Page 47 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 47
ortio Dlamini is the managing director of the delivery. The goal was to show cleaners and general team with the company’s vision and ensuring that
Emakheni Group, a company she founded workers that their roles could be stepping stones to everyone understands their contributions.
over ten years ago. The main division of the greater opportunities, not lifelong limitations.
Pgroup focuses on cleaning and industrial A vital lesson Portio has learned is the importance
solutions, with plans for future subsidiaries. As Portio notes: “We’ve helped them to dream more of cultivating a supportive and positive company
managing director, Portio oversees the overall and look beyond being a cleaner. We help them culture, which is reinforced through regular team
operations, implements strategic initiatives, ensures understand that they can study further, start a meetings and personal interactions. This enables
departmental efficiency, and maintains strong business, or pursue other career paths.” This invest- the organisation to face difficulties with unity and
relationships with key stakeholders. ment in their growth has led to boosted morale focus on the bigger picture.
and improved service delivery. Portio sees this as a
Reflecting on her roots, she shares, “I was born and symbiotic relationship that benefits both employees Portio’s inspiration comes from various sources. An
bred in a small village called Soffelton at Impendle, and clients. influential figure in her life was her spiritual mentor,
about 100km from Pietermaritzburg.” Portio was the late Dr Basil Tryon. “His guidance was instrumental
raised by her grandparents while her mother, a For Portio, transitioning from being an employee during the early stages of my business, helping me
teacher, continued her studies. Though growing to an employer and successfully running Emakheni to discover my purpose and break through personal
up without a father presented challenges, she stand out as major milestones in her life. Sustaining a and professional limitations,” Portio explains.
remembers her childhood as mostly pleasant. Portio business for ten years, she believes, is a testament to David White, a businessman she met through an ESD
matriculated at Pholela High School. She pursued a the hard work and support from countless individuals (Enterprise and Supplier Development) programme
diploma and then a degree in chemical engineering who have contributed to her journey. facilitated by the SA Home Loans Foundation (called
at the Mangosuthu University of Technology and Among the lessons Portio has learned over the years, Sekela) and BusinessFit, had a profound influence.
Durban University of Technology (DUT) respectively. “His mentorship taught me invaluable lessons about
one piece of advice stands out: “Success is 80%
Portio’s formal career began at Sappi Mandini, a pulp preparation and 20% opportunity.” This wisdom has entrepreneurial mindsets at various stages of growth
– from startup to corporate scale,” she says. She also
and paper company, where she served as an intern. had a profound impact on her approach to both gained valuable insights in other ESD programmes,
This opportunity was part of a bursary programme personal and business growth. such as Raizcorp, where she completed NQF level 5 in
she had been awarded during university. Her intern- “In the first three to four years of our business, when entrepreneurship.
ship as a process technician lasted 12 months and opportunities were limited, I continued to build the
provided invaluable experience. She later joined business, increase our capacity, and strengthen our However, Portio says, “What inspires me most is
Sasol as a process technician, where she continued systems,” she shares. She sought guidance, bolstered witnessing transformation – seeing individuals
to build her industry knowledge. rise above challenging circumstances to improve
the company’s customer base, and ensured that their lives and reach new levels of achievement.
PERSONAL CHALLENGES Emakheni Group was ready to act when new It is this vision of growth and empowerment that
opportunities arose. By applying this principle, the keeps me motivated.”
Reflecting on the foundation of Emakheni Group, company became competent, compliant, and well-
Portio credits her decade-long experience in the positioned to step confidently into new ventures. Portio’s current aim is to enter new supply chains
manufacturing industry, where she was exposed to in the industrial and commercial sectors, scaling
a variety of departments and operational insights. FACING CHALLENGES the business to compete in wider markets. Beyond
However, as a young graduate, she faced significant her own company, Portio envisions increased
personal challenges, including identity struggles Portio recalls the initial challenges of starting her collaboration between small enterprises and large
and poor self-image – issues that stemmed largely business as she had no clear understanding of how corporations in KwaZulu-Natal to create a robust
from growing up without a father. Only after seeking to run a business. “I lacked insight into our potential ecosystem that benefits all.
counselling and overcoming these obstacles did customer base and had minimal awareness of the
Portio find purpose in life. competition,” she shares. However, she said, “I was Portio lives by a powerful motto from one of her
fortunate to have strong leaders guiding me, instilling mentors: ‘If you raise the inner status of a man,
Portio’s decision to create Emakheni Group was driven in me the principles that later became instrumental then that inner status will eventually transform his
by a desire to empower others, particularly those in my own leadership style.” Through mentorship, outward life’. “Focusing on personal growth has
facing marginalisation. While working in the industry, she learned strategies to manage teams effectively, allowed me to overcome challenges and achieve
she encountered cleaning contractors and observed applying these lessons to her company. She prioritises progress, not only in my career but in all areas of
their struggles, which often affected their service communication and transparency, aligning her life,” she concludes.