Page 91 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 91
ashini Mahomed, chief executive officer of commitment to sustainability through FSC (Forestry Throughout her career, Bashini has received advice
Dynamic Shipping Services, is Durban born. Stewardship Council) compliance are points of pride from numerous mentors, but one piece of advice
At 21, she took a gap year and moved to for her. “We continuously work towards a greener stands out. “When I was 29, my general manager,
BJohannesburg, a decision that marked the and more sustainable country,” she adds. who was a very authoritative German man, told
beginning of her professional journey. Reflecting me, ‘I’m employing you based on your personality,
on that time, she says, “That was where I met the When asked about her proudest achievements, your hard work, and what I see in front of me.
working world. The rest, as they say, is history.” Bashini speaks first of being a mother. “I love my Others may have 20, 30 years of experience, but
kids, and I’m really proud of who they are and the I’m giving you this opportunity because of your
Her career began in advertising, where she initially direction they’re taking in life,” she says. However, attitude,’” she recalls.
worked in a financial /administration role, which led she also takes great pride in her business. “My
her to pursue further financial courses. However, youngest baby, of course, is Dynamic Shipping This advice has been a guiding principle in her life.
she found her true calling in logistics. “After a year in Services. For a little four-year-old company, I’m “That moment stuck with me because it showed me
advertising, I ventured into logistics, which has now extremely proud of how we’ve grown from stride that if someone could trust me enough to give me
become my life. I knew this was the industry I was to stride,” she shares. that opportunity, then I couldn’t let them down,” she
destined for,” she says. Over 22 years later, Bashini explains. This belief in the importance of character,
has established herself as a key player in South Bashini recounts the numerous challenges her personality, and drive has shaped her leadership
Africa’s logistics industry. business has faced, from starting during the Covid-19 style. “I do the same for others now. If you have the
pandemic to dealing with the KZN floods, Transnet right mindset, you can achieve anything you set
Bashini’s purpose is multifaceted, “There isn’t cyberattacks, and a shortage of essential resources. your mind to,” she asserts.
just one reason; there are many,” she says. “From “All these challenges taught me that if you just
personal goals to family goals, to goals for my focus, realign, and pull on all your resources, you can A POSITIVE MINDSET
business and my people, and then on a broader easily redirect your business and your customers’
scale, goals for our economy and our country.” mindsets,” she says. Her approach is pragmatic: Bashini draws inspiration from her parents, who
“Panic does good for nobody. If you readjust your played a significant role in shaping her values and
On a personal level, Bashini is driven by the desire mindset, you can accomplish anything.” work ethic. “My dad worked in our industry, and I often
to set an example to show her daughters that there went with him to Maydon Wharf where I watched
are no limits to what you can achieve. “You can be Resilience has been a cornerstone of Bashini’s the boats and the warehouses,” she reminisces. “I’ve
a mum, a wife, and the CEO of a business, whatever success, especially in the face of these significant always admired the hard work my dad put in, raising
you choose to get into, you can do it all with a smile challenges. She says, “Being adamant about where a family as the sole breadwinner, and my mum, who
on your face and happiness in your life,” she shares. you want to be and how you get there, and having was the perfect mum.”
a strong mind about it, is so important.”
Her commitment extends to her employees as well. In addition to her parents, Bashini has been
“For my staff, I want them to know that they have a OPEN-BOOK POLICY inspired by the strong women she has met
supportive environment and that they are in a space throughout her career. These encounters have
where they can thrive,” she says. Managing a team through tough times is never reinforced her commitment to driving exports
easy, but Bashini has developed a strategy that and creating employment in KwaZulu-Natal,
FOSTERING ECONOMIC GROWTH works for her. “People management is the toughest particularly through her company’s new packing
component in any business,” she acknowledges. “We yard facility in Durban.
Bashini’s vision includes a broader economic focus have a very open-book policy. At any given time,
which is driven by the goal of creating employment every single person knows exactly what’s going on Bashini’s personal motto is simple yet profound:
and fostering economic growth in Durban. “I’m in the business,” she explains. “What you put in is exactly what you get out.” She
really passionate about our economy. In my years in firmly believes in the value of hard work and a
logistics, I’ve noticed a major disconnect between Bashini also values emotional intelligence within positive mindset. “Your mind is your biggest asset.
imports and exports in our economy. Despite being her team. “We care about each other, and we’re Fill it with the best thoughts, surround yourself
rich in resources, exports are a small percentage. in tune with who we are as a team,” she says. “We with positivity and positive people, and give your
It’s something we really need to focus on,” she motivate each other and push each other on. work your best effort,” she advises. This approach
explains. The company’s alignment with one of the When challenges arise, we’re quick to support has guided her through her career, helping her
largest forestry companies in South Africa and its one another.” build a successful business and a fulfilling life.