Page 203 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 203
ichael Wyatt is the former managing Over the years he has had many accomplishments, Bata Central Europe assignment, where he was
director of Bata South Africa, and newly but one that stands out is his team’s efforts in South tasked with returning the founding Bata country
appointed as President of Bata Africa- Africa. Last year, Bata South Africa closed as the back to profitability. He explains, considering the
MMiddle East and Bata Industrials. top-performing Bata company globally, reporting region’s long history and thirty-year occupation,
double-digit growth, and received a number of
Born in Pietermaritzburg, he grew up in the KZN awards. In addition, throughout the Covid period, “As a foreigner, having to land and set out to right-
Midlands where he attended Howick High School. Bata SA protected jobs, did not retrench anybody, size our Czech Republic and Slovakian operations,
After matriculating, Michael immediately entered and managed to grow. all while navigating a language barrier, was a
the workforce. monumental task. I’m incredibly proud to have
“To be able to deal with all the external factors in achieved it. This assignment is a central part of my
“I took a slightly different approach, which is not Bata story.”
for everybody, but it has worked out for me so far. I South Africa over the last three years and still be
think my early experience enabled me to get a head the top-performing team within the group was a INTERNAL DRIVE
start on my own business career,” he explained. huge accomplishment. As a KZN-based business,
Bata SA manufactures millions of pairs of shoes Michael says he was fortunate that as a young
From a young age, Michael embraced a strong in the country, which are 95% locally made. Our man, he was often thrown into situations where
work ethic. Inspired by his father’s experience of strong partnerships with key retailers allow us to he worked with gentlemen in their 50s,60s, or 70s
growing up in Kenya, Michael took on various jobs consistently deliver the very best to our customers, who were seasoned leaders and who became his
throughout his teenage years. combining style and substance to make an impact mentors. He also benefited from the guidance of
that reaches far beyond our borders.” a supportive Board of Directors and mentors in
A stint as a sign writer while working as a graphic
designer, allowed him entry into the shoe industry Bata’s journey reflects resilience, adaptability, and Australia and New Zealand, which were critical to
just after the 2000s, when a company looking for a commitment to quality, driven by its people and his early career success.
a digital footwear designer took a chance on him. inspired leadership in regions like Africa which His inspiration comes from those with internal drive
In this capacity, Michael designed footwear for Michael oversees. and a go-getter attitude, who are determined to
two brands, Biotribe and Lizzard, which led him improve their own lives, regardless of the scale.
to the business side of the footwear industry, and In August 2024, Michael was promoted into a new
eventually to Bata South Africa. role as President of Bata Africa-Middle East and Bata “Outside of that, I love a good corporate business
Industrials, succeeded by seasoned fashion retail autobiography. I love reading about people’s
“I had always grown up with a passion for footwear. and wholesale professional, Lorraine Dyer, as Bata progression, their evolution, and overcoming all
Even in my school days, I would sketch pictures of South Africa’s first-ever woman Country Manager. sorts of odds – rags to riches stories. I find that
skateboard shoes among other things,” he recalls. inspiring, whether it’s an entrepreneur setting up
His current purpose is to steer Bata’s Africa-Middle
His career with Bata now extends close to 15 years. East region, particularly as it rolls out Bata’s global his own coffee shop or a business overcoming a
During 2014 to 2017, he worked for the Bata Group five-year strategy with a focus on expanding huge corporate takeover.”
internationally – first in Australia and New Zealand, local business and increasing exports across the In addition, he believes it’s important not to put off
and subsequently in Central Europe in the Czech African market. things such as joining the gym, enrolling in a new
Republic, Slovakia and Poland. This exposure within course, or attempting a new business strategy.
a global company of 40,000+ employees, from over EMBRACING OPPORTUNITIES
75 countries, making shoes at 21 manufacturing OPPORTUNITIES AHEAD
sites and selling them through 5,300 retail outlets Michael is a firm believer in saying yes to
in more than 70 different countries, was invaluable opportunities. At one point in his career, he was, Michael believes the next five years will be
for his career. at the age of 32, the youngest managing director extraordinarily tough as there are many challenges
within the group, which gave him the opportunity that have to be overcome, however he is optimistic.
TOP PERFORMING TEAM to grow outside of his comfort zone. “There are a “There are a lot of opportunities in South Africa and
handful of occasions in life where you have the in Africa; we are the only continent with a growing
Towards the end of 2019, as Michael and his wife ability to dramatically change the trajectory of your population and have over a billion people on this
missed South Africa, he requested to return to the career, and the key is to identify those opportunities continent. Despite the challenges, I think our job
country. He felt he could bring back what he had and take them on.” as business leaders is not to dwell on them but to
learnt and, as it turns out, this optimism has been overcome them and find opportunity.”
richly rewarded. Michael considers his biggest challenge to be the