Page 97 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 97
saac Mbatha is the founder and CEO of Sky Tents. and grow an incredible company. I would like to While Isaac says that his biggest challenge is
Isaac grew up in Newlands East and attended become a better leader for my staff, clients, and overcoming setbacks, he has learned to manage
Barracuda Primary School. His schooling suppliers. I would like to encourage people and show these occasions by being consistent in what he
Icontinued at a number of high schools, but he that it is possible to achieve in life. People say it’s hard wants to achieve and pushing forward.
ended up at a school in Sydenham called Bechet or you need capital or whatever, but you’ve got to
Secondary School. Following the completion of his start somewhere. My purpose is forcibly pushing on, A COMPETITIVE APPROACH
schooling, Issac immediately started working. making people grow and looking for a better future.”
In order to keep his staff motivated, Isaac uses a
Commenting on his business career, Isaac said, “My While Isaac’s accomplishments say much about competitive approach. He explains that as in sport,
first job was actually a taxi conductor. Obviously, his career success, he believes that they also say his various teams want to come out on top.
you aspire to be a taxi driver. A few years later I got very little. He explained, “Every level is a new ball
my license, I became a taxi driver and after that I game, a new figure. I feel like currently where I am, “I just keep asking them, who won this week?
Which department is pushing out a proper quality
became a taxi owner as well.” I’m just touching the surface of manufacturing
and what can be done. I still underplay myself or faster product or has found even better ways of
Entering the tent industry was not something that quite a lot.” innovating? For example, a team may say that they
Isaac intended. He was involved in washing and have discovered that if we turn the processes around,
cleaning tents, but he never considered being a While people around Isaac are extremely proud of this saves us 15 minutes on manufacturing time.
manufacturer as he was a middleman. However, what he has achieved and tell him how much he has So, while there is always teamwork, competition is
he was regularly asked by clients to repair a tent grown, he still feels like there is so much more than always better at providing motivation.”
if there was a tear from a windy event or to make he can do. “I really can’t put a point to to say that I’m
an extra side wall, an extra window or extra roof if extremely proud now. Maybe in a few years…” Isaac’s vision for the future of his company is
something went missing. sustained growth. Currently Sky Tents has opened
WISE WORDS quite a few branches around South Africa. The
“As I was trusted by my clients, I was often asked company has started to penetrate into Africa and
to make something and then the curiosity started Speaking of the best advice he has received, Isaac the Southern African Development Community
building of how do I make it? What do I need? And said that his father had always inspired him and (SADC) regions around South Africa. “So, I’m
Sky Tents was born in 2015,” explained Isaac. was a man of wise words.
hopeful that in the next five years that we would
The company started in a very small scale making “He always made sure that he drilled into my head be dominating Africa and the globe,” he explained.
old fashioned peg and pole tents, which were that when you want something you’ve got to “My motto is always, ‘tired rhymes with fired’.
either blue and white or red and white. From these go for it no matter what. You’ve got to just keep You know when you get tired you are going to
beginnings the company’s range of products has knocking on the door. Eventually that door is going
grown to include stretch, frame, and dome tents, for to break down. He said consistency is the only way get fired,” explained Isaac. “You have to keep just
a wide range of applications. In addition, Sky Tents forward. I think that’s what I keep doing. And that’s going always.”
services include the supply of tables and chairs, also a part of Sky Tents’ journey of what makes us However, he added that consistency is always a
draping, mobile toilets, and mobile chillers. The different from the rest as well.” key element that comes to mind. “There’s not one
company has also ventured in to injection moulding.
Isaac’s biggest challenge is growth. “You know growth day that you can come into work and you can put
is your blessing in disguise because the minute you your guard down. It’s just business and having
feel like everything is crumbling down, you just that energy to always be confident and go for
Isaac said, “I think my purpose now in life is to create become resilient, and you just keep going forward.” what you want,” Isaac concluded.