Page 165 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
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ashnee Sewnarain is a committed leader who considers her proudest achievement. The company keeping her team motivated amidst the challenges
currently plays the role of chief executive aims to make a positive contribution towards effec- of the market. “It’s important to keep reminding the
officer, director, and technical specialist at tive management and decision making of finances team why we do what we do,” she explains. “Despite
KInspired Financial Management Solutions. The to enable enhancement of services for communities. challenges in the market, we have a unique offering
micro-enterprise is dedicated to enhancing financial in that we have the ability to really impact change
management skills and processes within the public Founding Inspired Financial Management Solutions in our clients.” Acknowledging and recognising the
sector. was a life changing decision for Kashnee, especially achievements of her staff and clients remains very
given the challenges of leaving a permanent job to critical to stay motivated as a team so that they can
Additionally, Kashnee chairs the audit committee venture into the uncertain environment of public continue to strive to achieve great results.
of a local municipality, which she is proud to say, sector consultancy. She acknowledges the chal-
has received their very first clean audit report. lenges consultants face in this space, where they are While many individuals have inspired Kashnee
Kashnee also volunteers on the SAICA Public Sector often seen as ineffective and overpaid. “Consulting along her journey, she is deeply inspired by the
Committee, where she advocates for capacity in the public sector was really a leap of faith, with positive changes she witnesses in her clients.
building within the public sector. many tough moments at the very beginning,” she “The ability to see positive change in our clients
notes. “Looking back, we’ve been able to grow really motivates me to continue doing what
Growing up in Pietermaritzburg, Kashnee exper- Inspired Financial Management Solutions based we do,” she says. For her, the ultimate success is
ienced an early childhood marked by financial solely on our reputation and solid performance in when municipalities fully grasp concepts and are
challenges. “Through my parents’ hard-working the market, as well as at reason-able rates.” able to execute tasks independently, without relying
commitment, we were able to progress in life,” she on her team. “That is the greatest statement,” she
explained, reflecting on the values instilled in her Inspired Financial Management Solutions are now adds, noting the immense satisfaction that comes
from a young age. in a place where they have a presence in the market from seeing clients recognised for effective financial
and are known to be responsible in the way they
Kashnee’s journey into the world of finance was conduct business. governance and key audit achievements. “That really
not a straightforward one. In her early years, she is the true inspiration for us,” commented Kashnee.
was uncertain about what career path to choose CAPACITY-BUILDING
and explored various alternatives to accounting. VISION FOR THE FUTURE
“Eventually, with much persuasion from my parents Central to Inspired Financial Management Solutions’ Looking ahead, Kashnee is hopeful about the future
and my accounting teacher, I pursued a bachelor of approach is a capacity-building and development of business in KwaZulu-Natal, particularly within the
commerce degree and thereafter continued studying strategy that enables effective skills transfer to public public sector. She envisions more conscious leader-
while working, as I had to repay a student loan,” sector officials. Kashnee emphasises the importance ship, a stronger motivation among young people
Kashnee shared. Later in life, she achieved a honours of this sustainable approach, believing it to be crucial to pursue careers in government, and a shift toward
degree and qualified as a chartered accountant. for achieving lasting improvements in public sector
financial management. more ethical and efficient decision-making processes.
Her first job, however, had little to do with finance. “I am hopeful that we will see a shift towards more
While still in high school, Kashnee worked part- Reflecting on the best advice she had ever received, ethical and efficient decision-making to improve the
time as a writer for High Five, a teenage newspaper Kashnee commented that a former boss once said services to our communities,” she says.
supplement of The Witness. This early experience to her that if she put in half the effort into her Kashnee is currently the project lead on the
in journalism gave her a unique perspective on the studies that she does into her work, that she would be National Treasury Systems Regulations Project and
power of information, skills that would later prove able to achieve all her goals. “At that point in my life I
invaluable in her career. had paused my studying, I was very focused on work regards the upcoming systems regulations as an
and I used to spend a lot of energy and time at work, opportunity to improve governance and oversight
PRESSING NEED she reflected. This advice changed her perspective in local government. Kashnee is optimistic that
on life, and gave Kashnee the motivation to know these changes will drive a broader push for reform
Kashnee’s exposure to the public sector led her to that she could achieve her goals, which enabled her and improvement across the public sector.
recognise the pressing need for enhanced skills, to continue with her qualifications. “It really was the
systems, and processes within this sector. “There’s push that I needed to start studying again and it led Kashnee’s personal and professional journey is
definitely a need for dedicated people who are willing to me qualifying and now eventually opening my guided by a quote she holds close to her heart: “Try
to impart knowledge to others in an ethical and own business.” not to become a person of success, but to become
responsible manner,” she says. a person of value.” This principle underpins her
IMPACTING CHANGE approach to life and business, where she strives
This understanding laid the foundation for Inspired to make a significant and meaningful impact in all
Financial Management Solutions, a company she As a leader, Kashnee places great importance on that she does.