Page 7 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
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he KZN Leaders Portfolio is a natural What is the best advice you’ve ever received,
evolution of the KZN Top Business and how has it influenced your journey?
Portfolio, which proudly celebrates its 25th What was the biggest challenge you faced,
T edition in 2024. Through this portfolio, we and how did you overcome it?
honour the outstanding leaders who are shaping
How do you keep your team motivated despite
the future of KwaZulu-Natal.
conflicts and obstacles?
When reflecting on the success stories featured Who or what inspires you?
in the KZN Top Business Portfolio, one factor
What is your vision for business in KZN over
stands out: effective leadership. KwaZulu-Natal
the next five years?
is filled with individuals who deserve recognition
for their contributions, and this coffee table book Do you have a motto to live by?
celebrates their remarkable achievements and
Ultimately, this collection is about more than titles
inspiring journeys. The KZN Leaders Portfolio and achievements; it’s about leadership that truly
delves into the driving forces behind these leaders’ matters. By understanding how these leaders
purpose and passion, highlighting their vision, tackle challenges, inspire their teams, and drive
commitment, and impact, which are central to the
progress, we gain valuable lessons that resonate
province’s progress.
across industries. Their experiences can motivate
Discovering the stories behind these leaders has emerging leaders to act with purpose, embrace
been an enriching experience. Their narratives ethical practices, and drive positive change.
go beyond business; they reveal the human
Notably, today’s leaders are redefining success
side of leadership — resilience, innovation, and
to encompass not only financial growth but also
adaptability. Each leader brings unique expertise
social and environmental impact. Their stories
and insights, with stories of overcoming setbacks encourage us to look beyond profits and focus
and driving progress. What unites them is a on building sustainable solutions that make a
commitment to a purpose that reaches far beyond real difference.
their everyday roles. They are motivated not just
to achieve in business but to make a meaningful We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the leaders
impact on the lives of others. who participated and generously shared their
time for interviews and photographs. Without
We interviewed each leader via Zoom, and these your contributions, this book would not have
conversations are available on the KZN Top been possible.
Business YouTube channel. The questions aimed
to uncover their professional achievements and As we celebrate these leaders, we are reminded
personal motivations, covering: that KwaZulu-Natal’s growth depends on
Where did your education/career begin? individuals who do more than just get things
done—they do so with a vision for a brighter
What was your first job?
future. Through this portfolio, we aim to recognise
What is your current position in your business?
their contributions and share their hopes for the
What is your “why” (purpose) in your current future of the province. We believe that with so
role, both for yourself and your company? much commitment to finding purpose for the
What accomplishment makes you the proudest? benefit of all the future is bright.