Page 29 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 29


                amian Bradley, the manager director of    Africa post-Covid.  The pandemic had brought    water pollution, to highlight the seriousness of
                B-Active Events, has carved out a significant   mass participation events to a standstill, but we   the issue.
                space for himself in the sports marketing   managed to host the first triathlon at Sun City – the
         Dindustry. Reflecting on his journey, he         Sun City Ultra Triathlon. It was an enormous feat,   Maintaining team spirit amidst these challenges
                                                                                                          requires effort and strategy.  “I’m lucky to have a
          shared, “I’ve been involved in the sports marketing   given that governments and municipalities were   self-motivated team,” Damian stated. “To keep them
          business for many years now. My path started    hesitant to allow events to proceed,” he recalled.  motivated, I focus on keeping the atmosphere
          shortly  after  finishing  school  at  Michaelhouse,                                            positive.  There’s always going to be rough times,
          when I pursued sports management at Damelin and   This event, in partnership with the Professional   but I believe in having a sense of humour about it all.
                                                          Triathletes Organisation (PTO), drew international
          Varsity College.” After entering the world of sports   attention. “Seeing athletes, who hadn’t competed   Life doesn’t always hand you peaches; sometimes
          marketing through a series of part-time jobs, he   for a year and a half, come to South Africa to race   you get lemons, and it’s about finding the best
          discovered his genuine enjoyment for managing   was really rewarding and exciting,” Damian said.    solution.”
          sporting events.
                                                          The event demonstrated not only resilience but
          However, Damian’s entry into the professional world   also the willingness of the international sporting   POSITIVE OUTLOOK
          began in the corporate sector, a time he remembers   community to re-engage, marking a pivotal moment   For Damian, inspiration comes from those he serves:
          vividly. “My first and only job working for someone   for B-Active Events.                      the athletes. “It might sound clichéd, but the athletes
          else was at Bromor Foods which was later acquired   When asked about the best advice he has received,   who participate in our events inspire me,” he said. He
          by Cadbury’s. I served as the regional marketing   Damian shared insights that emphasise his practical   recounted  a  recent  event,  a  Tinman  Triathlon,  and
          coordinator for Energade and Game, along with a   approach to challenges. “I wouldn’t say it’s advice   how parents he once raced with now bring their
          few other brands.” His involvement extended beyond   I was given directly, but rather a philosophy I’ve   children to compete.  “It’s so encouraging, seeing
          marketing duties. “We engaged with sponsorships   adopted which is: Never give up,” he revealed. “In   kids as young as eight getting involved and really
          for sporting events, which aligned perfectly with   the world of sporting events, you rely on countless   enjoying  the  sport  is  incredible.  Triathlon  isn’t  a
          what I wanted to pursue.  We also did a lot of   variables  to  align  –  from  logistics  to  weather  to   school sport, so it takes extra effort to introduce them
          community involvement, and I travelled extensively,   participant availability. It’s never straightforward.   to it.  Watching newcomers, both young and older
          contributing to projects nationally alongside other   But the key is not to stare at the problem and   athletes, training hard and seeing their dedication
          regions,” Damian added.  This formative period,   wonder why it’s there; it’s to find a solution and   paying off is immensely motivating,” Damian shared.
          which lasted four years, laid the groundwork for him   make it happen,” Damian emphasised.
          to venture into his own business.                                                               Despite recent challenges in KwaZulu-Natal,
                                                                                                          Damian is optimistic about the potential for growth.
                                                          EFFORT AND STRATEGY
          A HOLISTIC APPROACH                                                                             “KZN is unique with its rich natural resources –
                                                          Balancing work and personal life is a challenge many   the Drakensberg, the coast, Zululand, and the
          Damian’s current role at B-Active Events focuses on   professionals face, and Damian is no exception.   battlefields. Everything is close, making it a prime
          strategic growth and innovation. “The purpose of my   “Being a father of two – my kids are 10 and 13 –   location for events,” he noted. His goal for the next
          position is to oversee the expansion of our events   makes it tough. Sporting events always happen   five years  is to develop  creative and exciting  new
          and seek out new opportunities – whether that   over the weekends, so I miss out on a lot of family   events that challenge and inspire participants. “We
          means forming partnerships, securing sponsors, or   time,” he said. To compensate, Damian and his team   want to think outside the box and give the people
          finding the perfect venues across the country,” he   work from an office at his home, allowing him to be   of KZN something they want to do and that will be
          said. His approach is holistic, looking at how the   present during the week. However, he admits, “It’s   rewarding,” he said.
          business can run smoother and more efficiently.   not the same as having that dedicated time.”
          “It’s a high-level view, ensuring that each part of the                                         While not bound by a single motto, Damian holds
          operation contributes to making the events better,”   The industry itself comes with its own set of   a positive outlook as his guiding principle. “I always
          he noted.                                       difficulties. “One of the major challenges we face is   tell my kids, ‘If you don’t have anything nice to say,
                                                          finding suitable venues. As our population grows   don’t say anything at all.’ But in a broader sense, my
          Reflecting on his career milestones, Damian’s pride   and issues like water pollution become more   mantra is to stay positive,” he stated. “There’s enough
          shines  through  as  he  talks  about  one  standout   pronounced, it’s harder to secure places for events,”   negativity in the world.”  He concluded, “The past is
          achievement: “One of my proudest moments was    he noted. He cited recent examples, such as the   done, and it’s up to us to keep our heads up and
          organising one of the first sporting events in South   delays in triathlon events at the Olympics due to   focus on the difference we can make in the world.”
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