Page 14 - KZN Business Sense - 4.2
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        James Kriel and Caron Botha aim  to deliver great food and drinks, with excellent service, in relaxed surroundings.

                                      If it is food that you are after to   forgotten with chicken and beef   to have a healthy meal on offer,   In the next few years, Kriel
           f you are near the Lion Match   fuel your day, The Digs Kitchen   choices available. In addition,   without the bother of having to   and Botha would like grow The
           Office Park in Umgeni Road,   co-founder and chef, James Kriel,   ready-made meals are obtainable   shop for all the ingredients, as well   Digs Kitchen brand and build
        IDurban, a good way to start   prides himself on offering healthy   from the fridge. A range of cold   as prepare a meal.  a franchise.
        your day is to enjoy a steaming   and affordable eating choices that   pressed fruit juices and delicious
        cup of coffee at The Digs Kitchen.    cater for most dietary requirements.   smoothies are also popular.   Following this success, the   The Digs Kitchen is open weekdays
        Located in the centre of the office   The menu items are made on                          decision was made to expand and   from 7am - 4pm.
        park, the café is open Monday to   site and contain no preservatives    The tenants located at the    establish a permanent eatery.  ‘The
        Fridays from 7.30 am, and until   or refined sugar. Artisan bread   Lion Match Office Park are a   Shed’ at The Litchi Orchard in   Caldo & Freddo
        8.30 am the coffee is half price. If   is also baked daily. Enjoy some   specific target market and the   Salt Rock was opened, followed by   Caldo & Freddo, owned by
        you need another caffeine boost   cinnamon sourdough French toast,   daily specials are great value. The   The Shed Junior, The Workstation   Stephan Lewies (Cell C Sharks
        to shrug off the afternoon dip,   with banana, crispy bacon and   tenants can phone in to order and   Eatery and in October 2017, The   lock) and Emil Schwarz, is
        ‘coffee happy hour’ is available   honey or an Eggs Benny – toasted   collect or have a delivered option.   Digs Kitchen, which all form part   currently sharing the The Digs
        again from 2 pm until 3 pm.    sourdough, poached eggs, crispy                            of The DK Group.              Kitchen premises. Offering
                                      bacon, handmade hollandaise, and   The Digs Kitchen had its                               delicious Italian crêpes, ice-cream
        The Digs Kitchen has aligned   pumpkin seed pesto.          beginnings in a mobile food bar,   Caron Botha, also co-director of   and milkshakes, the signature
        themselves with the KwaZulu-                                which was a business concept   The DK Group, said that they have   product is a crespella –  a frozen
        Natal midlands based Terbodore   Breakfast items are available all   developed during the time James   had much constructive feedback   yoghurt crêpe. n
        Coffee Roasters to ensure that   day, along with a variety of salads,   Kriel and housemate Talton Cooke   and really strive to listen to their
        their customers enjoy a great   wraps and sandwiches. Those who   were students.  They decided that   customers and meet the needs of
        flavoured coffee.             enjoy a traditional burger are not   fellow students would be happy   an everyday lifestyle.


            outh Africa’s oldest classic   In an announcement made on   Tsogo Sun Amashova be one of the   “As the title sponsors, we are   Sun Elangeni & Maharani Hotel
            cycle race, the Tsogo Sun   11th April 2018 at the Joburg   very few races in South Africa to   committed to ensuring that the   on Durban’s beach front.
        SAmashova Durban Classic,     VIP launch of this year’s Tsogo   offer this kind of extreme distance,   Tsogo Sun Amashova remains
        has been reinvented with the   Sun Amashova Durban Classic,    but the hills and overall profile of   one of the most attractive   Although the Tsogo Sun
        inclusion of a 150km route for the   Race Director, Annie Batchelder   the Richmond area will push the   cycle races, both for South   Amashova Durban Classic is
        first time in its history. This year   commented, “We are really excited   limits of the brave cyclists prepared   Africans and for avid cyclists   regarded by competitive cyclists
        also marks its recognition as a   about adding the very challenging   to take on the challenge.”  beyond our borders. We believe   as an important event on their
        race of international significance,   150km route to our already                          the new 150km route and       cycling calendar, it’s also gained
        through its inclusion in the Gran   popular 106km, 65km and 35km   The new 150km route will   the Gran Fondo World Tour   a reputation as a wonderful event
        Fondo World Tour.             race distances. Not only will the   have the same starting point   announcements provide even   for social cyclists. Entries are open
                                                                    as the 106km route in front of   more reasons for cyclists to   to anyone with a bike. Tailored
                                                                    Pietermaritzburg’s City Hall but   enter this challenging and scenic   corporate and charity packages
                                                                    cyclists will do an additional   race. These developments are   are available and for more
                                                                    44km loop via Richmond        extremely exciting for the City   information contact can be made
                                                                    before re-joining the famous   of Durban and the KZN region   with
                                                                    Comrades Marathon route from   from a tourism perspective, with
                                                                    Pietermaritzburg to Durban.   the potential to have a positive   One of the much-loved aspects
                                                                     The announcement that this   economic impact on the region,”   of the race that hasn’t changed is
                                                                                                                                the full road closure on one of the
                                                                    popular annual Durban-based   says Ravi Nadasen, COO of Tsogo   most picturesque and challenging
                                                                                                  Sun hotels.
                                                                    race will form part of the Gran                             routes from Pietermaritzburg to
                                                                    Fondo World Tour was met with   Batchelder added that       Durban. The day will also still
                                                                    much excitement. According to   apart from these two main   lend itself to the overall enjoyment
                                                                    organisers of the Gran Fondo   announcements, there are several   of cyclists and spectators alike
                                                                    World Tour, the Tsogo Sun     other new developments cyclists   with fantastic food and festivities
                                                                    Amashova race will close off   and spectators can expect this   to be had on the route as well
                                                                    the 10-event tour, which takes   year. This includes a healthy living   as live music and an array of
                                                                    place over eight months on four   and cycling Expo that will see a   food stalls offered post-race on
                                                                    continents. The Gran Fondo    number of top brands, products   the Suncoast Casino Hotels &
                                                                    World Tour offers a substantial   and services showcasing their
                                                                    prize purse of  $25 000. The Tsogo   goods to the public prior to race   Entertainment lawns. n
                                                                    Sun Amashova Durban Classic   day. The venue for this year’s race
                                                                    will also be the first and only race   number pick up and late entries   For more information or to enter the
                                                                    in the prestigious ten race line-up   has also been changed to the   Tsogo Sun Amashova Durban Classic,
                                                                    to be hosted in Africa.       conveniently located Southern   go to

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