Page 177 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 177


                ssa Ebrahim Suleman serves as the chief   Among many achievements, Essa highlights        it.” Essa’s approach to overcoming challenges has
                executive officer of the Woodford Group, a   a significant milestone with pride:  “I feel that   enabled the Woodford Group to navigate difficult
                position that places him at the forefront of   becoming a partner of Enterprise (the world’s   situations and to grow.
         Eone of South Africa’s most prominent vehicle    largest car rental company) in  southern  Africa
          rental and mobility solution providers. Leading the   was a momentous achievement in our history.”   FORWARD THINKING
          company he joined at an early age, Essa plays an   This partnership with a global industry leader   Essa emphasises the importance of resilience and
          essential role in shaping the  Woodford Group’s   represents the Woodford Group’s commitment to   optimism when motivating his team, especially in
          future and expanding its reach within southern   excellence and its reputation within the car rental   challenging times. “We are a resilient bunch that
          Africa and beyond.                              industry. However, Essa’s vision of accomplishment   appreciates everything we have rather than looking
                                                          goes beyond accolades and partnerships. He says,
          His journey in both education and career started   “What would make me feel the most proud and the   back at what we could have had,” he explains. This
          with a unique path. “After matriculating, I studied                                             outlook helps his team stay focused and energised,
                                                          most accomplished would be when every single
          toward and attained my Private Pilot Licence (PPL),                                             even when facing conflicts or obstacles. Essa
                                                          customer and employee is completely satisfied
          before joining Woodford,” he explains. His journey                                              believes that forward-thinking and positivity are
                                                          with our business.”
          continued with advanced studies; in 2013, Essa                                                  key to keeping morale high. “Everything around us
                                                                                                          looks positive, despite the scenario,” he adds.
          completed an MBA at  Wits Business School.  This   BE HUMBLE
          combination of hands-on industry experience and                                                 Essa finds inspiration in results, a driving factor
                                                          Reflecting on words of wisdom that have guided
          academic pursuit helped equip Essa with the skills                                              that influences his leadership and decision-
          to guide and grow the company.                  him, Essa shares a profound piece of advice from   making. “I’m a results-driven person, so I’m very
                                                          his late brother, the former CEO of  Woodford.
          Essa began his career at the first Woodford Car Hire   “One of the pieces of advice was, ‘Be humble. Take   much inspired by results. Good or bad, exceeded
          branch in Woodford Grove in Durban. Recalling his   a moment and be grateful for what you have,’”   or  missed  targets,  success  or  failure;  the  results
          first role, he says, “My first job was as a rental agent,   he recalls. Essa believes that gratitude is often   inspire the efforts and decisions required,” he says.
          and I was trained on the front desk by Mr. Zufer Khan   overlooked in the fast-paced world of business.   He also draws inspiration from nature, describing
          – an employee who is still with the company today.”   “The further and faster a journey goes, the easier   how,  “the  vastness of  it brings  things  back  into
          Starting at the grassroots level of Woodford Car Hire   it is to forget gratitude,” he notes. “We tend to only   perspective and makes it all seem so small. It helps
          gave Essa a firsthand understanding of the customer   think in terms of what we don’t have and what we   me try to do even more and take on more.”
          experience and the daily operations of a car hire   still need to achieve. Stopping every once in a while   As a CEO of a KwaZulu-Natal born company,
          business. His foundational experience at the front   to be grateful is something that, I hope, grounds   Essa is deeply committed to contributing to the
          desk has remained a core element of his leadership   me and reminds me to be humble,” Essa adds.  province’s growth and development over the next
          style as CEO, giving him insights into every aspect of                                          five years. He explains Woodford’s goal: “Our vision
          the customer experience and operations.         In the ever-evolving business world, challenges are   at Woodford is to bring mobility solutions to all.”
                                                          constant, and Essa’s journey has been no exception.   Essa hopes to expand the company’s footprint
          Commenting on his purpose Essa says, “My purpose   Reflecting on his approach to adversity, Essa says,   across KZN, offering mobility solutions to enable
          is very much similar to that of the company – I want to   “We have new challenges every single day. It’s   people to  “move, grow, and thrive through our
          provide value to every person that I come into contact   often the case where every new challenge feels like   services and footprint.”
          with through our business,” he says. Essa’s philosophy   it’s the greatest one we’ve faced up to that point.”
          is grounded in creating positive impacts not only   For Essa, facing obstacles is about resilience and a   Essa lives by the motto: “A winner is a dreamer
          for customers but  also  for his  team and  business   determined mindset. He shares his strategy: “I don’t   that never gives up.” This saying encapsulates his
          partners. “Whether it’s our people, our customers, or   know which was my greatest, but I do know that I’m   journey, reflecting the resilience and determination
          our suppliers – everything we come across, touch, or   not the type to rest until we’ve put the challenge to   that have defined his leadership at  Woodford.
          feel, we’ve got to make this world better than it was   bed. We pray, we prepare, and we then face each   With a focus gratitude and relentless pursuit of his
          before we got here. We have not lived if we have not   one head-on. The minute you believe that you can   dreams, Essa is poised to lead the Woodford Group
          added value,” he shares passionately.           do something is the moment you’ve solved half of   to new heights.
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