Page 175 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
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               remi Subramany,  founder and  managing     numerous challenges. “It makes me proud to say   This approach fosters a dynamic and supportive
               director of Chemsol (SA) Adhesives (Pty)   with all the challenges we’ve had in KwaZulu-Natal,   work environment where employees feel valued
               Ltd, has  dedicated her career to building   I’m still standing strong, and the company is still   and motivated to improve continuously.
         Pa successful manufacturing business in          standing strong,” she asserts.
          KwaZulu-Natal. Chemsol SA Adhesives specialises   She  credits much  of this  success  to her  dedicated   SOURCES OF INSPIRATION
          in the production of adhesives for the paper and                                                Premi draws inspiration from the people around
          packaging industries.                           staff, who have been trained and developed over the
                                                          years to contribute significantly to the company’s   her and the outcomes of their collective efforts.
          Premi’s journey from humble beginnings in Shaka’s   achievements. “I owe a lot to my staff and the way   “Results are important, seeing the outcome every
          Kraal, a small town on the  North Coast of Durban,   they’ve been developed over the past few years.   day in what we do, whether it’s in our staff, our
          to leading a company that has thrived for 20 years,   That’s what makes me proud,” she says.  “We can   customers, or whoever’s around us, makes me more
          is a testament to her resilience, determination, and   achieve much by training and developing.”  confident every day and just achieving what we’re
          forward-thinking approach.                                                                      there  for,”  she  explains.  This  inspiration  fuels  her
                                                          One piece of advice has remained central to Premi’s   drive to continue pushing the business forward,
          Premi’s early education took place at Shaka’s Kraal   life and career: “Never give up.” This mantra, passed   despite any obstacles that may arise.
          Primary School, and she later matriculated at Stanger   down by her late mother, has been a guiding force
          Secondary School. Her professional journey began in   in her journey. “My late mom always said, ‘Never give   Looking ahead, Premi is excited about the future of
          1990 with her first job as a typist, a position she held   up. There’s always room for improvement, and you   the group Chemsol (SA) Adhesives, particularly in
          while pursuing further education at UNISA (University   can make a difference’. This advice has influenced   the area of sustainability. The company is currently
          of South Africa). Reflecting on these early years, she   her to continuously learn and grow, never stopping   engaged  in  several  projects, with  sustainability
          says, “I started as a typist in 1990, and a month later, I   in her pursuit of knowledge and excellence. “I never   being a key focus.  “Our new development is
          registered for my education. That was my first job, and   stop learning and I never stop reading. That’s what   under the brand of BioP Technology, a sustainable
          it laid the foundation for everything that followed.”  makes me the great person who I am today, and I’m   product  in  the  plastic  industry.  That’s  where  we
                                                          proud of that,” she reflects.                   see our project being seen in the market over the
          Her qualifications as a professional accountant and                                             next five years,” she says with enthusiasm. Premi
          analytical chemist assist her to make good business   OVERCOMING CHALLENGES                     is committed to ensuring that the company not
          decisions on a daily basis. Premi, together with the                                            only thrives but also contributes positively to the
          companies under her leadership flag, have obtained   Like many in business, Premi has faced her   environment and the broader community.
          many accolades and awards over the years.       share of challenges. She believes that the key
                                                          to overcoming these obstacles lies in how one
          Twenty years ago, in November 2004, Premi left the   embraces them. “There are so many challenges,   MOTTO TO LIVE BY
          corporate world to venture into manufacturing,   especially in KwaZulu-Natal and our economy    Premi’s life motto is simple yet profound:  “Live
          launching Chemsol (SA) Adhesives. Despite the   at the moment. But it’s about going every day   simply and enjoy it. Enjoy every moment.”  This
          challenges of entrepreneurship, she found excite-  and saying we can be better at what we do,”   philosophy reflects her approach to both life and
          ment and a sense of purpose in her new role. “I   she explains. Premi’s approach to challenges is   business – embracing simplicity, finding joy in the
          left corporate thinking that being an entrepreneur                                              present, and maintaining a positive outlook no
          is easy. It wasn’t an easy journey, but I’m proud of   straightforward: “Just be straight with it, be true   matter the circumstances.
                                                          to yourself, and take what is there head-on.  Every
          where I stand today,” she notes.
                                                          day is about unpacking what we have to do and
          Over the years, Premi has focused on growing the   achieving a result.”                         In  summary,  Premi  Subramany’s  journey  from
                                                                                                          a  typist  to  managing  director  of  Chemsol  (SA)
          company and preparing the younger generation  for                                               Adhesives  is  one  of  perseverance,  adaptability,
          the future, currently she is particularly interested in   Keeping herself and her team motivated is one of
          understanding the integration of artificial intelligence   Premi’s daily missions. She believes in encouraging   and continuous growth. Her story is a powerful
          and other emerging technologies into business.  her team with positivity and recognition, even   reminder of the impact of resilience and the
                                                          when  things  don’t  go  perfectly.  “Every  day  is   importance of fostering a supportive and
          PROFESSIONAL PRIDE                              different, so every day I just go out there, smile   motivated team. With a clear vision for the future
                                                          at them, and say, ‘Yes, you are right, and you are   and a strong commitment to sustainability, Premi
          For Premi, personal pride comes from her resilience   wrong, but there is a way forward, so you choose   is leading her company towards a bright and
          as an entrepreneur, having successfully navigated   how we are going to work it forward’,” she shares.   promising future.
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