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            Business Chambers Council

                       Dominic Collett -  speech Nelson Mandela gave to   on the importance of succession     Succession planning oers a
                       Chairman of the  Parliament and was followed by   planning in these leadership roles.   positive energy to the organisation
                       KwaZulu-Natal  four hours of other public     Succession planning allows for the   giving it longevity and continued
                       Business Chambers  engagements Mandela gave aer   replacement of leaders due to their   strength in achieving its goals and
                                      being released from prison.    long term planned end of terms or   aspirations. It allows rejuvenation
                                                                     their short term unplanned     and strengthening of the
                                        What a role model! e most   resignations. is succession   commitment to ethical behaviour
                                      striking public interview was the   planning allows for individuals to   and supports the business success   KwaZulu-Natal
                                      one he gave in Harlem New York   be identied and mentored in   of the organisation. A real positive   Business Chambers Council
                                      presented by Ted Koppel in 1990.
                                                                                                    approach to the building of
                                                                     preparation of taking up their
                        T             He answered many dicult       future responsibilities. It allows for   business and our society.   KWAZULU-NATAL BUSINESS
                                                                     individuals who show strong
                                      questions of which one was
                                                                                                                                   CHAMBERS COUNCIL:
                            his has
                                                                                                    with Mandela’s 10 rules of success
        been the most dicult article to   defending the ANC support for   commitment to the values of the     In conclusion, I am going to end
                                      Castro, Gada and Arafat. What
                                                                     organisation to be mentored
        write. With the recent exposé of   he demonstrated was a clear   through a period of support and   (I think this was in hour three of   Chairman: Dominic Collett
        unacceptable business behaviour   understanding of his position and   training to give them the tools   the YouTube binge):  Secretariat: Charmaine Nundalall
        and the current struggles of   that of the ANC and articulated a   required in dealing with the future   1.  Demand Respect
        political leaders in court, it was   clear motive in his response. A   day to day decision making.   2.  Prove them wrong  Tel: - |                                            27 (0)87 350 6747
        dicult to nd motivation in   clear and resolute stand in front of                         3.  Use your time wisely       Address: 3rd Floor, The Boulevard,
        reecting what good we can take   a dicult American audience.     Leaders cannot be sloth or   4.  Don’t worry about labels  19 Park Lane, Umhlanga Rocks,
        from these actions. On top of                                dismissive of their ethical and   5.  Be humble
        these events my mother passed     We have recently seen election   duciary responsibilities. In fact   6.  Have heroes    4319, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
        away three weeks ago. She was a   of new boards in the Business   on reection the South African   7.  Take a stand        Email:
        wonderful leader in her own right.   Chambers and are about to see a   leader needs to go beyond these   8.  Manage your emotions
        So with this background I went on   new leader of the ANC elected at   responsibilities to ensure social   9.  Be willing to die for your cause  Website:
        an unplanned YouTube binge. It   the end of this year. What is   cohesion is sponsored and   10.  Speak with conviction.
        started with watching the last   pertinent at this stage is to reect   supported.

          Vijay Naidoo -              approach, the ability to stretch   competently.               •  Diversifying their membership      incentives that favour and
        South Coast Chamber of Commerce  their limited capital resources and                          base by targeting WOEs        encourage WOEs
        and Industry                  novel negotiating tactics. But lest     Chambers are well placed to   •  Encourage participation by
        A     s we reect on the passing   established (male owned) let their   support and amplify this trend to     WOEs in chamber structures     It must be acknowledged that
                                                                     the benet of their local
              of another ‘Women’s
                                      guards down in competing with
                                                                                                    •  Establishing linkages with
                                                                                                                                  some laudable initiatives are
              Month’, women’s role in the
                                                                                                                                  this emerging trend. I was
        sphere of business may be worthy   them, the velvet glove oen   economies by:                businesswoman’s organisations   emerging to underpin and support
                                      encloses sharp claws that are
                                                                     •  Explicitly including the
        of some discussion…           readily drawn if needed...       promotion and support of       Similarly, local and district   privileged to attend the graduation
                                                                       WOEs in their broader        municipalities can, and should   ceremony of SEDA’s Woman
          e case for giving woman      e emergence of women          economic transformation goals   contribute by:             Enterprise Coaching Programme
        owned businesses a greater slice of   owned enterprises (WOEs) as a   •  Fostering and forging       •  Ensuring their procurement    (WECP) in the Ugu District
        the economic pie goes beyond   catalytic force to enhance      partnerships with stakeholders      policies and SCM processes    recently. is was an intensive 10
        issues of gender equality and other   transformation and accelerate     that provide support and       actively encourage and promote    module business development
        populist notions. e reality is that   growth in local economies cannot    funding            the participation of WOEs   course that covered all areas of
        women business owners generally   be ignored with any ease. e   •  Actively promote the       •  Building strong relationships    business management. Some
        bring a dierent skill set to the   adage that ‘behind every     breakdown of barriers between      with provincial and national    startling statistics were shared
        management of their enterprises   successful man is a woman’ is     ‘established business interest’      departments that focus on    with us about the achievements of
        that oen results in their early   being pushed aside; increasingly     and WOEs              women’s issues to leverage    the programme in this, and other
        success, growth and sustainability.   women are emerging from the   •  Sourcing and sharing         funding and support       districts, and we look forward to
        ese include empathy, a more   shadow of a husband/CEO/HOD     information that can benet this     opportunities         the replication of those success
        innovative problem- solving   to take the lead condently and    sector                     •  Developing business support    stories in our region.

        T     he Durban Chamber of    make a good economy work. Our   and the Export Credit Insurance   •  Ferro South Africa     6. Manufacturers
                                      partnership with these companies
                                                                                                                                  •  Sappi Southern Africa
                                                                                                    •  CMA CGM Shipping Agency
             Commerce and Industry in
             partnership with Transnet
                                      forefront of exporting is vital
        Port Terminals hosted a breakfast   and individuals who are at the      is year’s nominees are:  •  Inhep Electronics    •  Sumitomo Rubber South Africa
                                                                                                                                  •  Toyota SA Motors
                                                                                                    •  BBF Safety Group
        on 4 October to announce the   because we as a leading terminal                                                           •  Bata South Africa
        nominees of this year’s KZN   operator play a critical role in   1. New Exporter            4. Africa                     •  Factocode T/A Microfinish
        Exporter of the Year Awards.  ensuring that the wheels of this   •  Give it Back CC         •  Protea Chemicals           •  Ferro South Africa
        Over the years the role of exports   country’s economy are   •  Siyakha Imperial Printing Co.        •  Sumitomo Rubber South Africa   •  Zungu-Elgin Engineering
        in South Africa’s economic    continuously turning. We are   •  Scenicel                    •  Ferro South Africa         •  Inched Electronics
        strategy has become pivotal in   proud to be still be involved with                         •  Toyota SA Motors           •  Scenic
        developing and maintaining    an event of this magnitude,” stated   2. Medium               •  Bata South Africa
        economic growth.              Nozipho Sithole, Transnet Port   •  Bata South Africa         •  Inhep Electronics          7. Creative Industries
                                      Terminals chief executive.     •  Factocode                   •  Zungu-Elgin Engineering    •  Hillcrest Aids Centre Trust t/a
          e KZN Exporter of the Year                                •  Saddler Belts & Leathercrafts   •  BBF Safety Group         Woza Moya
        marks the 17th year of these     Strategic partners that support
        prestigious Awards which are   the awards include; the       •  Zungu-Elgin Engineering                                   •  Africa! Ignite
        aimed at recognising the role   Department of Economic                                      5. Service Providers
        players in this industry. “It is   Development, Tourism and   3. Large                      •  Mediterranean Shipping       Award winners will be
        tting that during Transport and   Economic Aairs Trade &   •  Sappi Southern Africa        Company                      announced at the Durban ICC on
        Maritime Month that we        Investment KwaZulu-Natal,      •  Sumitomo Rubber South Africa   •  Saltrans Logistics      19 October at the Awards Gala
        recognize exporters who are key   Ethekwini Maritime Cluster, Small   •  Toyota SA Motors   •  Triple S Shipping          Banquet.
        role players and drivers for what   Enterprise Development Agency   •  PKF Electronics Holdings   •  Kuehne + Nagel

         KZN BUSINESS SENSE                                   © Copyright of all material is reserved and no part of KZN Business Sense may be  COMMENTS:
                                                              reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of
                                                                                                                   We welcome comments and seek a lively discussion. Comments that
         Published by: KZN Top Business, 71 Underwood Road, Hatton Estates  KZN Top Business.                      raise questions, clarify content, constitute serious rebuttals, and promote
                                                              While every care has been taken in the compilation of this information and every attempt  discussions are welcomed and encouraged but will be moderated.
         Features & Advertising: Grant Adlam: 083 262 9529    made to present up-to-date and accurate information, we cannot guarantee that  Moderation of comments may include but are not necessarily limited to
         Editorial: Gayle McLennan-Smith: 083 653 0465 | 031 267 1977 |  inaccuracies will not occur. KZN Top Business will not be held responsible for any loss,  non publishing of comments, removal of offending material, or editing
         Accounts: Tracy Engelbrecht: 031 823 1445 |  damage or inconvenience caused as a result of any accuracy or error within these   for spelling or grammar, at the sole discretion of the editorial board of
         Design & Layout: Originality |  The thoughts and opinions expressed here are those of the individual contractors alone  KZN Business Sense.
                                                                                                                   Please send your queries to
         Website:                        and do not necessarily reflect the views of their employers, the KwaZulu-Natal Business   We look forward to hearing from you!
                                                              Chambers of Council, its members, staff or funding agencies and advertisers.
                                                                                                           KZN BUSINESS SENSE is brought to you by KZN Business.

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