Page 173 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 173
rlo Hartwig Stegen, affectionately known One of the mission’s notable enterprises is its dairy as well as the founding of numerous educational
as Baba Mfundisi, was the visionary founder operation, which produces the well-known Bonlé institutions, businesses, and humanitarian projects.
and director of KwaSizabantu Mission. Born yoghurt. This product, like many others from the Through his ministry, which spanned over 70 years,
E on 2 March 1935 to Carl and Irmgard Stegen mission, is a testament to Erlo’s vision of self- Erlo touched and changed the lives of millions,
on the family farm Paardefontein in KwaZulu- sustainability and community upliftment. Another both in South Africa and around the world.
Natal, Erlo passed away on 26 September 2023 at venture is the production of aQuellé bottled water, The impact of Erlo’s work has generated public
the mission. a recognised brand throughout South Africa, which admiration resulting in numerous awards. Among
is manufactured at the mission’s facilities near
Erlo’s life was marked by a sense of purpose and Kranskop, about 60 km inland from Stanger. these is the Robert W. Pierce Award for Christian
dedication to serving others. From a young age, he Service, which he was co-awarded by World Vision
displayed an entrepreneurial spirit, always seeking HELP AND GUIDANCE International on 9 December 2007. This prestigious
ways to make money through planting and selling Erlo’s approach to the mission was rooted in his award is a testament to the global recognition of
various goods. However, this early inclination desire to uplift those around him. Erlo firmly Erlo’s contributions to Christian service and human-
toward business was overshadowed by his calling believed that it was impossible to preach effectively itarain efforts. In 2013, he was also honoured with
to preach the Gospel, particularly to the Zulu nation. the Chancellor’s Medal by North-West University
to people who were hungry or in need. He actively (NWU) for his extensive humanitarian work among
Erlo’s calling to minister to the Zulu people was a involved others in his work, teaching them valuable poor rural communities in South Africa.
journey that led him to forge a deep bond with the skills and knowledge that would enable them to
Zulu community. His ministry was characterised by become self-sufficient. This approach ensured that Despite the many accolades, Erlo always remained
a commitment to helping others, which became the the people he worked with were able to improve humble and deeply committed to his faith as his
cornerstone of his life’s work. This commitment led their own lives and those of their families. Erlo calling was the driving force behind everything he
to the establishment of the KwaSizabantu Mission would often provide seedlings and farming supplies did. The businesses he established at KwaSizabantu
in 1970, following the purchase of a 140-hectare to encourage people to plant crops at their homes, were not motivated by a desire for profit, but rather
farm by Erlo and his brother. Over the decades, ensuring that they had food on their tables and that by the need to support the mission’s work and ensure
KwaSizabantu grew into a 540-hectare mission that their children could attend school without hunger, its sustainability. These businesses also played a
became a beacon of hope and support for countless which had been a significant problem in the past. crucial role in uplifting the surrounding communities,
individuals. He would often personally visit homes to check on providing employment, skills training, and essential
the progress of their planting and to offer his help services. Generating funds reflected Erlo’s belief
A THRIVING HUB OF ACTIVITY and guidance. that the resources made by the mission’s businesses
should be used to further its humanitarian and
Today, the KwaSizabantu Mission is a thriving Erlo’s dedication to the mission was evident in the spiritual goals.
hub of activity, encompassing a school, a college, way he cared for his employees’ needs not just
a counselling centre, all of which provide vital physically, but also spiritually and emotionally, Throughout his life, Erlo faced numerous chal-
services to those in need. The mission also boasts embodying the role of a true servant leader. He was lenges, but he met each one with steadfast faith and
a 10,000-seater amphitheatre, where various events known for his hands-on approach, often working resilience. One of the most significant challenges
and gatherings are hosted, further cementing the alongside his team. This leadership style earned came during the Covid-19 pandemic when the
mission’s role as a centre of community life. him immense respect and loyalty from those who mission faced a simultaneous media attack and
worked with him, as they saw him as someone who boycott. Despite the difficulties, Erlo and the
In addition to its educational and humanitarian was not only willing to lead by example but also mission persevered, emerging stronger and more
efforts, KwaSizabantu is home to several successful cared for their well-being. determined than ever before. He often spoke of
businesses that support the mission’s work and the joy and fulfilment that comes from living a
contribute to the local economy. These businesses UNWAVERING DETERMINATION life dedicated to serving the Lord, emphasising
include Radio Khwezi, an award-winning radio that no other pursuit could offer the same value
station that has become a trusted voice in the Erlo’s success as a leader can be attributed to his or satisfaction.
region, as well as a pasta factory, bakery, dairy, unwavering determination in pursuing the goals
and coffee shop. The mission also operates Emseni generated by his desire to help people. He was a Erlo’s life was a testament to the power of faith,
Farming, which produces high-quality peppers and man of great vision, always looking for new ways to dedication, and selflessness, and his legacy continues
avocados supplied to retailers such as Woolworths expand the mission’s reach. This approach led to the to inspire those who knew him and the countless
and Spar. establishment of many outstations of the mission, lives he touched through his ministry.