Page 141 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 141


               alesa Phili is the chief executive officer of the   but I always felt that something was missing.” She   which required me to liaise with provincial law
               Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry,   explains, “In a corporate environment, the focus is   enforcement to reassure our members,” she says.
               a role she has held for the past six years. In   on the company’s objectives − chasing numbers and
         P this capacity, she has overseen significant    managing teams with a specific business emphasis.   On a personal level, she finds motherhood, particularly
          developments and challenges, working to improve   However, I’ve always felt the need to do something   raising teenagers, to be incredibly challenging.  To
          the business environment in Durban and the broader   that could have a more significant impact on society.”  overcome these personal challenges, she seeks advice
          KwaZulu-Natal region.                                                                           and support from other mothers who have gone
                                                          “When the Chamber approached me to become their   through similar experiences.
          Palesa has a life story marked by both challenges and   CEO, I was both humbled and excited,” Palesa says.
          resilience. She shares with a touch of humour, “I was   She saw the opportunity to make the meaningful   Motivating a team in the face of conflicts and ob-
          born quite a while ago − my kids like to joke that I was   difference she had always aspired to, creating a   stacles is a  significant part of  Palesa’s role. She
          born in the year BC! So, I’ll leave you guessing about   lasting impact.                        acknowledges,  “It’s very challenging, especially
          my exact age, as a lady never reveals it.”                                                      considering the daily issues we face that affect the
                                                          SIGNIFICANT ACHIEVEMENTS                        business community and us directly.” Despite these
          Palesa’s childhood was far from easy. She recalls, “My                                          challenges, Palesa is blessed with a committed team
          mother became ill when I was around nine years   Palesa Phili is proud of both her personal and   that shares her passion for ensuring businesses thrive.
          old, and I lost my father at a young age as well. I was   professional achievements. On a personal level,
          raised by various family members, and by the time I   she  expresses  gratitude  for  her  family,  stating, “I’m   She believes that trust and communication are key
          was 18, my mother had been sick for about ten years   incredibly proud of being a mother, wife, aunt,   to maintaining team motivation.  “I believe in
          before she unfortunately passed away.” Despite these   daughter-in-law, and sister. I’m grateful to God for my   trusting my team and giving them the autonomy
          hardships, her mother instilled in her the values of   family and the life we share, and I’m excited about     to do their jobs,” she says. Palesa also maintains a
          hard work and humility – principles that have guided   the future we’re building together.”     clear management system where she meets with
          Palesa throughout her journey.                                                                  each team member one-on-one every week. These
                                                          Professionally, she takes pride in the progress the   meetings are not only to check on their professional
          In terms of education, Palesa holds a diploma in   Durban Chamber has made under her leadership.   progress but also to connect on a personal level. “This
          business information systems, an advanced business   “Today,  the  Chamber  has  become  the  only  one  in   approach helps me stay connected with my team and
          management programme certificate, and a master’s   the country with a direct working relationship with   ensures we’re all aligned in our goals,” she explains.
          in business administration from the University  of   the Presidency. Palesa highlights this as a significant
          Johannesburg.                                   achievement, adding,  “Recently, we met with the   BALANCED AND PRINCIPLED
                                                          president of the country for the third time, addressing
          TRUE CALLING                                    the challenges facing our city and province.  The   Palesa draws inspiration  from  success  and the
                                                                                                          positive achievements of others. She explains, “I am
                                                          establishment of a presidential working group is
          Palesa says that her first formal job was with Epsidon   something I believe will help us address the key   deeply inspired by success. When someone comes
          Technologies, now known as Forst  Technology.   issues and revitalise our city.”                to me and shares that they’ve started a company
          Her role was technical, and she recalls,  “My role                                              or achieved something significant, it absolutely
          involved assembling the PCs, loading software, and   Palesa reflects on the best advice she’s received,   excites and inspires me.” She finds humility in
          troubleshooting before they were sold to dealers.”   which came during a course on emotional intelli-  these moments, saying,  “These are the kind of
          However, she soon realised that the technical field   gence at Hewlett-Packard. At the time, she was   things that really humble me, but they also inspire
          might not be her true calling.                  beginning to manage people and was given a piece   me. It’s incredible to see people out there who
                                                          of advice by a psychologist, Eva Hurley: “You can’t   are doing good, wanting to do more good things,
          Within a few months, her boss observed her      control what others do or say, but you can control   and improving themselves.  That’s what drives my
          potential and suggested a transition into sales.    how you respond.” This advice has been invaluable   inspiration in everything I see and do.”
          Palesa embraced this opportunity and moved into   in both her personal and professional life, helping
          a sales role, where she thrived.  This marked the   her navigate various challenges and interactions.  Palesa lives by the principles of honesty, integrity,
          beginning  of  her  journey  in  the  business  world,                                          and humility which she asserts are three non-
          leading to her role as CEO of the Durban Chamber.  ADVICE AND SUPPORT                           negotiable things that she lives by to lead a
                                                                                                          balanced and principled life. Palesa is also teaching
          Reflecting on her journey, she notes, “If you look at   Challenges are a constant in Palesa’s life, both pro-  her children that these are important things you
          my background, it’s all out there on LinkedIn. I’ve   fessionally and personally.  “Just recently, I dealt   need to live by. Additionally, her Christian faith play
          worked for different corporates and companies,   with a major concern from one of our members,   a significant role in guiding her life and decisions.
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