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            Business Chambers Council

        T                             Ndlovu who took the helm in    view this can only happen if we   stakeholders, that while   driving force that makes the great,
             he Durban Chamber of
                                                                                                    corruption does not pay, good
                                                                                                                                  great, amounts to more than just
                                      2015. In his inaugural address,
             Commerce and Industry
                                                                     realise and accept that both
             (DCCI) was established 161
                                      would become a leader in leading
                                                                     develop a prosperous society.”
                                                                                                                                  “the ability to think big, act big
        years ago and has held an Annual   Makhunga outlined that the DCCI   Government and business seek to   ethics do.         inordinate ideas and wealth, it is
        Gala Dinner every year. Not   business towards “Prots with                                   e keynote address was      and be big.
        surprisingly, the event is regarded   Conscience”.             A highlight of the dinner was   delivered by Eric Tocknell, who is
        as a highlight in the Durban (and                            the launch of the rst Durban   the founder of Wimpy Restaurants     e Chamber would like to
        KZN) business calendar.         Makhunga said, “ere is a view   Business Code of Ethics, which   Group in the Southern   thank its platinum partners,
        Following on from the World   that Government nds itself    encourages businesses to come on   Hemisphere. is visionary leader   Vodacom, and its gold partners,
        Economic Forum held in Durban   having to deal with the economic   board the Ethics Revolution by   is relentless in his eorts to release   East Coast Radio and e
        earlier this year, the theme for the   conditions alone without visible   owning up rst and putting up   the economic genius in every   Mercury for their continued
        161st Annual Gala Dinner was,   business involvement. It is for this   their hands against any unethical   person he can reach as he is   support. Both the Mercury and
        “Africa, it’s time”, in line with the   reason that we believe the business   behaviour. e Chamber has   convinced that, “It is Time for the   the DCCI are celebrating over
        recognition that Africa is the next   community and Government   appealed to businesses to   Sleeping Giant of South Africa to   160 years of business leadership.
        economic frontier. ere is a   should stand together in      subscribe to being ethical,    Arise.” Tocknell wowed the
        renewed sense that business   addressing these issues.  In our   bringing the realisation to other   audience, reminding them that the
        leadership will be critical to ensure
        that Africa turns its fortunes to the
        benet of all her inhabitants.
          South African activist, actor,
        storyteller, poet, playwright,
        director and author, Gcina
        Mhlophe mesmerised the
        audience as she directed the
        programme through rich
        storytelling, a culture that is a
        profound tradition throughout
        Africa. Mhlophe is one of the few
        woman storytellers whose
        business success is apparent in her
        charismatic poetic performances.
        Chair of the DCCI Human
        Resources Forum Jacquie Bhana
        complemented Mhlophe as
        co-programme director as she
        added the business narrative to the
        programme. Bhana also serves on
        the Chamber’s Council.
          e dinner saw the inauguration
        of the Chamber’s new leadership
        whose vision is, “In Business for a
        better world”. Musa Makhunga,
        managing director of HR Matters,
        was inaugurated as the Chamber’s
        new president. He succeeds Zeph


        T                               While being president of the   businesses not only exist to     e SDGs are as follows:   companies on issues relating to
             he new President of the
                                      DCCI is a huge responsibility,
             Durban Chamber of
                                                                                                                                  corrupt business practices.  is
                                                                                                    1.  No Poverty
                                                                     generate prot, but to serve a
             Commerce and Industry
                                                                                                                                  a Business Code of Ethics signed
                                                                                                    3.  Good Health and Well Being
                                      working with Board and Council
                                                                     ensure that the City’s economy
        (DCCI), Musa Makhunga, has had   Makhunga is comforted that he is   meaningful purpose. is will   2.   Zero Hunger       culminated in the recent launch of
        a long involvement with the   members who share in the       grows to the extent that we can   4.   Quality Education     by seven co founding members,
        organisation.                 collective leadership of the   reduce unemployment, inequality   5.  Gender Quality         covering eight principles:
                                      Chamber. He remarked that the   and poverty that still negatively   6.  Clean Water and Sanitation  Legislation and government,
          Makhunga joined the Chamber   Chamber is also ably led by CEO   impacts our society.      7.   Aordable and Clean Energy   employees, customers, suppliers,
        aer deciding to take up full time   Dumile Cele and her team of                            8.  Decent Work and Economic    owners and investors,
        responsibility for running his   experienced sta members.     He indicated that he and other   Growth                    competition, communities and
        company, HR Matters, eleven                                  DCCI members attended the      9.   Industry Innovation and    environment.
        years ago. He said, “e business     He said, “It is essential for the   International Chambers Congress   Infrastructure
        world is lonely out there and it is   Chamber to deliver on its task  in Australia recently where the   10.  Reduced Inequalities     e next stage of their adoption
        important to interact with people   of facilitating trade by exposing   need for chambers to advance   11.  Sustainable Cities and      is in motivating businesses to
        who speak the same language. By   members to local and       trade and investment through     Communities                 subscribe and to implement them
        surrounding one’s self with other   international business   implemetation of the UN’s 17   12. Responsible Consumption and    in their own enterprises. ese are
        entrepreneurs, one can build a   opportunities whilst working with   Sustainable Development Goals   Production           universally accepted business
        business. I strongly advise   local, provincial, national and   (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the   13.  Climate Action   practices which every enterprise is
        business people to get involved in   other social partners to ensure a   planet and ensure prosperity for   14. Life Below Water   expected to uphold at minimum,”
        the DCCI to access information,   condusive economic environment   all was emphasised. “Without   15. Life on Land        Makhunga maintained.
        to interact with people who think   exists. However, to achieve these   doubt we felt armed to see that   16. Peace, Justice and Strong
        like you and to pursue business   goals, all stakeholders in the   the DCCI’s vision of being ‘In   Institutions            “It is the DCCI’s intention to
        opportunities.”               business community need to get   Business for a better world’ was on   17. Partnerships for the Goals  work with both the business
                                      involved. Makhunga noted that   point,” Makhunga said.                                      community and government to get
          Makhunga added, “e         the Chamber was also part of the                                ese goals provide a number of   them to work together through
        Chamber has provided an       KZN Business Chambers Council,     “It is expected that as the DCCI,   opportunities for involvement by   keeping to the barest minimum
        opportunity for me to share my   which is part of the South African   we work with our members, the   businesses and indivduals in going   any levels of scepticism between
        own experiences and expertise   Chamber of Commerce, which   private sector, policy makers   beyond just making prots but   the two so that together with other
        with other business people.” He   ensures that the Durban Business   (government at all tiers) and our   also making sure that we do so   social partners we could create a
        commented that he obtained    Community’s voice is represented   social partners including   with conscience too, stated   better world for the citizens of this
        much satisfaction from his    at this level.                 organised labour, civil society and   Makhunga.              livable and caring city,” concluded
        involvement in the DCCI as this                              individuals in working towards                               Makhunga.
        was a means of giving back to     Makhunga stated that the   reaching the Sustainable         “At the behest of some of our
        society in a way he only knows   current DCCI leadership was   Development Goals.”          members, the DCCI held a series
        how.                          passionate about seeing local                                 of dialogue sessions with member

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