing         COMPREHENSIVE INVOLVEMENT                       PEOPLE-CENTRIC
          to  meet  the  challenges  of  the  modern  market.   As the managing director of Avvo Labels, Virosha’s   Navigating her place within a male-dominated
          “Avvo is a family-owned business that has stood   role is  as varied  as it is  demanding. “I  find myself   industry was one of  Virosha’s greatest challenges.
          the test of time,” she notes. Established in 1985,   not always at my desk, which I prefer,” she shares.   “Avvo  Labels  was  successful  before  I  took  on  this
          the company has grown under the stewardship     She is involved in every facet of the operation,   role, and I had to prove that I wasn’t just the boss’s
          of her parents, and now, with her at the helm,   from managing production to overseeing delivery   daughter,” she explains. “People wondered if I was
          it continues to flourish.  Virosha has brought a   timelines.  “I’m very hands-on. I ensure that   just going to come in and ‘boss’ everyone around,”
          unique combination of corporate experience and   operations run smoothly, do a bit of marketing, a bit   she admits candidly.
          a personal touch to her role. “I am proud to have   of finance – my fingers are literally everywhere,” she
          stepped  out  into  the  world  at  a  young  age. The   explains.                              However, through perseverance and showing her
          wealth of experience and knowledge it afforded                                                  dedication, Virosha earned the respect of her team.
          me was incredible,” she reflects.               This comprehensive involvement stems from her   Her approach to leadership is people-centric. “We
                                                          passion for the business and her desire to see it   have a diverse team, and it’s important to encompass
          Virosha’s journey began in the heart of her family’s   thrive. “Being so hands-on allows me to see where   everyone’s ideas and feelings,” she explains.
          business. “I grew up in my dad’s factory,” she recalls.   we can be more efficient, more innovative,” she adds.   Empathy plays a crucial role in her management
          Her childhood was steeped in the lessons learned by                                             style.  “Sometimes,  in  business,  it’s  easy  to  forget
          observing her parents navigate the business world.   Her primary focus is on maintaining Avvo’s high   that people are what make the business run,” she
          “They taught me resilience and the importance of   standards and service delivery,  which have been   adds. Regular meetings, open communication, and
          hard work,” Virosha says.                       the foundation of its success in the FMCG sector.   recognition are key to her strategy. “No one should
                                                          “My purpose currently is to ensure that Avvo Labels   feel like they’re just clocking in and out. What we do
          Her education followed a path that kept her close   isn’t stagnant. I’m always looking for opportunities
          to home, first attending school in Clairwood, then   to grow, to innovate, and to make the company   here has an impact beyond these walls.”
          moving  on  to  high  school  in  Chatsworth.  The   more sustainable,” she shares. This drive has seen   Virosha’s inspiration comes from her parents, the
          foundation  of  her  academic  journey  culminated   the introduction of a digital press and machinery   founders of Avvo Labels. “I’ve watched them grow
          at the University of Durban-Westville, where she   aimed at reducing the company’s carbon footprint.   this company from nothing,” she says. Despite not
          earned a BSc degree majoring in biochemistry and   “We’re now part of a proactive movement towards   having formal business training, her father made
          microbiology. This background may seem a world   sustainability, and that’s where I see us making a   significant financial and strategic decisions that
          apart from the world of printing and manufacturing,   real difference.”                         have  positioned  Avvo  as  a  leader  in  its  field. “He
          but it equipped her with analytical skills that would                                           didn’t complete his schooling career, but his instinct
          prove invaluable.                               Reflecting on her early career,  Virosha recalls the   for business is unmatched,”  Virosha adds with
                                                          competitive nature of her first sales job. “Winning   admiration.
          Her  first  job  as  a  chemical  analyst,  was  a  role  she   Rep of the Year was a standout moment for me,” she
          found to be an eye-opener. “I thought it was going   says, her eyes lighting up with pride. “It reiterated to   Virosha’s vision for KwaZulu-Natal is one of growth
          to be amazing until I actually got into the grind of   me that if you put your mind to something, you can   and opportunity. “This is my home, and it’s where
          it,” she admits. The work itself was interesting, but   achieve anything.”                      my heart is,” she shares. She believes that there is
          the silence of the laboratory felt stifling to her. It                                          untapped potential within the region.  “There’s so
          was then that she realised she needed a career that   Virosha  credits  one  piece  of  advice  for  shaping   much we can explore, and I plan to do exactly that,”
          offered more interaction and dynamism.          her approach to challenges:  “Be careful how you   she states confidently.
                                                          respond to a challenge – think before you speak
          This revelation led her to a position as a sales   or write, because words are something you cannot   For Virosha, the pursuit of excellence is a continuous
          representative for a multinational pharmaceutical   take back. When I was younger, I would react quickly,   journey.  “We want to progress, but we should
          company.  “It was exciting, fast-paced, and I   sometimes too impulsively. Now, I take a moment   never let go of perfection,” she says.  “It’s about
          was surrounded by a cohort of young, driven     to consider my response,” she shares.  The result?   working hard,  working  smart,  and making sure
          graduates,” she remembers. This corporate role was   Better  communication  and  a  more  collaborative   that whatever you’re doing is as close to perfect as
          a perfect fit for her outgoing nature and laid the   atmosphere. “It’s amazing how the right response   possible,” she concludes.

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