Page 181 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 181


                   pumzi Swana, the chief operating officer   However, he says that his proudest moment is   “We found that they were very supportive and that
                   at SAMAC Engineering Solutions, was    seeing the change in and the impact on the young   different stakeholders came to the party. In fact, in
                   born in the Eastern Cape.  The Swana   employees who work at the company.  “Some of    the past two to three years our business has grown
         Mfamily moved to KwaZulu-Natal when              them have started straight out of school, and some   quite significantly financially and in new markets
          he was five years old and Mpumzi completed high   of them have only worked one year.  To look at how   compared to the previous years where we even
          school at George Campbell School of Technology.   they’ve grown in terms of their own profession and   had investors. From the hardships that we came
          He commented, “I think that was quite an interesting   as people and to know that as a company we are   through we are much better off as a business and
          space to be because that’s where my technical skills   contributing to the development of people that are   much better off as human beings.”
          and acumen were built.”                         going do great things in their own respective lives is
                                                          a huge achievement.”                            BE THE BEST
          Following matric, as creating finished products
          from raw materials intrigued him, Mpumzi studied   Ensuring motivation within his team is important to   One of the people that has inspired Mpumzi in
          chemical engineering.  Much his career has been   Mpumzi. “Our philosophy is that you must be able to   his life has been his grandfather who never left,
          centred on the development of new products.     give someone a vision so that they are able to motivate   Lusikisiki or the farm where the family came from.
                                                          themselves internally.  For example, when we engage   “In that space he always managed to thrive and to
          Mpumzi has completed a number of post           our engineers, we say to them that our company is   be the leader at whatever he was doing. He was in
          graduate degrees. His highest qualification is a   probably one of the few companies where they have   education, a principal, and one of the drivers for
          manufacturing focused MBA that he obtained      free rein to actually design and build products. This   early childhood development. I want to build a
          from the Gordon Institute of Business Science   allows them to fully express themselves and develop   business that will be the best at what is does and
          (GIBS) through the  Toyota  Wessels Institute for   their skills, which we find is a huge motivator.”  I want to be the best at serving our customers in
          Manufacturing (TWIMS).
                                                          The best advice that Mpumzi has received is: Don’t   that space.”
          His first job was at  Toyota Manufacturing, where   sweat the small things. “Focusing on the key things   In addition, says Mpumzi, he is driven by the belief
          he worked in the paint plant for three years. Of this   that will get you the most results is essential. Don’t   that each generation has an opportunity to fulfil its
          experience he says, “I had very good supervisors and   be anxious and want to control everything.  That
          managers who had quite sharp leadership acumen   really has come through in the way that we do   own mission. That for me is a core belief that I don’t
          and I use a lot of the learnings that I gained from   business and engage with our customers.  We focus   want to leave without actually fulfilling the mission
                                                                                                          that we’ve been sent to do it and our company
          them in my leadership at our business.”         on what their biggest problem is and how we can
                                                          help to solve that problem. People see that you’re   won’t die without fulfilling the mission that it’s sent
          PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT                             interested in the things that matter to them.”   to do.”

          SAMAC is focused on product development for     While KZN is a dynamic province, in the last couple   Mpumzi believes that KZN can be the platform
          the  HVAC  or refrigeration  industry.  The company’s   of years it has met with a number of challenges.   to build a new industry. He believes that thermal
          technology is geared towards storing thermal energy   Covid really impacted on the business as some of   storage technology has the ability to transform
          during  cheaper  times of  the day,  which  then can   the work that they were doing was in commercial   specific industries to make them greener and more
          then be used more efficiently like during peak tariff   buildings. When everyone was told to work at home,   profitable. In addition, the  company really wants
          times or during loadshedding so that businesses   projects had to be terminated or put on hold.   to create a platform where young innovators and
          save money, reduce product spoilage, become more                                                entrepreneurs can develop their own products
          green and more environmentally responsible. “That is   During the July riots their office and workshop was   using their technology.
          why I wake up every morning,” says Mpumzi.      looted of all stock and completely destroyed. Mpumzi
                                                          commented that as an entrepreneur there’s no going   Mpumzi explains that he lives by the motto:  ‘I
          Mpumzi’s successes have been recognised on a    back  and  as  such  started  rebuilding  from  scratch.   am  the  one  that  is  needed  for  whatever  it  may
          number of occasions. These include being one of   A key component of this meant that the company   be’. Whether it’s growing an industry or business,
          the top five youth innovators in Africa in the energy   engaged with their customers and stakeholders and   growing a family, being a great South Africa or
          space, and as the most innovative youth business by   shared with them their situation and plan to rebuild   being a great African, each of us can take agency
          SAB Kickstart.                                  to be able to fulfil their obligations.         and bring change wherever we may be.”
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