Page 16 - KZN Business Sense - 4.2
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                  Trevor Clark – professional  While work around systems may
                   speaker, business and   sound dry and boring to some –
                    executive coach.  trust me that fun and freedom will
                                      follow once this important work is
                          o you plan   done and put into practice.
                          to sell your
                    Dbusiness         Step 1
                       at some point
                        in the (near   Your vision statement: Have you
                        or distant)   taken the time to articulate not
                        future?       what you do, but why you do it?

                          Whether      What is the exciting ‘end goal’
                        you will be   or purpose for which your
        selling to retire, or are simply keen   organisation exists in the first
        to pursue other opportunities, a   place. This simple statement
        question that may help get clarity   must enrol and inspire. If it does
        on how easy the sale will be, and at   not, do not be surprised if you
        how good a price, is “Do you own   attract the wrong people, and
        a Business, or do you own a JOB?”   cannot motivate them to go that
        (Bear in mind that JOB stands for   extra mile.
        Just Over Broke)?
                                      Step 2
          A business that cannot work   Your mission statement:
        when you are gone, is simply   Now define the roadmap of    Photograph by: Lisa Fotios from Pexels
        not going to be an attractive
        opportunity for a serious investor.   how you will achieve this vision   Write down your company
        He/she will want you out and will   – ideally clarify the following areas:  core values now and keep them   Step 7     your company IP (and all your hard
        want the salary and/or profits you   ■   The products/services we    alive in the stories you and your   Key Performance Indicators   work) saved and shareable with
        were taking out of the business to     currently offer and plan to offer  team tell.      (KPIs): Does every person in your   your team.
        now deliver a return on the buyer’s                                                       organisation have three to four
        investment.                   ■   The kind of clients we want to    Step 4                clearly defined KPIs by which you   Our Approach
                                        work for                                                  can measure his/her performance   I can pretty much guarantee that
          If you can demonstrate that   ■   The kind of people we want on    Goals: This one goes without   at the end of every month?  most of the above elements already
        the business will be easy for the     our team, and         saying – goals give us a                                   exist in some form or other in your
        buyer to take over, or better yet   ■   What makes us different,   direction, and a point against   Step 8             operation. Some in your head, some
        that the buyer will hardly need to      special or better (our    which we can measure progress                        in a colleague’s head, in various
        be hands-on or operational, your     uniqueness must be defined    and speed. Without clearly   How to manuals, videos and   laptops and multiple versions of
        business will truly begin to look                           defined goals (and a feedback   pictures: “I don’t care how you   various documents in different files/
        like an attractive asset.       and captured for posterity)  loop), your team is literally   did it at your last company, when   cabinets. Our coaching approach
                                      Step 3                        going in circles.             you work here, this is how we do   makes the process of getting this
          We use a simple checklist to                                                            things.” Training and induction
        guide the coaching process in   Culture statement: Defining   Step 5                      guides, checklists, stickers and   cleaned up, and completed, a lot
                                                                                                                               simpler than you would imagine.
        getting a business ‘sale ready’, and   the behaviour or values your                       forms: they work – if implemented
        often find that, once a business is   team members can expect from   Your organisation chart: Quite   and accessible when a team   If you want some help getting the
        ready-to-sell, the owner no longer   one another. Culture is often   simply, “Who reports to who.”   member is stuck/unsure!  process started, or an accountability
        wants to sell as this business is   a casualty of growth and we   Without a regularly updated                          partner to give you the push/kick to
        now Profitable and (importantly)   hear senior team members of   organogram that is shared with   Step 9               get your systems file completed, get
        Working without you!          established businesses complain   the team, it is inevitable that there   Your company management   in touch with us today. n
                                                                    is going to be duplication of effort,
          Sound good? Track your business   that, “It isn’t the same/as fun/  and a lot of missed shots.  system: Where do your staff go to
        against the structure below to get   etc. as it used to be when we                        find all of the above before calling   T: +27 (0) 31 266 2258
                                                                                                  you? It’s no use 80% of the above
        a picture of your current progress.   were smaller.”        Step 6                        items being in your head or on
                                                                     Position contracts: A clear   your laptop – get it all organised
                                                                    document for every position   and accessible on your company
               Any time you do a task without                       on the organogram on the core   server, or in a cloud-based platform
                                                                    functions and duties of the   like Dropbox, SharePoint or Google
              writing it down you are destined                      incumbent. Signed by the person   Drive. It may also be worth your
                                                                    currently responsible for that role;  while researching some of the
                to do it again yourself forever.                    updated and signed every time   modern apps that facilitate this
                                                                                                  process and, at very least, a good
                                                                    there is a performance review/
                                                                    structural change.            old-fashioned lever arch file with

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