Page 11 - KZN Business Sense 3.5
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            Business Chambers Council

        A     seminar on Expanding      Prof Anesh Singh said that he
              Horizons: Trade and
                                      aimed to raise the prole of the
              Investment Opportunities
        between South Africa and India   UKZN Foundation through
                                      greater involvement with the
        was held on the 20th September   business sector by participating in
        2017 at the UKZN Westville    functions such as this.
                                        Her Excellency Ms Ruchira
          e event was organised by the   Kamboj stressed that ‘new’ India
        Consulate General of India,   will celebrate 75 years of
        Durban together with the      independence in 2022 and was
        University of KwaZulu-Natal   currently emerging as a strong and
        (UKZN) Foundation and ABSA    prosperous BRICS country. India
        Bank. e esteemed audience of   has a young and skilled population
        about 240 people included     with an average age of 27 and is
        representatives from dierent   one of the world’s fastest growing
        sectors of industry and academia.   countries with moderate ination
        e aim of the event was to    levels.
        stimulate discussions regarding
        trade opportunities between India     Currently, investment in power,
        and South Africa.             roads, rail, ports, airports and
                                      digitisation is taking place under
          e presenters were: Prof    the Connect India programme,   L to R: Mr Rajiv Singh (ABSA), Ms Nazrana Jassat (CII), Dr Shashank Vikram (Consul General of India), Mrs Ruchira Kamboj (High
        Anesh Singh – UKZN Foundation   which will modernise the     Commissioner of India), Prof Anesh Singh (UKZN Foundation), Mr Zamo Gwala (TIKZN), Ms Vani Moodley (Vani Moodley & Associates)
        Executive Director; Her       transport and communication
        Excellency Ms Ruchira Kamboj –   sector.                       Many of these developments   years. ese provide the basis for a   is important to address factors
        High Commissioner of India to                                have provided much opportunity   shared future where many    such as direct airlinks as well as
        South Africa; Dr Shashank       India’s technological advances   for foreign direct investment   opportunities for collaboration   visa and works permits, which
        Vikram – Consul General of India,   are apparent in its aviation sector,   (FDI). Dr Shashank Vikram   exist to promote long term   require resolution.
        Durban; Mr Zamo Gwala – CEO   which is the world’s largest and   commented, “there is currently   inclusive growth in companies in
        Trade and Investment          includes the rst solar powered   100% FDI in 92% of the economic   both countries. Jassat said that it     e panel discussion facilitated
        KwaZulu-Natal; Ms Nazrana Jassat   airport. Other innovative plans   sectors”.              was necessary to think about the   by UKZN and its partners
        – SA Representative for the   include the development of 100                                next 50 years and explore these   highlights the numerous
        Confederation of Indian Industry;   smart cities, which are citizen     Ms Nazrana Jassat emphasized   opportunities.     possibilities that the relationship
        Mr Rajiv Singh – Regional     friendly and economically viable   the shared history that South                            with SA and India hold for
        Executive of Customer Network –   that will transform the lives and   Africa and India have had in the     Ms Ruchira Kamboj concluded   cultural, economic and academic
        ABSA.                         living conditions of the citizens of   past, as well as the relationships   that to maximise the potential that   exchange between the two
                                      the country.                   that have developed over the   exists between the two countries it   countries.

        K     night Frank is one of South     reporting purposes within the    accessibility to and from market   planning data; competencies in     e valuation team is made

                                                                                                    the use of Discounted Cashow
                                                                                                                                  up of chartered surveyors,
                                                                     destinations; the interplay
              Africa’s leading
                                        IFRS regulatory framework.
              commercial and industrial
                                        Estate Investment Trusts in
                                                                     decentralisation and in particular
                                                                                                                                  valuers as well as candidate valuer
        property consultant rms. Led by   •  Portfolio valuations for Real    between trac congestion and   soware. Above all, the Valuer has   professional and associated
                                                                                                    a responsibility to the client to
        a team of dynamic and passionate     terms of the JSE Regulations   the strength and duration of   demonstrate a complete   interns, all registered with the SA
        property specialists, the company   •  Rental valuations for let-ups and    commercial lease covenants. A   understanding of the market in   Council for the Property Valuers
        has earned itself a trusted     lease reviews. is is also    valuer must be up to date with   which the valuation is being   Profession and variously aliated
        reputation within the industry and     relevant to developers in    research into market indicators   undertaken and of the property   to the SA Institute of Valuers and
        operates two independent service     assisting with nancial models    such as land values, rentals,   itself.            Royal Institute of Chartered
        lines: valuations and brokerage.    and viability studies.   operating cost inputs, building                              Surveyors.
                                      •  Valuations for Expropriation    costs and yields and capitalization     Part of a global network, Knight
          e question, “Why use a       and Land Reform in accordance    rates. All of this necessitates   Frank launched its Valuation and     Knight Frank is committed
        registered valuer?” is oen asked.     with statutory provisions and    constant access to brokers,   Advisory oces in Cape Town   to developing long-term
        Property as an asset class      principles of Case Law.      property reports and transaction   and Durban in 2011 and in   relationships that contribute
        represents a substantial capital   •  Valuations of specialized private    data in order to motivate a nal   Johannesburg during 2013. e   toward the achievement of
        investment which requires not     and public service properties,    opinion on value.       company complies with         personal and business goals for its
        only quantifying, but prudent     including National Key Points,                            international standards of    clients.
        management. Consequently, there     airports, mining and oil       e Valuer’s toolkit is varied and   valuation reporting, against which
        are many dierent reasons why a     industry assets and harbour    includes online access to the   regular internal audits are carried
        professional valuation of      zones.                        Deeds Registry and Surveyor    out across a wide range of
        immovable property is required.  •  Valuations of rights other than    General; the use of GIS  property advisory services.
                                        freehold, including registered    applications and access to spatial
          e following are some         leasehold interests, building
        examples:                       accretion value and servitudes.
        •  Buying or selling a property
          requires an assessment of the      Consequently, many individuals,
          probable price that can be    companies, nancial institutions,
          achieved aer negotiation    as well as government entities rely
          between two informed parties to    on property valuations to make
         sale.                        informed decisions involving
        •  The valuation of property for    immovable property.
          loan security purposes as well as
          subsequent updates through      To ensure that a professional
          periods of market uctuations    and independent opinion is
          during the mortgage lifecycle.   obtained on a property’s value, it is
        •  Estate or succession planning    essential to engage the services of
          commonly requires valuation of    a registered, qualied valuer with
          property to determine the value    sucient depth of experience in
          of assets at date of recognition    the eld in which the valuation is
          and distribution.           required.
        •  The determination of capital
          gains tax on property for      Property values may uctuate
          individuals, companies and    for a variety of reasons, including
         trusts.                      economic factors; the impact of
        •  Valuations for financial      infrastructure changes;     Durban Directors : Martin Fitchet and Arbee Arbee

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