Page 199 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 199
erald Wells has been a leading hair stylist salons and three barber shops. They include: two acknowledging the hard work people put in and to
and businessman for over 30 years. salons at the Ballito Lifestyle Centre – Gerald Wells celebrate achievements together.
Gerald grew up in Westville and attended Hair and The Barber by Gerald Wells and GHD Hair
GWestville Boys High School. Initially, Hardware retail stores at both Ballito Lifestyle Centre SOMETHING UNIQUE
his sights were set on being interior designer, he and Gateway Theatre of Shopping.
recalls. By chance, he found himself drawn into the In addition to his salons and retail outlets, Gerald
has his own haircare range, which is stocked in Dis-
hairdressing profession, a field he would quickly fall Despite his success, Gerald has faced challenges.
in love with. One was relocating his flagship store, a move that Chem stores. “Creating my own product line was
required careful planning and execution. “It was a something I’d always wanted to do,” he says. “It’s
Gerald’s entry into hairdressing was a decision that stressful time,” he admits. “We had to make sure our been a great way to extend the brand and offer
would set the course for a long and successful career. clients stayed with us and that the transition was something unique to our clients.”
He began as an apprentice in Durban, learning the smooth.” The relocation was a success, thanks to
craft and honing his skills. “It wasn’t something I Gerald’s attention to detail and his strong relation- Beyond the world of hairdressing, Gerald is involved
planned, but once I started, I knew it was what I ship with his clients. in Brand Boys, a company he co-founded with his
wanted to do,” he says. His early experiences in the son Wesley Wells and a friend. “I love the challenge
industry taught him not just the technical skills Another challenge came with the financial difficulties of starting something new, of seeing an idea come
of hairdressing but also the importance of client surrounding Splush, a chain of hairdressing retail to life,” he explained.
relationships and business acumen. outlets were opened across South Africa. “Splush was Despite his busy professional life, Gerald makes
a great idea, but like any business, it had its ups and
His career was marked by a thirst for knowledge, downs,” he reflects. “You have to stay focused on your time for his personal passions, including travelling
so he decided to broaden his horizons by working goals and be prepared to make tough decisions.” and exploring beauty, health, and food globally.
overseas. “I wanted to see how things were done “Travelling is a great way to recharge and find
elsewhere, to learn from the best,” he explains. This Personal challenges have also been part of Gerald’s inspiration,” he says.
led him to London and Australia, where he was journey. Going through a divorce was a difficult Family is a central part of Gerald’s life. His greatest
exposed to new techniques, styles, and business period for him, but he remained focused on his accomplishment, he says, is being a father to his
practices that were ahead of their time in South business and his family. “It wasn’t easy, but I learned three children, Wesley, Dylan, and Jade. “My family
Africa. “Those years were invaluable,” he notes. “I a lot about myself and what really matters,” he shares. means everything to me,” he shares. Balancing
learned so much about the industry, but also about PASSION IS CONTAGIOUS the demands of running multiple businesses with
myself and what I wanted to achieve.” family life isn’t always easy, but Gerald makes it a
For Gerald, keeping his team motivated is an priority. “At the end of the day, they’re the reason I
Upon returning to South Africa, Gerald was ready to important aspect of his business. He believes in
take on the challenge of building his own business. leading by example and fostering a positive work do what I do.”
He started with a single salon, but he says, “I knew I environment. “Passion is contagious,” he says. “If Looking back on his career, Gerald takes pride in
wanted to create something bigger, something that you’re excited about what you do, your team will what he has accomplished but remains humble
could grow and evolve.”
be too.” Education is an essential component of his about his success. “I’ve been very fortunate,” he
approach. Gerald plays a key role in his company’s reflects. “But it’s not just about luck – it’s about
training academy, where he focuses on empower- hard work, passion, and being willing to take risks.”
Gerald’s business grew steadily, thanks to his ing new talent. “Mentorship is so important, he As he looks to the future, Gerald is excited about
commitment to quality and his focus on building emphasizes. “I want to help others achieve their the opportunities that lie ahead, saying: “There’s
strong relationships with clients. “Service is every- dreams, just like others helped me when I was always more to learn, more to achieve.”
thing,” he emphasises. “People come to you not just starting out.”
for a haircut, but for the experience, the connection.” The motto that Gerald lives by is, “Do unto others
Being actively involved in the business is crucial for as you like done unto yourself.” He explains, “I’ve
Over the years, Gerald’s business ventures expand- Gerald. “I try to be hands-on, to be there for my team been very fortunate throughout life to receive
ed significantly. The 28 stores that Gerald has opened when they need me,” he explains. This involvement handsome rewards for the work I have done, but
throughout his career consist of the following: 18 helps to build camaraderie and trust within the I really feel whatever you give out in life, it’ll come
Splush stores, four GHD hair hardware kiosks, three team. Gerald also emphasises the importance of back tenfold.”