Page 159 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 159


               erry Rosenberg is a long-time resident of   become evident, confidence will naturally return.   symptoms rather than the root of the issue.” One
               Durban, with a wealth of experience in the   Speaking from his vantage point at the Umhlanga   example from his own career involved a business
               business world. Originally from Johannesburg,   Arch, a prominent building with a 360° view of Durban,   division that was underperforming. Initially, the
         The received his education at Marist Brothers    he marvelled at the natural beauty of the region. He   discussion centred on operations, but the real issue
          and at the University of the Witwatersrand.     emphasises the region’s strengths, particularly its   turned out to be the limited availability of transport
                                                          beautiful weather and diverse attractions, from the   that brought many of their customers to the store.
          Terry’s career began in computer consulting, where   North Coast to the Midlands and beyond.    “Once we knew what the problem was, we were
          he joined a firm that he remained with for 16 years,                                            able to make plans to fix it,” he said.
          ultimately becoming its leader. Following this time,   “Wherever I can put in my two cents worth,” he
          he embarked on a leveraged buyout with a colleague,   explained,  “I get involved in various things where   While Terry does not have a specific motto, his attitude
          taking a company off the Stock Exchange and     hopefully we can help the business community really   towards life is to never give up. “So many times when
          working to revitalise it. After successfully restoring   build this province into the place that it should be.”   problems hit, people stand back and say, ‘This will
          the company, they merged  with McCarthy’s, the   He noted that the business community is working   never work.’ I’m very much against that,” he stated.
          largest car retailer in southern Africa. In the year 2000   closely with the government to address key areas of   For Terry, perseverance is key, especially when there
          Terry went into a family office, where he has worked   concern, including water, sewage, electricity, and the   is still hope in a situation. His approach is to keep
          ever since.                                     port. Despite past leadership challenges, Terry sees   trying different solutions, leveraging his network, and
                                                          progress and is encouraged by the strong cooperation   staying committed to the task at hand.
          Now in his 50th year in business,  Terry remains
          enthusiastic about his work.  “As long as I am   between the business community and local       SUPPORT AND GROWTH
          spared, I’ll still be doing business because I really   authorities. He remains committed to contributing
          enjoy it,” he stated. His joy comes not only from the   towards making KwaZulu-Natal one of South Africa’s   While Terry’s steadiness has ensured that most of his
          work itself but also from engaging with people and   leading provinces. “I’m very enthusiastic. As long as   endeavours have been ‘smooth sailing’ he has also
          witnessing their growth.                        we’ve got plans and people are working honestly   experienced some setbacks. In such circumstances,
                                                          towards those plans, it brings hope.”
                                                                                                          Terry’s faith has helped him rise above the
          WORKING TIRELESSLY                                                                              disappointments. His favourite scripture reads: “Do
                                                          NEVER GIVE UP
          Among his achievements, Terry is particularly proud                                             not be anxious about anything, but in every situation,
          of his role in establishing Durban as a key convention   Terry finds immense joy in collaborating with his   by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present
          hub in southern Africa. He reflected on an initiative   team, particularly in understanding the diverse   your requests to God. And the peace of God, which
          that began about 23 years ago, alongside the late   personalities and motivations of his key executives.   transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts
          Gordon  Hibbert  and  fellow  businessman  Andrzej   “People are very different, and it’s difficult to get   and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
          Kiepiela.  They envisioned making Durban the    everyone singing from the same sheet,” he explained.   Terry shared that the greatest personal challenge he
          convention centre of southern Africa and worked   Success, for Terry, lies in knowing what makes each   has faced was the sudden loss of a child. He and his
          tirelessly to bring this vision to life.        team member tick.
                                                                                                          wife, Carol, were profoundly affected by the tragedy.
          In order to make this vision a reality, a private   He also highlighted the importance of knowing   “It really knocked us for a long period of time,” he
          public partnership called Operation Jumpstart was   who he is dealing with around the board table. “You   admitted, adding that they eventually managed
          established. “After four years of ups and downs, we   may have five people sitting there, all from different   to move forward.  This experience led to deeper
          managed to install the convention centre in Durban,”   backgrounds with different views on life,” he said.   connections with others who had faced similar losses,
          Terry said. The project was initially nerve-wracking,   Terry emphasised the importance of defining any   providing opportunities for mutual support and
          with uncertainty over whether conferences would   problems clearly. “It’s  up to you  as a leader  to take   growth. “It’s not something I would recommend to
          come. However, their efforts paid off, and today, the   out of them what their problem is, rather than what   anyone  if  they’re  wanting  to  grow,” Terry  remarked,
          Durban International Convention Centre is firmly   they think their problem is.” By fostering a sense of   reflecting on the difficulty of the situation.
          established, having over time, brought an estimated   unity and shared purpose, Terry ensures that his team
          R30 billion into the city.                      works together effectively, much like a rugby team   In summary, Terry is a steadfast and deeply moti-
                                                          where each player has a unique but essential role.  vated individual, driven by his passion for business,
          Terry’s strong connection to KwaZulu-Natal continues                                            his faith, and his desire to see growth and success
          and he is optimistic about the province’s future   In addition, he explained, “So many times, people   both in his personal life and in the community
          development. He believes that as improvements   in negotiations or complex situations attack the   around him.
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