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            tandard Bank has          harmony – acting as a gateway to
            announced its sponsorship   Africa and the world. To realise
        Sof the KwaZulu-Natal Top     this purpose, we need to make
        Business Awards, which will be   sure that we partner individuals,
        for a three-year period.      businesses and communities
                                      across the province to ultimately
          “Standard Bank KwaZulu-
        Natal has an extensive footprint   make a difference.”
        throughout the province,       Grant Adlam, publisher
        with particularly effective and   and driving force behind the
        innovative personal and business  KwaZulu-Natal Top Business
        banking divisions,” says Imraan   Portfolio, a well-respected
        Noorbhai, Provincial Head of   marketing resource, says, “We
        Standard Bank KZN. “As such,   are delighted that Standard
        we are proud to participate in   Bank has come on board for this
        the KwaZulu-Natal Top Business   annual event. Over the past ten
        Awards, as they provide an    years, the Top Business Awards
        opportunity for businesses and   have become a high point of
        their leaders to be recognised for   the business calendar and assist
        their efforts, commitment and   in showcasing the province’s
        successful contributions to the   success stories. We are also
        socio-economic growth of      proud to be celebrating the 20th
        the province.”                edition of the KwaZulu-Natal

          He adds, “As a brand, we    Top Business Portfolio this year.”  Provincial Head KZN of Standard Bank, Imraan Noorbhai with publisher of the KwaZulu-Natal Top Business, Grant Adlam
        are passionate about making    The range of awards on offer
        progress real, helping our clients   highlight the achievements of   core values of business excellence,  dinner will be held on Thursday,   entrants and hotly contested
        on the journey to their Next.   leading businesses across key   sustainability and responsibility,   21 June at the Southern Sun   each year.
        We aspire for KwaZulu-Natal to   industry sectors. To be eligible   which are principles in line    Elangeni & Maharani.  For more information on
        become a prosperous province –   for a category award, entrants   with the King 1V  Report on   Members of the public can   all categories and their entry
        with a healthy, secure and skilled  need to demonstrate how their   Corporate Governance.  also get involved and show just   requirements, please visit
        population living in dignity and   companies have embraced the
                                                                     Entries for the 11th KwaZulu-  how much their local businesses 
                                                                    Natal Top Business Awards are   mean to them by voting for the
             Success breeds Success.                                now open, closing only on 31 May  top brand in KwaZulu-Natal   Enquiries Gayle McLennan-Smith,
                                                                                                                                KZN Top Business
                                                                    2018. The Standard Bank KZN
                                                                                                  through an online poll. This
                                                                    Top Business Awards 2018 gala   award is much coveted by all   T: 031 267 1977


             he inspirational message and   Queen Mjwara, KZN       business together. In many ways,   well as the WPN Educational   with time management and help
             life story that Boni Mchunu   Chairperson of the Women’s   the property sector is unique – but  Trust which has awarded   them to prepare for interviews. 
        Tshared at the networking     Property Network, explained that   in many ways it is also very like   around 70 bursaries worth more
        meeting of the KwaZulu-Natal   women who were carving careers   the general corporate world with   than R800 000 to previously   “The WPN is also working in
        chapter of the Women’s Property   for themselves in the tough world   similar challenges. Even though   disadvantaged female students   collaboration with eThekwini
        Network (WPN) on Thursday     of commercial property benefitted  she is in a different industry   studying towards a property   Architectural & Urban
        12 April was a perfect fit with the   from sharing the experiences and   from ours, we are grateful to   related degrees or diplomas.   Management Department and the
        WPN mandate to create a forum for   views of leading business women   Boni for sharing her story of grit                KZN Department of Education
                                                                                                   In addition to being a
        women in a predominantly male   in the province.            and determination. I am sure   successful executive, Mchunu   and UKZN.  We’re looking to
        industry to exchange information,   “WPN is dedicated to advancing   that many of our members were   is also the proud mother of two   launching a competition that
        develop business contacts and                               inspired to continue to work hard                           will offer a prize for converting
        enhance professional success.  the success of women in the   to develop their own careers after   sons and a daughter.   an existing commercial property
                                      commercial property industry.   hearing her speak,” she said.                             into a school for the Inner-
          The event was sponsored by   We were established in 2000 to                              Following Mchunu’s inspiring   City Schools Demonstration
        Evolve Furniture and Fitout and   act as a catalyst for change within   Mchunu, who is in her second   message, Mjwara asked various   project that was identified in the
                                                                                                  committee members to update
        held at their offices at the N2   the industry by providing our   year as head of the province’s   KZN chapter members on   Inner City Local Area Plan and
        Business Park in Umhlanga New   members and sponsors with   largest radio station, advised                              Regeneration Strategy (project
        Town Centre.                  opportunities to network and do   WPN members to define their   important projects that were   Number 8 on the priority list).
                                                                    own success. “Everyone is     underway under the WPN banner.   WPN is looking for corporate
                                                                    different.   Be yourself, everyone   The UKZN Student Chapter   sponsors to ensure progression of
                                                                    (else) is taken.  Successful people   –  which was successfully   the project,” Mjwara explained.
                                                                    travel the road less travelled .”    launched on the 13 March 2018, to
                                                                                                  create opportunities for students    She added that WPN was also
                                                                     The youngest of five girls,                                keen to partner with a corporate
                                                                    Mchunu was born in Imbali in   through mentorship, leadership,   sponsor/s for its Mandela Day event.
                                                                                                  networking support and courage
                                                                    Pietermaritzburg.  She lost her   development and growth. WPN is   This will raise funds to buy food to
                                                                    mother when she was just two   looking to partner with corporate   provide breakfasts for vulnerable
                                                                    years old and her father whilst she                         school going children. The budget
                                                                    was writing matric.           sponsors to help fund speed
                                                                                                  mentoring events, where students   for this initiative is R30 000 and
                                                                     She is also a strong believer   can ask experts for advice as well   will provide 45 children with five
                                                                    that education is the key to   as workshops to assist students   meals a day for a year. 
                                                                    success. This is shared with the
                                                                    WPN which offers a number
                                                                    of educational programmes           Fall asleep with a dream
                                                                    promoting economic self-
                                                                    sufficiency as well as skills’   and wake up with a purpose
                                                                    training development. This
        Pictured at the event are Queen Mjwara, KZN Chairperson of the Women’s Property   is achieved through ongoing
        Network with speaker Boni Mchunu, East Coast Radio General Manager and    workshops and programmes as   - Boni Mchunu, East Coast Radio
        Eileen Sammons of Evolve Furniture and Fitout.

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