Page 9 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
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                   rant Adlam, founder, publisher, and CEO   inquiry  revealed a gap  in provincial marketing,   CREATIVITY AND DRIVE
                   of KZN  Top Business, has been at the   prompting him to take matters into his own hands.
                   forefront of independent publishing    “I realised there was an opportunity to create   Inspiration, for Grant, is as intrinsic as it is varied.
         Gfor over 25 years. His journey, deeply          a publication and an online platform for KZN,   “I’ve always been a  self-motivated  person,” he
          intertwined with his South African roots, is one   something no one else was doing,” he explains. This   reflects, though he credits his father for nurturing
          of commitment to promoting business  growth in   vision led him to develop a marketing initiative for   his creativity and drive. Grant is also deeply
          KwaZulu-Natal.                                  the province that has endured for decades.      inspired by the success of those around him,
                                                                                                          especially the leaders he interviews.  “Listening
          Grant’s path began in Pietermaritzburg, the ‘city of   Grant attributes the success of KZN Top Business   to successful people day in and day out — it’s an
          choice’, as it’s called these days,” he says with a smile.   to his passion for highlighting the achievements   incredible job,” he says.
          He says he grew up supporting the local Maritzburg   of others. “Why do I do this? It’s because I love to
          Football Club, a team he still follows despite its   stimulate people and business. I love seeing people   Grant’s leadership approach revolves around
          modest track record. The son of a journalist who   do better with themselves,” he says. By showcasing   fostering an environment of enthusiasm and shared
          worked at The Witness and later The Star for nearly   local success stories, the publication has become   purpose. “Our team is motivated by what we do,” he
          half a century, Grant’s early exposure to journalism   a platform for recognising the achievements of   explains. “When  someone  calls  up  and  says, ‘This
          set the stage  for his  career.  “Journalism and  the   KwaZulu-Natal’s business community. “Sometimes,   happened because of what you did,’ I share that
          print were just in the blood,” he remarks.      people don’t realise how successful they are until   with everyone, and it motivates us all.”
                                                          someone points it out, and that’s our job as a
          After school, Grant faced uncertainty about his   publishing firm,” Grant shares. His goal is to market   When it comes to advice, Grant admits he’s relied
          career path, however during the compulsory army   KZN not only within the province but to South   more on his instincts than external guidance. “I’ve
          years, he discovered his talent for drawing. He   Africa and the world.                         always been  self-driven, so  I  tend to give myself
          initially envisioned a future as a commercial artist,                                           advice,” he says with a chuckle, adding that the
          drawn by the appeal of creating art for a living.   LEVERAGING TECHNOLOGY                       feedback he receives from the community often
          “Easy money,” he thought,  “just sit and draw.” A                                               serves as a guiding light. “People always say, ‘Just
          chance encounter with a salesman who boasted of   Reflecting on his proudest accomplishment, Grant   keep doing  what you’re doing,’ and  that’s what I
          his income sparked a career shift. Grant approached   points to the longevity and impact of KZN  Top   go on.”
          his manager, declaring, “I want to do what he does.”    Business. “We’ve survived everything and are still
          A brief stint in The Star’s advertising department   going strong after a quarter of a century,” he says   Looking to the future, Grant’s vision for KwaZulu-
          opened up the potential of a different path. “I spent   with pride. The publication, born out of his vision   Natal is rooted in optimism and continuity. “There’s
          about two weeks doing copy, creating features, and   in the late 1990s, has continued to evolve by   a silver lining, a ray of light,” he observes, referring
          it gave me incredible insight,” he recalls. Shortly   leveraging technology to  keep up with changing   to recent shifts in the political landscape. His vision
          thereafter, he stepped into a sales role, finding his   times. “We were ahead of the curve then, and we’re   is to nurture this momentum, strengthening the
          calling in advertising.                         still ahead now,” he remarks.                   province’s reputation as a promising destination
                                                                                                          for investment and innovation. “We’ve got places
          INSPIRED TO INNOVATE                            The Covid-19 pandemic, like for many others, posed   to go, so let’s keep that flame going,” he urges.
                                                          one of Grant’s greatest challenges. “It was damn
          Working in sales inspired Grant to innovate within   hard,” he says candidly. Many publishers struggled   The motto that Grant and his team live by is
          the field.  “Instead of just selling space,” he says,   to survive, but Grant and his team not only   simple but reflective of his purpose:  “Success
          “I started creating features, entire publications   endured but thrived. “Most publishers didn’t come   breeds success.” His life’s work is a testament to
          within The Star.” His success in this role led him to   through, but we came through with flying colours,”   this principle, as he continues to build on the
          venture into independent publishing, which he   he explains. By shifting to online formats and   achievements of his company, community, and
          has pursued ever since. This evolution brought him   embracing virtual eventing, Grant transformed the   province. “People ask when I’m going to retire,” he
          to KwaZulu-Natal, where a serendipitous phone   annual  KZN Top  Business  Awards  into  a  dynamic,   says with a grin. “Never. I love what I do too much.”
          call from a friend in London set the stage for what   filmed event that reached wider audiences.  “It’s   Through his work at KZN  Top Business, Grant
          would become KZN Top Business. Aware of Grant’s   like we flipped it around and made it a show,” he   Adlam is not only documenting the progress of
          familiarity with the region, the friend sought his   explains.  “We saw Covid as an opportunity to   KwaZulu-Natal’s business landscape but actively
          advice on local investment opportunities. Grant’s   evolve, and it paid off.”                   contributing to its growth and success.

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