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                   Vash Singh, Managing   2.  The pre-requisites to obtain       and there are many cost-
                      Director - Xcelerate      points on Skills Development       effective ways of implementing
                       Verification      and Management Control        these for any company.  Contact
                        Agency           (annual WSP/ATR/Pivotal       us to find out more.
                                         Reporting and Critical Skills    7.  Utilise the EME and QSE
                         M                   implementation, and           affidavits for suppliers that
                                         Employment Equity reporting
                                                                       meet this profile, as these are
                                         to Department of Labour) are
                                                                       easy to obtain and provide
                          ost            vital to obtain any points in       high levels that boost
                          companies      these elements – for Qualifying       procurement scores.
                          have now       Small Enterprises (QSEs) and    8.  Be mindful of new requirements
                           been          Generic companies.            under Enterprise Development
                           assessed   3.  At least 40% of points for the       and Supplier Development
                           on the        priority elements of Ownership,       e.g. limitation of early payment
                           Amended       Skills Development and ESD       terms, bonus points,
        BBBEE Codes and many are         must be obtained to avoid       qualification of beneficiaries,
        unfortunately not scoring well      dropping one level on the    etc.
        (non-compliant to Level 7) due      Generic Scorecard, or    9.  Maintain records of all
        mainly to ineffective preparation      Ownership and either one of
        for the challenging differences      the others for QSEs.  If a         initiatives as they are being
                                                                       done to reduce workload
        from the prior set of Codes.       company does not have black                                                           Xcelerate Verification Agency
        From our experience, we have      ownership, they should aim       and risk at time of verification.        Fuels & Petroleum are in    is a Level 1, Black women
        summarised the list below to      to achieve the highest level on       If suitable evidence can’t be       draft format.  It’s imperative    owned company that has been
        assist companies in implementing      the other elements to cater for       provided, points unfortunately       to prepare against the draft    operating for over 10 years, and
        those tactics that have the most                               cannot be awarded.            requirements as most Codes    is accredited on all gazetted
        impact:                          this fall in level.        10.  Be aware of the specific       are finalised with immediate    sector codes. 
                                      4.  For the Department of Trade        requirements of Sector Codes       effect, and rating agencies
        1.  Initiatives towards the three      and Industry (the dti) Codes,       should they be applicable       must certify relevant
           elements that carry the most       a 10% black ownership is the       to you.  The Amended Codes       companies against the final    Contact us to guide you further on
           points (Skills Development,       minimum requirement to       for Forestry, Tourism, ICT,       versions with no grace period    achieving your targeted BEE level – call us
           Enterprise & Supplier         avoid dropping a Level.       Property, Marketing           allowed.                   on 0861 505 555, email
           Development [ESD], Socio-   5.  Under Skills Development,       Advertising &                                        or visit
           economic Development) must       training and development of    Communication
           be implemented in the         any black person can be
           financial year that will be used       claimed – not just staff.     (MAC), Construction,
           for the verification.  No                                   Financial Services and
           random 12-month period is    6.  Formal learnerships, internships       Agriculture have already
           now allowed.                  and apprenticeships gain       been gazetted while
                                         the most points under skills       Transport, Defence, Liquid


        Helper Zhou                   blue-chip clients and credit lines   directly making up 25% of that.   active approach is adopted, which   map. When predefined thresholds
                                      or erosion of trust – something   As such, this shows that in this   harnesses all organisational   are breached, proactive steps are
             eputation has emerged    that is difficult to recover.  Had it   increasingly competitive space,   members in achieving sustainable   then taken to address impending
             as one of the invaluable   been small cap businesses, such   companies need to ensure that   positive image.       reputational risk triggers. Key
        Rassets across public and     scandals would have been at   they build strong reputations.                              in achieving this is a systematic
        private sector institutions. A   least conceivable to accept. But,                         For this to be practically   stakeholders’ management model
        good reputation enhances the   these are big corporates with   With vast empirical cases to   achieved, organisations will need   to ascertain the impact different
        company’s value and allows it   substantial resources at their   learn from; there is a need for   to appreciate the construct of   groups of stakeholders have on
        to charge a premium compared   disposal that could be deployed   organisations to migrate from   reputation as a business asset.   the organisation.
        with its peers. However, due   to have mitigated and averted   the traditional reputational   Reputation has been defined by
        to the exponential growth of   such scandals, which have    risk management model, which   various studies as a perception of   Recent studies indicate that
        information sharing conduits,   caused great harm to their most   was centred on a reactive risk   the company by various internal   damage to brand and reputation
        such as mainstream and social   precious asset – reputation.   management approach, to    and external stakeholders and   is the top risk right across the
        media, organisations need to                                something more agile. Changing   is distinct from the company’s   globe. However, if the approach
        realise that reputation is always at   The proliferation of costly   from the traditional style will not   actual character. To sustain   to reputational risk management
        risk and needs to be safeguarded.   misdeeds by the corporate world,   be easy, as shown by research,   growing positive reputation in   is merely a tick box or rules
        What makes this asset so delicate   as well as public sector entities,   individuals have strong cognitive   the market, every organisation   based and there is no dedicated
        is that while being inherently   is global and sadly on the rise.   biases that discourage them from   should appreciate the main drivers  champion (especially for medium
        material to business continuity,   This contrasts with claims by   thinking about and discussing risk   of reputational risk, which can be   sized and large organisations) to
        reputational risk is uninsurable.  a Harvard Business Review   until it’s too late.       condensed into seven categories:  be responsible over organisational
          One prominent South African   2007 issue, which contended   This also reconciles with recent   1.  Internal stakeholder and    reputation risk management, then
                                                                                                                                the worst of what has been seen
        economist said that 2017 was the   that executives appreciate the   findings that top management      management culture  in the past is not only imminent
        “year of fantastic failures” citing   importance of business reputation.   overestimate their ability to   2.  Financial performance and    but inevitable. 
        several business scandals. What’s   Now it’s said that more than   influence events that in fact, are      investment value
        noteworthy is that these scandals  70% of the company’s market   heavily determined by chance. To   3.  Ethics and corporate governance
        have resulted in tangible losses;   value comes from hard-to-assess   worsen that, they largely subscribe               Sigma International
        drastic share decline, loss of   intangible assets, with reputation   to confirmation bias, which   4.  Public relations and crisis    T: 031 201 0788
                                                                    drives them to prefer information   management              C: 073 176 5014
                                                                    that supports their views     5.  Corporate social responsibility
                   It takes 20 years to build a reputation          (typically successes) and suppress   6.  Legal and regularity compliance
                                                                    information that contradicts
          and five minutes to ruin it. If you think                 them (typically failures). This is   7.  Strategy execution
                                                                                                   Any organisation need to ensure
          about that, you’ll do things differently.                 the major cause to reputational   that these drivers are properly
                                                                    damage, which normally could
          - Warren Buffet                                           be decisively dealt with if an   managed through a dynamic heat-

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