Page 87 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 87
rvind Magan is the chief executive officer CREATING A LEGACY OF TRUST he adds, noting that challenges have only
of Arvind Magan and Associates incor- strengthened his resolve.
porated, a firm of accountants, auditors, Arvind holds personal and professional ethics in
Atax advisors, and business consultants high regard. “We’ve embraced and upheld high Arvind recognises the importance of valuing
both clients and employees. “We ensure that
based in Umhlanga, Durban. standards of professional ethics, honesty, and
integrity, with a commitment to excellence,” he we foster open communication, recognise
Arvind’s journey began in Durban, South Africa, explains. For Arvind, this is not just a corporate efforts, and provide continuous professional
where he was born and raised. As a first-generation mission but a personal one as well. “This should development opportunities,” he says. Arvind’s
South African, Arvind was brought up in significant permeate our society,” he believes. “Our purpose approach to leadership is more about mentorship
hardship. “My dad was part of the last tranche of is about creating a legacy of trust and excellence than management. “My door is always open for
individuals who came over from India,” Arvind that extends beyond our immediate business,” discussion,” he emphasises. Understanding and
explains. “We lived in a communal home which Arvind says. supporting his team, especially during challenging
times, is crucial. “Engagement is critical because
housed five families.” His father’s initial work Starting Arvind Magan and Associates 21 years sometimes we don’t know what our team is going
involved collecting and delivering laundry on a ago with just one client stands out as one through,” Arvind notes. By being empathetic and
bicycle, a job that highlighted the sacrifices his of Arvind’s proudest achievements. “When I offering guidance, Arvind helps his team navigate
parents made to provide for the family. “They began, I only had one client,” Arvind shares. obstacles and remain motivated. “A supportive
always believed that education was a priority in Over the years, through dedication and hard environment leads to greater success for everyone
our community. I saw firsthand the struggles and work, the firm has grown significantly. “Today, involved,” he believes.
the resilience it took for my parents to give us a we count some of KwaZulu-Natal’s largest
better life,” he recalls. and leading companies among our clients,” Arvind’s vision for KwaZulu-Natal is a thriving
Arvind says, reflecting on the progress made economy driven by innovation, sustainability, and
Despite these challenges, Arvind was fortunate since those early days. “This journey has job creation. “Small businesses are vital for any
to attend Gandhi Desai High School in the central taught me the value of perseverance and the economic growth,” Arvind asserts. He is passionate
business district of Durban. “After completing importance of building strong relationships,” about fostering entrepreneurship and plays an
Grade 12, I went on to the then University of he adds. active role in this area as the chairman of the
Durban-Westville, where I obtained a bachelor of Joseph Business School in Durban. “Our goal is to
accounting degree,” Arvind recounts. He continued The best advice Arvind received came from his raise up entrepreneurs because they are key to
his education part-time, completing his honours father: “Always maintain a standard of integrity. South Africa’s economic future,” he says. Arvind is
degree at UNISA while starting his first job. In 1992, Whatever you do, maintain a good name.” This committed to supporting and nurturing the next
Arvind qualified as a chartered accountant and advice has been a guiding principle throughout generation of business leaders in the region. “In five
auditor, marking the beginning of his professional Arvind’s professional journey. “It’s so important to years, I see KwaZulu-Natal as a hub of innovation
career. “Those early experiences instilled in me the have a good reputation,” Arvind says, noting that and opportunity,” he envisions.
importance of perseverance and education as tools this has helped him build trust and credibility with A HIGHER PURPOSE
for empowerment,” he adds. clients, colleagues, and his team. “Your name is
your most valuable asset,” he reflects. Arvind finds inspiration in his faith, which gives
Arvind’s first job was as a trainee accountant at him a sense of higher purpose. “Faith motivates
Ernst & Whinney (now EY) in Durban. “The starting Starting and growing his own business was the me to strive for more than just financial success,”
salary for a trainee accountant back then was biggest challenge Arvind faced. “Stepping out he explains. For Arvind, it’s about making a positive
R374 a month,” Arvind recalls with a smile. “It was from a working environment and into your own impact in the community and society at large.
a modest start, but it laid the groundwork for business is daunting,” he admits. The key to This belief drives him to use his success to benefit
everything that followed,” he reflects. overcoming this challenge was staying focused, others and contribute to the greater good.
diligent, and maintaining a high standard of
Arvind proudly highlights the growth of his firm integrity. “I made a decision to remain focused Arvind’s motto is: “Have faith in God in all areas
over the years. “From starting with a single client, and uphold a good reputation,” Arvind explains. of my life.” This belief has been his guiding light
we’ve expanded our services and now serve some This commitment has been instrumental in the through the years and will continue to do so in
of KwaZulu-Natal’s largest and leading companies,” success and growth of his business. “It’s been the years to come. “Faith is the foundation upon
he adds. a journey of constant learning and adapting,” which everything else is built,” he concludes.