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                     Dominic Collett, the   to press on and deal with the issues   made in the schooling curriculum.    A person who sees their
                      Chairman of the    piece by piece.            Although a fair amount of our   neighbour succeed that comes from
                      KwaZulu-Natal                                 school infrastructure is rundown,   the same living conditions and
                      Business Chambers   Critical to making youth   the standard of education is directly  opportunities as themselves is filled
                      Council         employment attainable is education,  related to the passion of the teacher   with encouragement that they too
                                      skills, connection to a market, self-  and learner and not necessarily the   can do the same.  So, the message to   KWAZULU-NATAL BUSINESS
                                      drive, hope and passion.      infrastructure.  I was lucky enough   business, is realise that beyond the
                               ne of                                to be involved in a Saturday School   financial CSI donations, you offer   CHAMBERS COUNCIL :
                               the     These pieces of critical     initiative, where we gave Saturday   hope to the youth when you employ   Chairman: Dominic Collett
                         Okey         intervention can be addressed by   morning lessons to matriculants   and empower new interns or young   Secretariat: Charmaine Nundalall
                         interventions   all social partners.  Education,   at two schools that had poor   workers. You provide a platform
                         mentioned    although the responsibility on   classroom infrastructure.   for others to flourish that aren’t   Tel: +27 (0)87 350 6747
                         in the State   the whole of government, can be                           directly in your employment but are   Address: 3rd Floor, The Boulevard,
                         of the Nation   influenced by the involvement   After ten years of this initiative,   neighbours to your young intern.  19 Park Lane, Umhlanga Rocks,
                         Address was   of business and labour in    we noticed an increase in matric                            4319, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
        the need to empower the youth   identifying gaps in the skill   distinctions from one to twenty-  The current youth initiative   Email:
        and increase youth employment of   set required by the job market.   four.  The high rate of distinctions   being embarked on by the KBCC
        South Africans under the age of 35.  Notably, this can be achieved by   has been maintained over the   in partnership with government   Website:
                                      recommending syllabus material   past five years.  The learners and   will assist in connecting business
          This currently seems like an   that the school and tertiary   teachers at the two schools have   to youth and youth to business.
        insurmountable task and a     education institutions need that   blossomed and the passion for   An innovative programme that   platform for youth employment
        mountain unattainable.  However,   will match the market demand.  success is evident.  The programme   will identify market opportunities   and market connectivity.
        in the words of a great leader, “It                         gave the learners and teachers   and connect the unemployed
        always seems impossible until it’s   Skills needed by business can   hope, and a goal to achieve the best   youth to this market. We are very   Working together the task
        done.”  So as business, labour, civil   easily be determined, reported on   results they could with hard work   excited at the opportunity this   of youth employment is
        society and government, we need   and the necessary adjustments   and determination.      will build in providing an easy   achievable. 

        ILEMBE THE ENTREPRENEUR                                                                    DURBAN CHAMBER

        FINALISTS SOARING                                                                          SIGNS MOU

                     Cobus Oelofse, CEO,   and household products to the   It invests in entrepreneurs         Musa Makhunga,   status at a discounted rate of
                      iLembe Chamber of   remote Mangethe Makwhanini   and social innovators, with the          President of the   40% in membership fees which
                      Commerce        community. After being in     emphasis being on services                  Durban Chamber of   are NPO member rates. As
                                      business for a mere five and   and products that benefit                  Commerce        full members of the Chamber,
                         t has been   a half years, Lettie has built   women, youth, people living in                           these CTOs will form part of
                         just a few   a business with 520 loyal     rural areas and persons living                      he      the Durban Chamber Tourism
                     Imonths since    customers. She also offers a   with disabilities.                            T            Forum and participate at all
                     the iLembe The   door-to-door delivery service   The SAB Foundation is an                                  other Chamber Sector and
                                                                                                                                Area based Forums. Exclusive
                       Entrepreneur   for the elderly and the infirm.   independent trust that annually            Durban       Chamber member benefits
                       2017           Lettie’s business mentor is   invests millions of rands in                   Chamber of   will also be extended to them
                        competition   seasoned Jim Wilson.          developing entrepreneurship                     Commerce    including an offering of market
                        and already    Yolanda acquired Baby2Baby   in South Africa and ensuring                    and         linkages, a critical component of
                        the finalists   in 2016, having realised the   that low-income communities                  Industry    any business especially that of
                        are reaping   potential of the business after   are uplifted.                               carries     small enterprises.
        the benefits of their hard work   being an at home mother to her                                   the responsibility to
        and the exposure that they    son for two years. Baby2Baby is   Congratulations to Lettie   assist with issues and challenges   The objective is to roll out this
        received through this flagship   a retail store that mainly focuses   and Yolanda on representing   facing business in the eThekwini   initiative over the course of the
        entrepreneurial development   on pre-loved baby clothing and   the iLembe Chamber’s The    Municipal area and beyond.   year with the following CTOs:
        programme.                    baby equipment. Baby equipment   Entrepreneur Programme, and   The mandate of the Durban   Umlazi Township Tourism,
                                                                                                   Chamber requires it to lobby and
                                                                                                                                Durban Central Tourism,
          Lettie Mthembu and Yolanda   is pricy, so Yolanda jumped at the   its partners, in the 2018 SAB   advocate as well as offer business   Clermont KwaDabeka Tourism
        Cronje, finalists from the    opportunity to buy Baby2Baby,   Foundation Tholoana Programme.  support services to its members,   Development and INK Tourism.
        Mandeni and KwaDukuza local   and make baby and toddler      The iLembe Chamber’s          stakeholders and affiliates.
        municipal areas respectively   things more affordable for moms   partners in The Entrepreneur                            Speaking on the signing of
        in the 2017 competition,      and dads. Yolanda was mentored   programme are Enterprise     In a joint partnership, the   the MoU, CEO of the Durban
        have been selected to         by Heather Pienaar, who has   iLembe, ACSA King Shaka        Durban Chamber together with   Chamber Dumile Cele reaffirmed
        participate in one of the most   oodles of retail and online   International Airport,      Durban Community Tourism     that, “As the Durban Chamber,
        prestigious entrepreneurial   retailing experience.         Sembcorp Siza Water and the    Organisations (CTO) that exist   we pride ourselves in the
        programmes in South Africa,    The SAB Foundation Tholoana   North Coast Courier.          to promote the development   promotion and development of a
        the SAB Foundation Tholoana   Programme, powered by Fetola,                                of tourism for their member   vibrant small business sector in
        Programme, powered by Fetola.                                The launch of the 2018 edition   organisations, have identified   the townships and are committed
                                      is a national entrepreneurial   of The Entrepreneur Programme   a need and an opportunity   to growing sustainable enterprises
          Lettie is the owner of BM   development programme         will take place on the 17th of   to formalise a strategic   with it, It is therefore fitting
        Amandla Emicabango (Pty)      that offers high potential    May 2018.                     alliance that will offer CTOs   that we support CTOs because
        Ltd (Power of Thoughts), a    businesses and/or committed                                  representation at the Durban   the Tourism industry has the
        rural based mini-superette,   entrepreneurs advanced                                       Chamber. This will afford CTOs   ability to contribute vastly to the
        supplying groceries, airtime   business development exposure.    full chamber membership      economy of eThekwini”. 

        KZN BUSINESS SENSE                                    © Copyright of all material is reserved and no part of KZN Business Sense may be   COMMENTS:
                                                              reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of
        Published by: KZN Top Business, 71 Underwood Road, Hatton Estates  KZN Top Business.                      We welcome comments and seek a lively discussion. Comments that
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        Features & Advertising: Grant Adlam: 083 262 9529     While every care has been taken in the compilation of this information and every attempt   discussion are welcomed and encouraged but will be moderated.
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        Editorial: Gayle Adlam: 083 653 0465 | 031 267 1977 |  made to present up-to-date and accurate information, we cannot guarantee that   non publishing of comments, removal of offending material, or editing
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        Accounts: Tracy Engelbrecht: 031 823 1445 |  damage or inconvenience caused as a result of any inaccuracy or error within these pages.  for spelling or grammar, at the sole discretion of the editorial board of
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        Design and Layout: Kezlea Graphics |  The thoughts and opinions expressed here are those of the individual contributors alone   Please send your queries to
                                                              and do not necessarily reflect the views of their employers, the KwaZulu-Natal Business
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