Page 12 - KZN Business Sense - 4.2
P. 12


        Rajes Govender CA(SA),         The common theme in these    question is just a waste of time.
        FD Vedanta – Executive Solutions  businesses is that most of these   Once you see the signs, take
                                      business owners have fallen prey   action. Engage the services of a
               o any of the following   to having the majority of their   financial governance expert to
               apply to your finance   financial affairs in the hands   give you insight into what the
        Ddepartment?                  of one person. This situation is   best way forward would be for

        ■   Unplanned leave by your head    despite their business having   your finance team to support
          of finance cannot be taken due    grown and being able to afford a   the business with  accurate
          to no backup plan in place   more sustainable financial team.  meaningful information
                                                                    timeously, with proper backup
        ■   Ongoing overtime being      Business owners generally   plans in place, and internal
          worked by the head of finance   enquire from their head of   controls.
        ■   You ask for financial reports    finance if more resources are
          and never get them on time  needed. In fact, they continue to   Maintaining a sound financial
        ■   When you eventually get the    ask this question over and over   department requires ongoing
                                                                    effort. As the business changes,
          financial reports, it is just    again as they endure more and   so too must the resourcing
          numbers rather than         more of the signs mentioned   and internal controls within
          information.                above. That is equivalent to   the finance department. So,
                                      asking a person drowning in
          Whether or not you realise   a pool whether or not they   make this part of your business
        it, the above are signs of the   need your help. Of course, they   culture and reap the pleasant
        perfect ‘storm’ of inaccurate   need help. Asking a rhetorical   rewards of peace of mind. 
        results and possible fraud within
        your finance department. The                                T: +27 (0)65 859 5048
        storm could be brewing or well                    
        underway. As businesses grow in                   
        turnover, many business owners
        find it very challenging moving
        from having a bookkeeper as the
        head of finance to an experienced
        financial manager as the head
        of finance.                                                                               Photograph by: Lukas from Pexels


                   Peter Streng, Founder   I am going to be the eternal   These initiatives were roundly     business leaders and the HR      the out-dated, conservative
                    and Director RUBIQ  optimist and assume that the ‘New  applauded by the President of the     practitioners must become      and un-empowering existing
                                      Dawn’ has well and truly birthed   Durban Chamber of Commerce     actively involved with real,      HR models so pervasive
                         W            months and years to come. As   in an article published in the     Jobs Summit, Investment      professionals should apply
                                                                    and Industry, Musa Makhunga,
                                                                                                                                  in South Africa today. HR
                                                                                                    honest intent in the proposed
                                      and will grow and mature in the
                                      business leaders and the human
                                                                    previous edition of the KZN
                                                                                                    Conference, Youth Employment     innovative, technology-driven
                         hen I wrote   resources (HR) fraternity, we must   Business Sense.         Service initiative and other      best practices to manage HR in
                                                                                                    government initiatives, but not
                                                                                                                                  these start-ups.
                                      press on in this present reality,
                         part one of   regardless.                   The initiatives, in which business     as co-opted parties, but, as said,
                         this article                               and HR could play a meaningful     equal partners.          4.  Unashamedly Ethical
                         (published in   I mentioned that in this edition   role, are inter alia:                                 Conduct business and
                         the previous   I would address how business and                          3.  Localisation Programme      HR policies and procedures
                         edition      HR could positively and decisively  1.  Presidential Advisory Council    To stimulate the economy,      unashamedly ethically to
                         of KZN       respond to the challenges of     Although the various employer      Government intends to make      prevent further debacles.
        Business Sense – Vol.4 No.1) – I   inequality, unemployment and     bodies will automatically be      strategic use of incentives      Emulate the heroes and
        was, like most South Africans   poverty and that I would be exact     invited to serve on the proposed     and other measures and launch      heroines who testified before
        caught up in the jubilation of   as to how I see HR’s specific role     Presidential Advisory Council,      a localisation programme for      the recent various
        Ramaphoria, (hopefully not    in the promised new era and     business leaders should embrace     products designated for local      parliamentary committees.
        naively). But, alas, as some   dispensation.                  and accept the invitations,      manufacturing, e.g. clothing,
        predicted, the national mood of                               but on their own terms; boldly      furniture, water meters,    Here’s your chance, HR
        optimism could and would soon   In President Ramaphosa’s SONA     demand concessions as equal      etc. These are huge green-field    professionals!  Speak out at
        fade into Ramaphobia. The jury   address, he announced a number     partners! If Government wants      investment and job-creation    Manco, Exco and/or board
        is still out in this regard. For the   of initiatives to steer SA Inc. in     the help of the private sector,      opportunities going a-begging.   meetings. Stand-up for what is
        purposes of this debate, however,   the right economic direction.     then they should respect the                      right! Be the devil’s advocate, be
                                                                      private sector as the only      These investment opportunities    the soul and conscience of your
                                                                                                    ought to be pursued with
                                                                      (private) revenue producing      purpose, not for the sake of    organisation! If you don’t, you
                                                                      sector, without whom there                                should not be in HR!
                                                                      is no prosperous state. Hence,      potential incentives only, but to    While obviously not exhaustive,
                                                                                                    grow the economic pie
                                                                      Government needs to come      to fund the other proposed    the above are a few specific areas
                                                                      to the party as regards policy      SONA initiatives. These include
                                                                      certainty conducive to                                    in which HR can impact their
                                                                      economic growth, take         supporting black industrialists,    worlds post-SONA. 
                                                                                                    infrastructure development,
                                                                      corruption and state capture      investment in SMMEs and
                                                                      head-on, address the imminent      township enterprises,    T: +27 (0) 31 767 0608 
                                                                      collapse of some state owned                              C: +27 (0) 76 413 4575
                                                                      enterprises (SoEs), prevent      empowering the digital
                                                                                                    industrial economy (the
                                                                      public sector implosions      so-called Fourth Industrial
                                                                      (service delivery), implement      Revolution), National Health
                                                                      empowering frameworks, etc.
                                                                                                    Initiative (NHI), free higher
                                                                    2. National Summits and         education and so on.
                                                                      Initiatives                   Here is where HR can come
                                                                      Likewise, with vim and vigour,      into its own by not duplicating

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