Page 93 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 93
arren Maule is one of South Africa’s lead- understands that he brings smiles, laughter and a colleagues, as Programme Director for the KZN
ing radio personalities and stand-up distraction from the everyday, he recognises that Department of Social Development’s launch of
comedians. The SAFTA and SANRA award- the ‘everyday’ can be hard for many. His work for their Integrated Youth Development Strategy.
Dwinning entertainer is well known not just multiple NGOs and CSI projects is well known but They partnered with the Honourable Premier, the
for making people laugh, but also for making a it took time for him to realise the impact he has, Honourable MEC, consulates, political leadership
difference in the lives of others. when he puts his weight behind a cause. He feels and captains of industry to lay out a strategy to
proud of the incredible teams he has been part uplift the youth and support meaningful change.
Darren first realised he could make people laugh
of over the years and the collective efforts to make Darren agrees with the idea that by empowering
back in primary school. “I was small and skinny,” he
a difference. young people to be self-reliant, we are building a
remembers, “I noticed that I couldn’t defend myself
foundation for a more prosperous KZN. In terms of
but if I made people laugh, they didn’t want to BALANCE IS KEY the role businesses play, he believes the bottom
beat me up! I also found that if I made girls laugh, line shouldn’t be about profit to benefit the few
I didn’t need muscles or to be brilliant at sport – it Darren credits comedy club owner Joe Parker with but about the number of people a company can
was a win-win!” the best advice he has ever received: “Never let a bring wealth to. “I want to see more of our youth
good gig go to your head, or a bad gig go to your
Darren’s journey into the arts solidified when he supported, mentored, employed and skilled, and
heart.” This has stayed with him for years and is
went on to study dramatic arts at Pretoria Tech. more businesses playing a role in that change,” he
advice he’s passed on to young talent. “In any field,
“I didn’t go there to earn the diploma, I studied to says. Darren sees this task ahead as one of critical
you can get wrapped up in your successes or get
learn everything about the craft,” he says. Darren importance and is committed to do whatever he
dragged down by your failures. But keeping that
took on as many as ten productions each student can, to support it.
balance is key.”
year, before landing his first paid gig as a character
When asked about his motto to live by, he says,
in an improvised Afrikaans radio drama, “in my When asked about his biggest challenge, Darren
“My motto has always been, ‘Sure, I can do that.’”
thirteenth language” he explains with a grin. Darren says openly, “The biggest challenge I’ve ever faced
Darren explains that from his early days, he never
went on to become resident master of ceremonies is sobriety. To quit drinking and drugs forever –
backed down from a challenge, even if he didn’t
at the legendary Parker’s Comedy, played the role of that was tough.” Darren has been clean and sober
have the skills. “When I was asked to do a radio
Mr Font in the popular SABC sitcom Font, hosted the for over fourteen years. “At first, it was a battle every drama in Afrikaans, a language I didn’t know well,
TV game show Out of the Box and is well remem- day. But over time, I learned to empower myself to
bered for SABC’s Play TV, along with his appear- live without them. It’s my proudest achievement.” I said, ‘Sure, I can do that.’ When they offered me
ance on the reality show Survivor South Africa. the Breakfast Show even though I’d never done
Reflecting on who inspires him, Darren says radio before, I said, ‘Sure, I can do that.’” Now, he
Currently in his fourteenth consecutive year as that there isn’t one person. “Inspiration floats in says, he’s learned to extend that motto beyond
host of East Coast Radio’s Breakfast Show, Darren and out. It could be a courageous actor, a quote himself. “It’s now become, ‘Sure, WE can do that,’”
is famous for championing and celebrating the from Michelle Obama, or something from Marcus he says, explaining that he sees himself as part of
province of KwaZulu-Natal. The award-winning Aurelius.” There is no shortage of heroes and Darren an amazing team, where collective action brings
show sets listeners up for their day and Darren’s is constantly on the lookout for those who inspire real joy and real change.
delightful blend of fact and funny, recently saw positive change within him.
him recognised as the Best Local Radio Personality When he isn’t busy on air, entertaining a crowd or
in the Best of SA, Best of Durban Readers’ Choice THE FUTURE OF KWAZULU-NATAL doing his bit to help others, Darren likes nothing
more than relaxing with his wife “Anna Banana” and
Darren believes strongly in what needs to happen their daughters, at home on the North Coast. His
He admits, “I spent years trying to understand my now for the future of the province, “I believe the journey is a testament to his resilience, courage,
‘why’.” At first, his comedy work was just survival solution to many challenges in KZN, is empowering and ability to inspire and bring smiles and laughter,
and getting a reaction, but he now knows it our youth.” Darren was proud to have represented not only to his listeners but to those he encounters
is about how he makes others feel. While he East Coast Radio alongside a group of incredible every day.