Page 163 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 163


                  shok Sewnarain serves as the chairman   by the long waitlist for Standard Bank vault    key is resilience and the ability to learn and
                  of IBV International  Vaults Group, a   services.                                       grow from setbacks,” he said. His approach to
                  global leader in exclusive vault services.                                              business involves not just focusing on wins,
         A Born in Mayville and educated at               “I identified a gap in the market where people   but also finding value in losses and using those
          Burnwood High School in Sydenham, Ashok’s       needed  secure,  high-end  vaults,  and  banks   experiences to become stronger.
          journey to entrepreneurship began early. His first   weren’t meeting that demand,” Ashok explained.
          job was working alongside his father in the family’s   Since then, IBV has grown into an international   Leadership  is  central  to  Ashok’s  philosophy,
          real estate business.  While doing this, Ashok   brand with nine branches, including the most   and he highlights the importance of clear
          attended university at night to pursue a bachelor   exclusive vaults in London and Dubai. “It’s been   communication with his team. “Any team needs
          of accounting degree. However, after six months,   20 years, and the business continues to grow by   leadership, direction, and a shared vision. It’s vital
          balancing work, studies, and his relationship with   filling  a market need  and offering exceptional   to keep the team motivated by ensuring they
          his girlfriend proved too challenging, and he   services,” he added.                            understand the destination,” he said. By fostering
                                                                                                          a sense of purpose and unity, Ashok ensures his
          made the difficult decision to leave university.
                                                          LANDMARK ACHIEVEMENTS                           team stays aligned and driven toward success.
          “I had to choose between continuing university,
                                                          Among his many career milestones, Ashok cites
          working for my dad, or breaking up with my                                                      VISION FOR THE FUTURE
                                                          negotiating with Barclays Bank to acquire half
          girlfriend.  I chose  the easiest option,” Ashok
                                                          of their branch in Mayfair, London, to develop a   Ashok’s family is his greatest source of inspiration.
          explained. Despite leaving school, his time spent
                                                          vault as a particularly significant achievement.   “My wife, children, and grandson motivate me
          learning from his father provided him with
                                                          “Securing a vault in Mayfair, the most prestigious   every day,” he shared. He believes that health,
          valuable insights into the property business.
                                                          location in London, was a huge challenge,       family, and spirituality are the cornerstones of life,
          However, Ashok’s ambitions extended beyond      but  one  of  the  most  rewarding,”  he  recalled.   while business remains a project.  This mindset
          the family business, and he soon set out to     Another notable accomplishment was IBV being    keeps him grounded and focused on what truly
          create his own path, launching Randall’s Finance   recognised by the Guinness  World Records for   matters, despite his professional success.
          Brokers which was a small operation with just   hosting the IBV Supercar Club Charity Parade.
          one desk and three chairs. Here, he offered                                                     Looking ahead, Ashok is optimistic about the
                                                          Yet for Ashok, every small victory is just as im-  future of business in KwaZulu-Natal. “The oppor-
          financial services to businesses and private
          property developers, marking the beginning of   portant.  “Business is a constant challenge, but   tunities here are incredible, and despite the
          his entrepreneurial journey.                    with  each  challenge  comes  achievement,”  he   economic challenges, I believe that with the right
                                                          emphasised. His father’s advice to be courageous   approach, businesses in KwaZulu-Natal have
          BUSINESS ACUMEN AND GROWTH                      and  to  keep  business  simple  has  remained  a   a bright future,” he said. He views the region as
                                                          guiding principle throughout his journey.       a land of opportunity and is excited about the
          Reflecting on his career, Ashok recalls starting
                                                                                                          potential for growth and development.
          Randall’s Finance Brokers at just 24 years old.   AN ONGOING JOURNEY OF LEADERSHIP
          From there, he moved into some property devel-                                                  Ashok’s personal motto,  “Fear no one, respect
          opment and later expanded into the hotel        Ashok believes that the constant challenge of   everyone”,  reflects his approach to life and business.
          industry, launching the Bayside Hotels group.   business growth and development is one of       It underscores his belief in the importance of
          His business drive eventually led him to estab-  the biggest hurdles any entrepreneur faces.    courage, humility, and respect as essential qualities
          lish IBV International  Vaults in 2004, inspired    “Challenges come at you constantly, but the   for success.

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