Page 43 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 43


                ravina Coombs, the managing member of     PROUD ACCOMPLISHMENTS                           event management as one of the most stressful jobs,
                ThoughtFIRE, an event company, describes                                                  alongside  air  traffic  control  and  trauma  surgery. “I
                her story as starting  “a very long time   Pravina has organised high-profile events throughout   think it takes guts, nerve and steel to deliver. Despite
         P ago”. Growing up in Durban, she faced          her career, which she considers significant achieve-  this stress, we try to maintain a sense of fun,” she
          the challenges of a divorced family – something   ments. “Knowing that clients return to me after many   commented.
          that was considered “absolutely taboo” within the   years speaks volumes about the quality of my work.
          Indian community. She attended Durban Indian    I’ve had the privilege of organising events for King   Finding a dedicated team is a challenge that Pravina
          Girls High, but financial  constraints prevented her   Goodwill Zwelithini and Nelson Mandela. I’ve also   faces regularly. “It’s hard to come by,” she admits. “We
          from  pursuing  further  studies,  and  at  that  time,   worked with Chief Buthelezi and collaborated with   need  to make  our industry sexy  again,  so people
          there were few options for degrees or diplomas in   the AIDS Foundation, which included celebrities like   want to do it.” She expresses concern about the future
          her desired field. Despite these obstacles, Pravina   Santana and Samuel L. Jackson. These experiences   of event management as experienced professionals
          persevered, opting for public relations courses since   are remarkable milestones for me.”      retire and new talent struggles to enter the field.
          event management programmes were limited.
                                                          Reflecting on the best piece of advice she has   Inspiration plays a crucial role in Pravina’s life. “I love
          Growing up in a financially constrained environment,   received, Pravina shares,  “In everything that you   learning and creating, and I’m surrounded by driven
          she acknowledged, shaped her work ethic. “I made   attempt, do it to the best of your ability, or do not do   and successful individuals. Listening to their stories
          a pact with myself: I never wanted to be poor again.   it at all.” This principle has guided her throughout her   and understanding their journeys motivates me. I
          This wasn’t about being materialistic; it was about   career. Additionally, she believes in seizing the day:   think it’s crucial to reach out for advice; just hearing
          challenging myself to do better.”               “Do today what you can do. Don’t leave things for   another perspective can reaffirm what you already
                                                          tomorrow because you never know what tomorrow   know,” she said.  “Being surrounded by incredible
          After finishing school, she married at an early age   will bring. This rings particularly true in our industry,   people makes my life easier and better.”
          and found her first proper job at Sparkport Pharmacy   where no two days are the same.  The excitement
          in Overport.  “It was a good starting point,” she   keeps me going.”                            Pravina also emphasised the importance of em-
          believes. “I’m a firm believer that all jobs need public                                        powering women in business. “I love networking and
          relations (PR). Whether you’re a doctor, a lawyer, or an   Pravina has encountered numerous challenges   helping women find opportunities. Collaboration is
          accountant, PR sets the tone for what we do.”   throughout her career. “One of the biggest is when   essential, especially among women. We should be
                                                          clients don’t take us seriously or fail to appreciate   sharing our knowledge and skills instead of holding
          When asked about her purpose, Pravina stated,   our worth. Many people view event management    on to everything for ourselves. The misjudging of
          “Providing the best service to my existing client   as glamorous, overlooking the hard work involved.   people is so unfair,” she reflects, highlighting the
          base is paramount. Event planning can be daunting   “Everything is deadline driven. An event can’t   importance  of  understanding  the  challenges  that
          for many; however, I don’t focus on personal events   be postponed,” she stresses.  “When clients don’t   others face.
          like  parties  or  weddings.  I’ve  found  my  niche   understand that or provide necessary resources, it
          in international and national conferences, for   can be quite stressful. We manage multiple events   VISION FOR THE FUTURE
          corporates and non-governmental organisations,   simultaneously, which adds to the complexity.”
          which allows me to make a meaningful impact.”                                                   Looking ahead, Pravina has a clear vision for business
                                                          She noted the rapid changes in technology and   in KwaZulu-Natal over the next five years. “I think
          Her passion for creating concepts and bringing   industry trends, emphasising the need to adapt.   there’s so much potential,” she observes. Her personal
          them to life is evident in her work. She continues,   “Covid was another challenge we’d rather forget,   goal is to continue providing exceptional service to
          “I strive to be indispensable to my clients; they rely   but it forced me to rethink my business model. The   her existing clients while maintaining her business’s
          on me, and their returning business is a testament   restructuring helped me streamline operations and   reputation for reliability. “Most importantly, I aim to
          to the trust we’ve built.” This loyalty reflects the   work smarter, which  has positively  impacted  my   find balance after many years in this demanding field.
          quality  of  her  events  and  her  commitment  to   focus and productivity. I’m still able to deliver what   I work smart and play hard, and I believe that’s the
          client satisfaction.                            I deliver, not only in South Africa but internationally,”   key to a fulfilling career.” Recognising the importance
                                                          she notes proudly.                              of enjoyment alongside demanding work, she has
          “I ensure that our clients can concentrate on their                                             made a pact with herself: “You’re going to work hard,
          product and service while we think outside the   COLLABORATION IS ESSENTIAL                     but you will enjoy your life.”
          box for them.” For Pravina, delivering a successful
          event is akin to creating a masterpiece. “The client   Creating a positive work environment is crucial for   Pravina  concluded  with her  guiding principles:
          gets their return on investment, and that’s crucial   Pravina and she emphasises effective communication.   “Keep our industry alive and well, empower the
          for me.”                                        Event planning is stressful; a survey once identified   youth, and remain honest and true to myself.”
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