Page 37 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 37


                habir Chohan chief executive officer of   was appointed as finance executive and based in   A TANGIBLE IMPACT
                Al Baraka Bank reflects on his roots with   Umlazi,” he recounts. Four years later, he became   In order to achieve progress and to overcome
                pride. He noted that his family is deeply   the chief executive officer.
         S connected to the  Chohan surname               While challenges have been a constant presence   business obstacles, Shabir believes in keeping his
                                                                                                          team motivated through communication. “People
          through the family business,  Chohan Spice that   throughout  Shabir’s  career,  they  were  particularly   might say I have too many meetings, but I think
          was founded by his grandfather nearly 70 years   apparent during his time at Ithala. “There were a   they are essential. It’s not just about meeting;
          ago. Shabir was involved in the family business   lot of pressures from provincial government, and
          from an early age, however, his ambitions       I wasn’t even the first choice for the CEO role.   it’s about listening and creating a collaborative
                                                                                                          environment,” he explains. His approach aims
          extended beyond the spice industry. “During my   But we persevered,” he reflects. Significantly the
          schooling, I had a dream to become a chartered   role exposed him to the needs and potential of   to foster teamwork and remove silos within the
                                                                                                          organisation. “Our success is only possible if we
          accountant. I can’t say exactly why – perhaps it   KwaZulu-Natal.
          was the financial statements I used to read from                                                work as a team,” he affirms. Shabir added, “The
                                                                                                          Zulu proverb, ‘If you want to go fast, go alone;
          my father’s companies listed on the Johannesburg   SOCIETAL GOOD                                if you want to go far, go together,’ has always
          Stock Exchange. But I was driven.”
                                                          In his current role, Shabir is focused on providing   resonated with me.”
          After completing his schooling, Shabir attended   strategic direction and fostering a thriving   Shabir draws inspiration from individuals who
          the University of KwaZulu-Natal (Howard College)   organisational culture. He explained,  “I want Al   make a tangible impact, like Dr Imtiaz Sooliman,
          to pursue his dream of accountancy. “In those days,   Baraka Bank to grow and be known not just as an
          apartheid meant Indians weren’t allowed to study   Islamic bank for Muslims but as a bank accessible   founder of Gift of the Givers.  “His commitment
                                                                                                          to serving humanity, with humility and purpose,
          at Howard College, and we had to go to Durban-  to all.” Shabir is passionate about the role Al Baraka
          Westville,” he explains. However, he successfully   can play in job creation and broader societal good.   is  incredibly  inspiring.  He’s  an  example  of  the
                                                                                                          difference one person can  make, regardless of
          applied for a special course which allowed him to   “I want to see this type of banking grow because
          attend Howard College. Reflecting on this time,   it has unique attributes. But beyond that, I also   background or religion.”
          Shabir says,  “When I finished my fourth year in   want to help create jobs and contribute to a better   For KwaZulu-Natal, Shabir envisions a prosperous
          1986, I topped the class. It was a proud moment.”   South Africa,” he asserts.                  future driven by the province’s unique strengths.
          This achievement, he notes, set the scene for                                                   “When I  travel,  I see  the greenery, the  people,
          future successes in his life                    One of Shabir’s proudest achievements is        the hospitality.  We’ve got the weather, the
                                                          transforming Al Baraka Bank. When he joined the   environment, and the major ports. Our province
          Upon qualifying, Shabir joined the firm Coopers   bank in 2004, it faced various challenges. “There
          and Lybrand (now PwC). He fondly recalls the iconic   were expectations from stakeholders, directors,   has tremendous potential,” he says. Shabir hopes
                                                                                                          to see local citizens take an active role in shaping
          “Glass Building” on Field Street in Durban, where   regulators, staff, and customers,” he recalls. He
          the firm was based. After passing his board exams,   immediately convened a strategy discussion with   the future. “We can’t wait for politicians; it’s up to
                                                                                                          us to make KZN the leading province.”
          he followed the path of many young professionals   all stakeholders to identify the issues and formulate
          of the era, taking up a two-year stint with Coopers   a practical plan. “It was clear that we needed a new   Reflecting on a motto that guides his life, Shabir
          and Lybrand in London. “Working in London was   path for the bank, one that played to our strengths   shares, “It’s not your aptitude but your attitude
          invaluable,” Shabir shares, noting the international   but also addressed weaknesses. And over the last   that determines your altitude.”  This lesson has
          exposure and experience it provided.            20 years, I believe we have achieved quite a lot.”  driven him to go beyond his job description,
                                                                                                          actively participating in and contributing to all
          When Shabir returned to South Africa, he rejoined   At Al Baraka, his proactive approach to overcoming   aspects of his work. “The right attitude can open
          Coopers and Lybrand before moving on to the     challenges has involved collaborative strategy
          Banco Group, a prominent clothing business at the   sessions and a firm commitment to implementing   doors you never even knew existed,” he says.
          time. This period in the 1990s saw Shabir honing   the  plans. “It’s  one  thing  to  have a strategy;  it’s   For Shabir, leadership is about leaving a legacy
          his  skills  in  the  corporate  sector.  His  career  took   another to follow through on it. I focused on   of service, unity, and continuous improvement
          a pivotal turn when, at 30, he was headhunted by   execution, and I think that’s made a difference   for KwaZulu-Natal and South Africa at large. “I’m
          the Ithala Development Finance Corporation. He   over the years,” he adds. The best advice Shabir has   committed to making a difference,” he concludes,
          joined in 1996, just two years after South Africa’s   received speaks to this goal: “People often aim for   as he sets his sights on creating opportunities and
          first democratic elections. “It was a big leap – I   perfection, but it’s better to focus on progress.”  strengthening communities.

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