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             he entrepreneurial spirit and  Awards ceremony, KZN MEC   position for the most profitable
             tenacity of small business   for Economic Development,   store nationally.
        Tleaders in KwaZulu-Natal     Tourism and Environmental
        was recently celebrated at the 2018   Affairs, Sihle Zikalala, encouraged   Micro Business of the Year:
        Business Achievers Awards gala   the entrepreneurs to develop   Zaba Ngubane of Logoman
        ceremony in Durban.           themselves and to graduate from   Designs – for passionate
                                      being suppliers dependent on   involvement in his business which
          Hosted by the Ithala        government tenders to becoming
        Development Finance           global players. He particularly   specialises in graphic design and
        Corporation, the awards recognise                           printing. He has a shop in Mega
        business achievements and     encouraged  entrepreneurs to look   City shopping centre in Umlazi
                                      beyond the South African borders
        excellence, their contribution to   for business opportunities. This   and currently employs nine youths
        job creation and the growth of the   was specially relevant in light   in his store.
        province’s economy.
                                      of the African Continental Free   Agriculture Business of the Year:
          Eight out of 16 nominees, all   Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement   Bhekuyise Magwaza of
        Ithala clients from the agriculture,   which President Cyril Ramaphosa   Ngqobeni Farm – for his hands-
        franchise, media, tourism and   recently signed.            on involvement in his business
        logistics services sectors and                              for over 16 years. Magwaza has
        hailing from places as far as   Judging Process             committed himself to mentoring
        Pongola, Newcastle and Kokstad,   The judging process was stringent  emerging sugarcane farmers in his
        were selected as winners, earning   with external independent   area with the aim of seeing more
        prize money for their businesses   adjudicators from the Durban   black farmers succeed.
        and a charity of their choice.  Chamber of Commerce and
                                      the eThekwini Municipality    Tourism and Hospitality
          Winners in each category are   Business Support Unit ensuring   Business of the Year
        selected based on their business   impartiality. Shortlisted clients
        sustainability, growth, job   were provided with the interview   Mlungisi Nzuza from Nongoma.
        creation, community development,   questions a week before the   He owns three lodges - Nongoma   Pic 2: Special award winner, Sabelo Buthelezi, owner of Limco Logistics
        entrepreneurial flair and     interview so that they could be well   Inn, Nongoma Lodge and
        innovation.                   prepared for the final judging.  Mbazwana Inn. He currently          I encourage everyone, especially
                                                                    employs 47 permanent employs.
          “In selecting the finalists for   Five category award winners each   He is extremely passionate about
        the awards, we nominated key   received R30 000 plus R5000 for   the hospitality industry and would   young aspiring entrepreneurs, to visit
        clients who epitomise a spirit   charity.                   like to own his very own hotel to
        of entrepreneurship, have a                                 rival the Southern Suns’ of this
        good track record of financial   Logistical Services Business of   world.                   Ithala to discuss possible opportunities -
        performance, have made an     the Year
        impact in their community and   Thamsanqa Ngcobo of Umlalazi   Most Promising Young         they have changed my life tremendously,
        demonstrated innovation and   Trading – a business started by   Entrepreneur of the Year
        personal integrity,” said Ithala                             This year’s special award for   - Sabelo Buthelezi
        acting Group Chief Executive,   taxi owners who got together to   the Most Promising Young
                                      form a bus transport co-operative.
        Thembe Mathe.                 They started out with a fleet of   Entrepreneur of the Year went to
           “Over the past three years,   eight buses which has expanded to   Sabelo Buthelezi owner of Limco   testimony to the critical role   This entrepreneurial spirit and an
        Ithala has loaned R878,6 million   12 buses.                Logistics. The successful logistics   Ithala plays in youth business   eye for business saw him filling the
        to nearly 700 businesses, resulting                         company which transports sugar   development.               needs of his community, opening a
        in over 8 000 jobs being created.   Franchise Business of the Year  cane and timber is located in a                     crèche and later a stationery shop.
        Of these, 28% are women-owned   Muziwethu Shinga of Majestic   small village called Ntunjambili.   Entrepreneur of the Year  He then branched into the tourism
        businesses and young people   King Fast Foods – his good    He started his business in 2012   The overall winner who took   industry with a B&B with Kwalala
        comprise nearly 40% of those on   business sense has seen him   with two trucks and within six   away the Entrepreneur of the Year   Lodge, Magugu Lodge and
        Ithala’s loan book, which further   expand to three franchises   months he expanded his fleet to   title and R100 000 plus R10 000 for   Crocodile Creek Lodge, all which
        re-affirms our commitment     (Debonaires outlets located in   five trucks. He has since increased   charity was Phumulani Ngwenya   are based in Pongola. 
        towards SMMEs and cooperative   Umlazi at Mega City Mall, Philani   his number of employees from five   owner of Siyanda Stationery
        development, especially amongst   Valley and KwaMnyandu Mall)   to 13 and his business is growing.  trading as Kwalala Lodge.   He is also involved in property
        the youth and women of this   with a total staff of 72 and good   Buthelezi was the only young                          development where he owns six
        province,” he said.           operating systems in place. His   entrepreneur to be nominated   Born and bred in Pongola   commercial properties which he is
          The keynote speaker at the   Mega City Debonaires store has   for these awards and the judges   Ngwenya grew up selling boiled   currently leasing out. 
                                      just recently been awarded the 2nd   believed that this would bear   eggs and sweet potato at school.

        Pic 3: The top five category winners in the Business Achiever Awards 2018                 Pic 1: Phumlani Ngwenya from Pongola in KwaZulu-Natal took first position
        Left to right: Muziwethu Shinga, Thamsanqa Ngcobo, Bhekuyise Magwaza, Zaba Ngubane, Mlungusi Nzuza  in this year’s Business Achiever Awards

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