Page 83 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
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ndrew Kruger is currently a director at positively to society and support its employees. her leave home, manage her own life, and thrive is
DRG Outsourcing and plays a significant He also expressed his passion for assisting small immensely rewarding.”
role in BusinessFit, a company within the and medium enterprises: “I enjoy helping small
ADRG Group. He elaborated, “BusinessFit is businesses understand the difference between Reflecting on his greatest personal challenge,
focused on helping and mentoring entrepreneurs profit and cash flow.” By guiding them, he enables Andrew shared, “The biggest challenge I faced was
when my eldest daughter was diagnosed with a
through a scientific approach to business.” This entrepreneurs to achieve greater financial and
dual role allows Andrew to leverage his expertise strategic stability. “I find joy in seeing businesses serious heart condition when she was a nine-year-
old.” He described the difficulty of being unable
to support the growth and success of other grow and succeed through strategic guidance and to take direct action during her treatment: “There
businesses. “I’m very involved with entrepreneurs, sound financial practices,” he said. was nothing I could do. She was in the hands of
assisting them in their journeys and helping them Andrew is optimistic about the future of business the doctors, and I had to learn to rely on faith.”
become successful,” he noted.
in KwaZulu-Natal. “KZN is unique, especially after This period tested his resilience and taught him
Reflecting on his early years, he shared, “I was born what we’ve been through in the past two years,” valuable lessons about acceptance and trust. “The
in Port Elizabeth, and I grew up there until I was 12, he noted, referring to the community’s resilience. hardest part was recognising that some things are
attending Grey Junior School.” His family’s move to He believes that the collaborative spirit in KZN will out of your control,” he said.
Durban came when his father received a promotion. fuel growth. “The community here is very close- Andrew finds inspiration in a timeless piece of
“At 12, we moved to Durban, and I continued knit, and this collaboration is key to business advice: “A journey of a thousand miles begins
my education at Westville Boys’ High School,” he success,” he explained. With a focus on attracting with a single step.” He explained, “Sometimes,
recalled. This change marked a significant chapter local and foreign investment, Andrew sees KZN when facing a daunting task, it’s easy to feel
in his upbringing and education. For his higher flourishing. “I am excited to be part of that growth,” overwhelmed. But starting with that single step
education, Andrew attended the University of he said, noting the enthusiasm and determination makes all the difference.” This approach has
KwaZulu-Natal, which was both close to home of local entrepreneurs. shaped his life, helping him tackle challenges
and his university of choice. “I pursued my BCom Motivating a team, according to Andrew, involves methodically. “Once you’ve taken that first step, the
and then completed my honours to qualify as a ensuring that everyone understands their role path ahead becomes clearer,” he said. This advice
chartered accountant,” he explained. This laid the and its significance. “If staff know how their work has encouraged him to push through challenges
foundation for his career in finance and business. contributes to the business as a whole, they’re without being paralysed by the enormity of tasks.
more motivated,” he explained. Encouraging
After qualifying, Andrew stepped straight into the pride in their contributions is key: “I want them Andrew credits much of his inspiration to his parents
practical world through his articles, securing a to be proud of their work and ensure that when and a high school teacher. “I grew up in a stable
position with Deloitte. Starting as a first-year clerk, it’s passed on, it’s in the best condition possible.” home with parents who were always supportive,”
Andrew embraced the responsibilities of entry- Additionally, he believes in empowering his team he recalled. Their involvement and encouragement
level tasks. “I did all the menial activities that first- by allowing them to make decisions and learn from were invaluable. “My parents have been married
year clerks do and gradually moved up through their experiences. “Even if they make the wrong for over 50 years, which is inspirational on its own,”
the ranks,” he shared. By his third year, he was decision, it’s a learning opportunity that prepares he added. He also mentioned his high school
responsible for leading audits. “Once my articles them for the future,” he said. accountancy teacher. “He inspired many students
were completed, I officially qualified as a chartered to pursue accountancy and made a significant
accountant,” he said. AN INCREDIBLE ACHIEVEMENT impact,” Andrew said.
STRATEGIC GUIDANCE When asked about his proudest achievement, Andrew says that his guiding principle comes
Andrew didn’t focus on career accolades but from scripture. “When I was a boy, I had a verse
Andrew’s motivation is rooted in both financial instead on family. “My biggest accomplishment on my wall from Proverbs 3:6: ‘In all your ways
and strategic purposes. “Finance is important to is my family. I have a wonderful wife and three acknowledge Him, and He will guide your paths,’”
me as a chartered accountant,” he explained. His beautiful daughters,” he stated with pride. “Just he shared. This verse has been a cornerstone of his
main priority is ensuring the financial health of his watching them grow and develop into independent life and a message he has passed on to his children.
business. “If a business is not doing well financially, individuals is an incredible achievement for me.” “It’s important to me to use God as my guide and
it’s not sustainable,” he asserted. To him, the His eldest daughter’s successful transition to mentor, and I truly believe He has led my path,”
sustainability of a business means it can contribute university life is a particular point of pride: “Seeing Andrew concluded.