Page 14 - KZN Business Sense Vol.2 No.5
P. 14
Ladysmith Company declares War on Waste
WHY WASTE is a total
waste management Commerce and work very closely the Ladysmith Chamber of waste management in the waste areas.
company and recovery with the local municipality, Commerce and Department Ladysmith region including Recycling has numerous
schools, hospitals and local of Economic Development, surrounding towns. Their team
and recycling depot based in businesses in their efforts to Go Tourism and Environmental conducts free site analysis, and benefits. Be inspired and
Ladysmith. Aslam Patel’s parents Green! Affairs (EDTEA), recently hosted their services include container motivated to contribute to
started out in the waste business a Recycling Poetry Competition rentals, waste recovery and environmental conservation!
in the late 60s. At the tender age In November 2014, WHY for local primary schools. reclamation and waste disposal. Help save our beautiful Earth’s
of 18, Aslam joined the family WASTE acquired their Waste Jennifer Wallace from the They also offer complete natural resources, conserve
business, and in 1996, Aslam who Management Licence (WML) − Ladysmith Chamber and Dankie waste management packages, energy and reduce pollution.
is highly innovative and a true issued in terms of Section 49(1) Buthelezi from EDTEA were which includes on site sorting, Start recycling today. No effort is
stalwart in the waste industry of the National Environmental the external judges and attest to management of waste streams, too small. n
started WHY WASTE. Management: Waste Act, being faced with the daunting cleaning and maintenance of
2008 (Act no. 59 of 2008). task of choosing the winner
The company has grown The WML was granted by the from a wide range of young and
from strength to strength since Department of Agriculture talented poet’s that entered the
inception and now boasts a and Environmental Affairs competition.
staff complement of 70. The (DAEA) and obligates WHY
management team, dynamic WASTE to perform all activities The aim of this exercise was
and dedicated professionals, that are outlined in the WML’s to create awareness amongst
are all equally committed to Environmental Management the youth about recycling and
environmental conservation programme (EMPr) in an WHY WASTE certainly achieved
and through their recycling environmentally sound and this. The Mayor of Alfred Duma
campaigns, encourage and responsible manner and in Municipality, His Worship,
educate their community to accordance with all relevant Councillor MV Madlala attended
reuse, reduce and recycle waste. legislation policies, norms and the prize giving and recycling
And due to the global crisis standards. event held by WHY WASTE on
we are facing due to too much the 27 September 2016 and he
waste, WHY WASTE has literally This September in their bid commended the company for
declared a WAR ON WASTE. to highlight the benefits and their recycling initiatives.
need for recycling, and to
Why Waste are proud members commemorate Recycling Month, WHY WASTE has the expertise
of Ladysmith Chamber Of WHY WASTE, together with to offer you a solution for your
Mission to save water
KZN Regional Manager, Nozuko Siyothula Siva Chetty, Royal HaskoningDHV dams and more extraction as There are abundance of policies,
we have run out of space and tools, technologies and strategies
Royal HaskoningDHV The global water balance water supplies. Considering the to achieve water security. These
provides a vivid pointer fact that water is a temporary cover water use allocation policies,
hosts its annual to our water use strategy. use resource, our management water vulnerability assessment,
Despite water making up about strategy should be focused on cleaner production, and Water
70 % of the earth surface (refer maximum re-use of water. We Scan™, water recovery based on
satellite image of earth), much can draw from the imperatives of renewable energy, recuperative
of this water is inaccessible as it resource management in a finite energy technology, and water
is saline and requires excessive world paradigm, whereby the efficient irrigation amongst
energy to make it drinkable. As model of the waste hierarchy is others. These will be explored
indicated in the figure below about advocated for sustainable waste in forthcoming articles. In the
97 % by volume of water is in the management. This philosophy of next article I will show how a
vast oceans and only about 1 % avoidance, minimisation, re-use, tool like Water Scan™ can be used
is terrestrial freshwater. Further and recycling can also be applied by a water using entity to find
to this global freshwater limit, to water management in the opportunities for water saving and
South Africa is a water stressed household, industrial, agricultural water reuse. n
country, whereby drought and and mining sectors to achieve a
climate change factors makes us sustainable water use strategy.
very vulnerable to water scarcity.
Client Function The current drought we are
Royal HaskoningDHV experiencing compounded by
KZN region hosted its world, but together we are moving influences of El Nino makes water
annual Client Function at towards a better future for all.” management a complex business.
Managing Director, Salani On a national scale we have
their new offices in Umhlanga, Sithole added that, “In order for witnessed rivers, dams and ground
on Thursday 22 September 2016. Royal HaskoningDHV to make water sources run dry forcing
The event was well attended by lives not only easier, but better, government to impose water
industry partners and its staff. it is through enhancing society restrictions and calling for at least
KZN Regional Manager, Nozuko together that we can achieve this.” a 15 % saving on a voluntary basis.
Siyothula welcomed guests Against this background what
to the event, including Royal A pledge was made towards should our water use strategy be?
HaskoningDHV Managing their Education Foundation
Director, Salani Sithole and to the value of R50 000, in South Africa has undertaken
the Business Line Director for order to support learners who phenomenal engineering measures
Industry and Buildings, Marije are struggling to achieve their to store and attenuate water supply
Hulshof. academic financial commitments. and facilitate intercatchment
transfer to achieve national
Royal HaskoningDHV KZN Thanks to its clients, Royal water security. To an extent these
thanked its supportive and loyal HaskoningDHV will be infrastructural interventions
clients and found it fitting to celebrating its 135th anniversary were also negated by poor water
celebrate together, the new office this year. This is quite an management in the mining,
opening. Business Line Director, achievement more especially industrial and agricultural sectors.
Marije Hulshof said, “Working with its continued approach of
alone, we cannot change the Enhancing Society Together. n The response to the current
crisis cannot be met with more