Page 33 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 33
ervin Budram heads up the finance depart- When asked about his purpose in his current good in situations and encourages his team to look
ment of Aberdare Cables. Alongside his role, Kervin emphasises continuous growth and beyond the challenges. “If they see that you are
finance responsibilities, he takes on business improvement. “I think we all seek to see some kind looking forward and you’re leading from the front,
Kanalyst roles and some general manage- of continuous growth and improvement, to just then they tend to follow you and go by your lead.”
ment duties. be better than where we were before,” he says. He
believes in striving to be better each day, whether Kervin draws inspiration from various sources,
His journey began and continues in the City of Pieter- through small, gradual improvements or major including books and successful people around him.
maritzburg. Kervin attended various primary schools breakthroughs, both for himself and for the company. The stories of people who have overcome challenges
before completing his high school education at to achieve success are a source of motivation. “I love
Heather Secondary School, where he matriculated. ETHICS AND INTEGRITY success stories... and just putting my hand to the
After finishing school, Kervin initially pursued studies One of Kervin’s proudest accomplishments came plough with them,” he says.
in electronic engineering. However, due to financial early in his career while studying electronics Looking ahead, Kervin is optimistic about the future
constraints to support his studies, Kervin worked engineering. At the time, he was working in a of KwaZulu-Natal. Despite the challenges and low
part-time, which caused him to change career paths, subsidised repair centre. One day, an elderly lady economic growth, he believes in the potential for
choosing finance and business studies. who was a pensioner brought in a television set that positive change. “We’re going to have a much better
only needed a small repair, costing just a few rands. five years to come than probably the last five or even
Kervin mentioned that while studying electronics However, the owner of the business insisted on ten years that we’ve had,” he says.
engineering, he worked part-time at Tastic Rice charging her an exorbitant amount. Kervin stood his
Mills. His days were challenging, attending lectures ground, refusing to overcharge her. “I will struggle, Kervin finds inspiration in the diverse opportunities
from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and then working night but I will do it ethically,” he told the owner. This in the region and the resilience of the people working
shifts from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. to sustain himself. experience led Kervin to leave the repair business to make a difference. “At work we’ve got a thing
“It was quite difficult,” he recalls, as he balanced and enter the cable industry, where he has remained called ‘Gemba’ which is Japanese for ‘go and see’. A lot
work and studies. ever since. “Standing up for what I believed was right of us sit behind our desks and read online or in the
at the time might seem insignificant to others, but it newspapers how bleak things might be. But when
EVOLVING CAREER was a significant accomplishment for me as it opened we go and see, you suddenly see how much growth
another door while keeping my ethics and integrity potential is out there.”
Kervin started his professional journey as a data intact,” he reflected.
capture clerk in the creditors’ department of Aber- In his personal life, Kervin actively seeks opportunities
dare Cables. While working, he pursued a national In terms of the best advice he has received, Kervin to serve the community, mainly through churches
diploma in financial and corporate accounting, fondly remembers a teacher who encouraged and non-profit organisations. He is a director on the
majoring in accounting and law. He later went on students to envision their future. The teacher would board of the Pietermaritzburg and Midlands Chamber
to complete postgraduate studies (passed Cum ask them to ‘Envision where we see ourselves in one of Business. Kervin continues to study, and recently
completed his studies at the Calvary Bible Institute,
laude), including the Programme for Management year, five years, ten years’ time and to dream big’. This finishing as the top student and passing summa
Development at the University of Cape Town advice had a lasting impact on Kervin, who continues cum laude. He is also building quite a reputation as
(completed with distinction). to set goals and chase after his dreams.
a Toastmaster, master of ceremony and even a stand-
Kervin’s academic growth paralleled his career Kervin has faced many challenges throughout his up comedian!
advancement, moving from a data capture clerk career but is indeed grateful to his close circle of Together with his wife, Kogi, Kervin is part of
to a creditors’ clerk, and eventually into cost family and friends who helped him overcome many KwaZulu-Natal Aquatics, initially fulfilling the role of
accounting roles. He became a cost analyst, then a obstacles in both his work and personal life. timekeeper and recently as a judge in the various
cost accountant, and finally, a financial controller, a STAY OPTIMISTIC swimming galas within the province. He pursues this
position he held for several years. avenue to be close to his twin daughters who aspire
Keeping his team motivated during challenging to swim at the highest level.
During his time as a financial controller, Kervin times is something Kervin takes seriously. “I tend
was introduced to SAP (Systems, Applications, to be the one who almost always goes around Kervin lives by a motto shared by one of his teachers:
and Products), specialising in financial and costing smiling or creating a smile in others,” he says. Kervin “Hang loose but stay vibrantly alive.” It is a motto
aspects. He attended the SAP Graduate School in understands that if he stays optimistic, his team is that is real challenge but reflects his approach to life
Sandton, where he honed his skills in this area. likely to follow suit. He focuses on highlighting the and work.