Page 3 - KZN Business Sense Vol.2 No.5
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NO LIMITATIONS                                                                                                           like to build my personal brand,
                                              part in KPMG’s development            monitoring and evaluating            solidify and build what I am        The book also reflects the
Neo Shabalala is the Director of              programme, which includes soft        strategy implementation. Shabalala   about.”                            importance of time out to
Technology Advisory and Head of Public        skills training in presentation,      was well prepared for this role                                         Shabalala as it allows her to be
Sector at KPMG KwaZulu-Natal.                 business development, business        having worked with all spheres of     During the past 18 years,         silent and to reflect on and choose
                                              writing and advisory training         government as well as state owned    Shabalala, who is married,         her future path. “I am constantly
Neo Shabalala lives by                        amongst other courses.                enterprises as her clients. One of   spare time was very focused on     reinventing myself,” she added.
          the personal mantra:                                                      Shabalala’s areas of expertise is    her daughter who is a talented     One of her dreams is to take up a
          “I can do anything as                “I have learnt from the people       Enterprise Architecture and IT       gymnast. Now that her daughter     much bigger role within KPMG.
long as I set my mind to it.” She             around me through observation         Strategy.                            is studying architecture at        “I believe that I am destined for
added, “I believe that there are no           and from evaluating their journeys                                         the University of Cape Town,       greatness and intend to grab
limitations to what I can do and              critically. I am also aware of my      Shabalala’s job roles include       Shabalala has more spare time and  onto success with two hands
achieve.”                                     own self-learning, which has          being chairperson of the KPMG        enjoys relaxing at home in front   and make it happen,” concluded
                                              prompted my development,” added       transformation committee. This       of the television and running for  Shabalala. n
 These beliefs have served                    Shabalala. These opportunities        committee promotes diversity         exercise. She also enjoys reading
Shabalala well and have allowed               along with her personal ambition      within the firm and ensures that     motivational books when on         KPMG KwaZulu-Natal
her career path to change and                 have allowed her career to            there is equal opportunity and       holiday and is currently reading   Tel: +27 (0) 31 767 0625
grow over time. Shabalala’s                   advance and branch out into new       fairness among employees in the      Time to Think by Nancy Kline.      Fax: +27 (0) 31 - 767 3280
childhood years were spent in                 responsibilities.                     workplace.                                                    
Lesotho where she completed her
schooling. Her tertiary education              “I have learnt to make myself          “I thoroughly enjoy watching
started in Grahamstown                        known for my skills and               other people grow and I love
and continued in Durban.                      capabilities and while I still have   mentoring people. Being a leader
Shabalala completed a Business                a reserved personality, I allow my    provides me the opportunity to
Management and Administration                 successes to speak for myself,”       engage with the team and adopt
Diploma at Varsity College,                   said Shabalala. “I allow my           an inclusive approach to tasks. I
a Bachelor of Commerce in                     delivery to reflect my abilities and  like to collaborate; you can always
Information Systems at UKZN,                  I constantly evaluate what people     learn from the input of others and
followed by Honours Bachelor of               and clients require from me. But      I enjoy brainstorming sessions.
Science in Information Science at             most importantly, I remain true       However, I will take control when
UNISA.                                        to myself,” she said. As her father   required,” said Shabalala.
                                              raised her, Shabalala has not felt
 Her career has not always been               that being female has limited her      Shabalala has recently worked
smooth sailing; an initial challenge          career in a male dominated world.     on a project that has been very
experienced was that of entering                                                    complex and challenging. She
the job market. Her childhood in               A highlight of her career was        said, ‘I have been challenged to
Lesotho had not prepared her for              becoming one of the youngest          my core but I have learnt a lot
the world of work and she found               Partners at KPMG KwaZulu-             about stakeholders and risk on
that the cultural differences were            Natal. “This was a hugely exciting    a daily basis. The project has
difficult to adjust too. Shabalala            milestone in my career,” said         included interactions with multiple
also initially found herself lacking          Shabalala.                            stakeholders and has involved
in self-confidence and was unable                                                   much time, which has resulted
to sell her strengths sufficiently.            Being Head of the Public Sector      in high profile changes to an
                                              involves acting as coordinator        organisation’s DNA.”
 Working at KPMG has enabled                  for the firm’s biggest client.
her to overcome these obstacles.              Shabalala assists with the KPMG        In response to her current roles,   Neo Shabalala
KPMG allows innovation and                    public sector’s performance           Shabalala said, “I feel that I am
employees are encouraged                      in the marketplace, including         now able to enjoy the fruits of my
to take on different roles and                ensuring that regulatory              hard labour. My focus is now on
responsibilities, according to their          requirements are adhered to.          consolidation within my work
specialisation. Shabalala took                Her responsibilities comprise         roles and responsibilities. I would

Time to revisit trust structures?

                            Yasmeen Suliman,  the current rules governing the       interest forgone on the loan         beneficiaries an indisputable and  using a trust may be soon be lost.
                             Director:        taxation of trusts. As a result       to the trust will be deemed to       irrevocable vested right to both   This does not mean that trusts
                              Corporate Tax,  of this, the tax return related to    be an ongoing donation, with         the capital and income of a trust  are no longer relevant – on the
                               KPMG Services  trusts was completely redesigned      donations tax having to be           should the income, both capital    contrary, trusts could still be
                               (Pty) Ltd      last year so that SARS could          accounted for each year.             and revenue, be taxed in the       an effective structure for asset
                                              gather more information on                                                 hands of the beneficiary. Where    protection and estate planning
      T                                       trusts and its transactions with       If the recommendations of           this is not the case, the income   in the light of capital gains
                                              donors and beneficiaries.             the Davis Tax Committee are          and capital gains will be taxable  tax being applicable on death
                             rusts are                                              accepted, the following changes      in the hands in the trust at the   and the Davis Tax Committee
                             popular           Some drastic legislative changes     may be made to tax legislation in    trust tax rate.                    recommending that the estate
                             vehicles         were also proposed in previous        the near future:                                                        duty tax rate be increased from
                             for estate       years but were withdrawn prior                                              The Davis Tax Committee           20% to 25%.
                                              to being finalised. Taxpayers          Where a connected person has        also has recommended that
planning, asset protection and                may not be so lucky with this         provided a loan to a trust and       more SARS resources be              However, the proposed
the reduction of tax through                  year’s round of tax amendments        the loan is interest-free or bears   allocated to risk-profiling and    amendments to trust legislation
income splitting.                             and in the future due to the          low interest, then that person       examination of trust structures    does mean that taxpayers need
                                              Davis Tax Committee proposals.        could be regarded as having de       on registration of the trust and   to plan new trust structures
 It is well known that National                                                     facto control over the trust, and    upon transfer of assets, which     carefully and re-examine the
Treasury and the South African                 This year’s tax amendments           the trust assets may be included     means more audit activity would    structure of their existing trusts
Revenue Service (SARS) are                    targets the transfer of assets to     in that person’s estate for estate   ensue.                             to consider restructuring these
not completely satisfied with                 a trust, utilising an interest-       duty purposes.                                                          to be more tax efficient. n
                                              free or low interest loan to fund                                           It appears that the ability to
                                              the transaction – in terms of          Only where a discretionary          easily transfer assets to a trust  Tel: 082 778 1031
                                              the proposed amendment, the           trust confers upon its               and to split income through        Email:

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