Page 6 - KZN Business Sense 3.5
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Business Chambers Council
service and at the end of this year aer 44 involved on the Maritime Law calculations, Mike has spent
contribution to years of legal practice. Association’s (MLA) marine around 85,000 hours developing
maritime law and insurance sub-committee in his skills and gaining experience
industry in South Posemann fell into maritime law eorts to introduce a Marine in this complex, exciting eld of
Africa. Each year, a little by accident when he Insurance Act in South Africa. law,” said Clark.
the Conference inherited his mentor’s shipping Mike served on the Exco of the
chooses to honour practice at Goodrickes in the late MLA in the late 1990s and was It is therefore no surprise that
a member of the 1970s. president at around the turn of the Posemann’s advice to young
maritime legal century. lawyers entering the maritime
fraternity who is Together with many other eld today is, “Maintain your
deserving of stalwarts of the legal profession, he At the Conference, Cox Yeats integrity and ethics at all times”.
recognition. Held at played a role in shaping the 1983 Maritime team partner, Andrew
Selborne Golf Admiralty Jurisdiction Regulation Clark, delivered a speech in His wife Ros, to whom he
Estate in Act, which paved the way for honour of Michael’s decorated married in 1970, has been with
September, the modern South African admiralty career to date. He said, “Mike is him every step of the way in his
guest list included law. e Act, whilst undergoing your archetypal “old school” journey. Ros accompanied Mike
high prole legal some tweaking, has stood the test lawyer. He espouses the qualities on many of his marketing trips
professionals and of time. of professionalism, hard work, abroad and it is fair to say that
many national and honesty and integrity and unlike they were recognised as a
international senior It was not long before Posemann many in modern society, his formidable team by many clients.
professionals from was making a name for himself in ethical compass unwaveringly
the shipping the eld of maritime law and his points true north! His core values Posemann is looking forward to
fraternity. name started to appear in the law have remained steadfast and retirement, which will see him
reports. ‘e Heavy Metal’ was resolute throughout his career.” move to a house in Garlington,
Posemann was one of the highlight cases of his Hilton and allow him more time
born in 1948, career and remains a far-reaching “ere is a lesson in this for with his family, as well as to enjoy
qualied as a judgment on associated ship many of the younger lawyers out watching sport and movies, or go
lawyer in 1972, and arrests and the subject of much there – all the “Generation Y / to the gym. Posemann will remain
has been involved
Michael Posemann in the eld of maritime and academic debate. Millennials” who cannot a consultant with Cox Yeats so his
M ichael Posemann, one of international trade law since 1976. Posemann assisted in draing understand why they are not expertise will not be lost to his
team and the new generations of
managing partners by the age of
He is listed in the Legal500 as one
the senior partners at
30 – slow down, and stay true to
both the Carriage of Goods by Sea
young maritime lawyers coming
Cox Yeats, was honoured
lawyers. e very sprightly and
at the 2017 annual Maritime Law of South Africa’s top maritime Act and the Sea Transport your core values. You have time. through the ranks.
Association Conference for his active 69-year-old will be retiring Documents Act. He was also very Build up your experience. By my
I nvest Durban recently by: mariculture o land and salt (vessel maintenance and repair, desalination and waste
yacht mole facilities, harbour
management processing).
• Ensuring territorial integrity
participated in e KwaZulu-
Natal Strategic Business
small harbours and coastal
food and beverage (restaurants,
Engagement and Exhibition for through the management of • Fish processing and packaging, infrastructure, spares and With regard to shing-related
the Small Harbours and State properties breweries and distillery) • Manufacturing and engineering business investments and projects,
Coastal Property, hosted by the • Access to state coastline, • Government services (DAFF, services (small ship boat pro-rata shares have to be given to
National Department of Public maritime infrastructure, small Department of Environmental building, alluvial mining) local shermen based on their
Works. e event was held at the harbours and bays Aairs, SA Social Security • Pipelines and pump houses, total value of shing rights per
Old Durban Airport, at the • Ensure inclusive economic Agency, SA Police Service) rescue safety and security annum. Furthermore, all business
Enchanted Gardens at the end of growth and development • Hospitality industry (hotels, (NSRI, life-saving, safety and proposals must ensure utilisation
August 2017. through the empowerment of holiday resorts, caravan parks, security) of local suppliers and local labour,
local communities restaurants) • Sport and recreation (yacht and also indicate skills
e Economic Development • Empowering coastal • Infrastructure development clubs, shing clubs, water theme development initiatives.
and Investment Promotion Unit’s, communities in skills (harbours, mooring facilities, parks, speciality events- sports,
Sector Development Programmes development, education and jetties, slipways, special food, cultural etc) e development of a new
Department facilitates the enterprise development economic zones, waterfront, • Tourism (museum, tourism harbour in Port Edward,
stimulation and growth of priority • Energise the growth of coastal oce parks, retail parks, oce) KwaZulu-Natal has been identied
sectors, by providing city wide infrastructure industrial park) • Transport, commercial and as a national priority.
support to the targeted economic • Unlocking the economic • Logistics (fuel storage, leisure (water taxis and ferries,
sectors in line with the National potential of South Africa’s warehousing) helicopter pads) is event was one of four
Industrial Development Policy oceans • Maintenance and repair of • Water and waste management hosted in all coastal provinces of
Framework, eekwini’s • Delivering on the aspiration of harbours and infrastructure (ice making and supplies, South Africa.
Integrated Development Plan 2 as the National Development Plan
well as the eekwini Economic 2030
Development Strategy. • Fundamental change in how
government accelerates delivery.
e municipality supports a
number of industrial sectors in In KwaZulu-Natal, work has
Durban and one of them is the been done in the following district
maritime sector through the municipalities; uMkhanyakude,
funding and support of the King Cetshwayo, iLembe and Ugu.
Ethekwini Maritime Cluster. It is Ethekwini was the only metro
underpinned by Operation municipality participating in the
Phakisa Oceans Economy, which event.
aims to unlock the economic
potential of South Africa’s ocean e Department of Public
economy and fast track the Works has identied a range of
achievement of the National dierent economic activities that
Development Plan 2030 goals. could take place at these
In line with Operation Phakisa, properties besides building a
the aim of the Strategic Business waterfront. e following areas
Engagement and Exhibition was have been identied as potential
to attract investment in state investment areas for local and
coastal maritime infrastructure economic development:
and properties, to grow • Education and training
businesses, create jobs, stimulate (maritime and aquaculture
economic growth and redistribute training centres)
wealth. • Renewable energy (wind farm,
solar farm, turbine)
e aspiration will be achieved • Farming (aquaculture on land,